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"Congratulations, you're now in your third trimester"

Benedict smiled at the doctor and held Xavier's hand. Two weeks had passed, Xavier was now all healed and had his external stitches removed, Benedict was all healthy and so were their babies.

"If you want we can find the genders" the doctor suggests.

"No no, we want to be surprised" Xavier said making Benedict giggle.

"Alright then, I'll go print out the sonograms while you get dressed"

Benedict sat up and Xavier helped him down the bed, Benedict's stomach was now bulging out for the world to see, he now wears Hoodies and tracktops.

"You know what I'm craving?" Benedict said making Xavier chuckle.


"No no, tuna and fruit punch"

Xavier gave him an odd look.

"That doesn't sound good"

"Well, I'm having it not you" Benedict says as he pulls down his hoodie. They wait for the doctor and she returned, smile on her face.

"There you go, six pictures of your lovely babies"

"They're so cute! And so big!" Benedict gasped.

"Well, you and Xavier are pretty big so, yeah"

Once they said their goodbyes, they leave the office and Benedict laughed.

"Oh my gosh I just realized something"

"Tell me"

"When Skye was giving birth, he kicked that doctor on the forehead"

"Oh my gosh! Why would he do that" Xavier laughed.

"I have no idea. I should call and ask him"


"And it's with a great honor to reveal the offical portraits of the royal family"

The three purple cloths are lifted off the paintings and the cameras flashed, people cheered and awed, Skye and Prince smiled at Cameron. The portraits were really beautiful, especially the King's potrait.

Jonathan gave Cameron a kiss on the head.

"You did that babe, be proud"

Cameron blushed, the fact that people were loving  his art was just the cherry on top. He sees The king and Queen approach.

"Good job Cameron, these paintings are so beautiful" Prince said making Skye nod.

"I agree, especially the King's potrait. It's so realistic!"

"Thank you so much."

"So I guess we know who to call for Sam's crowned Prince potrait when he turns 18"

"You mean it?" Cameron asked, shocked.

"Of course. You're a royal artist you know, enjoy the title and accolades"

Skye felt a tug on his leg, he looks down and finds Sam, his golden curls made his blue eyes stand out.


"Alright, let's get you something to eat. Babe, Sam and I will be in the dining hall"

"Alright, I'll be there in a few" Prince responds. Once Skye left, Prince turned to Jonathan.

"I need your help"

Jonathan frowned.

"What's wrong?"

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