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Cj watched Xavier roam around the pharmacy. He watches as the man placed pregnancy vitamins in a cart, followed by a few snacks. He frowns.

"Why is he buying vitamins for pregnant people? Is....he expecting a baby?"

He watched as Xavier got in his car and drove off. Cj starts his car and follows Xavier from a distance. He recognised the house once Xavier reached there.

"Benedict's mother's house" he murmured. He parks three cars away from Xavier's and watched the man walk up to the house. The door opened and Benedict hugged Xavier.

Cj felt a bile like taste fill his mouth. Once the couple went inside, he gets out of the car and rushes to the house. He kneels behind a bush and watches through the window.

Xavier handed Benedict the bag and Cj gasped.

"Benedict...is pregnant?" He whispers. He watched as Benedict opened the pills, taking one of each and washed them down with water.

He felt defeated.

"So Benedict....you just has to win huh? You finally did something I couldn't do, give Xavier a baby. I have been defeated"




Skye ignored his fiancé's shouts, he rushes off to the outside of the palace. Just as he was about to open the garage door, his hand is grabbed.

"Skye....I didn't mean it" says Prince.

"You said it to hurt me. You knew what you were doing"

Prince's heart broke just looking at Skye's face, his eyes were puffy from crying.

"I know and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it you're right"

Skye looked at Prince, vision getting blurry as tears filled his eyes.

"Do you still hate me for it?" He asked and Prince profusely shook his head.

"Of course not! I would never hate you" he said and pulled Skye into his arms, Skye held on to Prince's shirt tightly, sobbing into the man's chest as he recalled what happened three months after Sam was born.

2 years ago....

Skye sat on the rocking chair, gently patting Sam's back, the baby in his arms not calming down as he cried non stop.

"Sam please stop crying" he whispers as he rocked faster but it seemed like his calming voice made the baby cry even more.

Tears well up his eyes. He couldn't even make his baby to stop crying. He was a bad parent. He didn't deserve this child. A woman is out there trying to have a baby but she can't while he, a man is here failing at being the safe heaven for his child.

"Drown the baby, it'll make the crying stop" a little voice in his head whispers. Skye shook his head, focusing on his child. Why would a thought like that even pop up in his mind.

Eventually Sam calmed down and fell asleep. Later that night, the baby monitor went off as the baby cried again. This time, Prince was the one who tended to the baby and still the crying wouldn't stop.

Skye curled up in the bed, dark thoughts of him killing his baby flooding his mind.

"Make it stop, make it stop"

Three days later, Skye was in the garden, Sam in his rocking bassinet. He smiles at the sleeping baby.

Prince sat next to him and pats Skye on the knee.

"You've been crying a lot lately."

"I know but I'll be fine"

"Skye....I'm worried about you"

Skye sighed. He knows he can't deal with this alone and Prince has always been there for him so why not share?

"I started having these thoughts....I don't know how to explain it. Maybe you will hate me"

"You can talk to me, I'd never hate you"

Skye sighed.

"I'm having thoughts about....killing our baby"

Prince frowned.

"That's dark....maybe you have post partum? You should talk with your OBGYN. "

"You...don't hate me?"

Prince gently patted him on the head.

"You are a new parent. You will have a few bumps. I'm here for you Skye, good or bad"

Present day....

Prince pulled away from the hug and held Skye's face.

"I'm very wrong for saying that to you, especially when I know how you struggled"

Skye nodded.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for what I said to you as well"


"Skye is not coming"

Benedict nodded. It was expected, especially when Skye is the queen. His brother might be busy with royal work.

"It's okay. So which movie are we watching?" He asked. Sarah sat down and went through netflix.

Xavier squeezed Benedict's thigh and the man gave him a sly smile.

"What are you doing?" Benedict whispers. Xavier smirked at him.

"I miss you bunny"

Benedict blushed and cleared his throat.

"I'm going to show Xavier something in my room. We'll be back"

Sarah didn't even hear them as she was focused on finding a movie. Once she settled on a series, Ratchet. She frowned when she found herself alone.

"You two better not stain my new sheets!"


Benedict giggles as Xavier pulled down his pants, the black chinos chucked across the room leaving him in his grey trunks, the crotch had a pouch for the member which was now tented.

Xavier smiles and gives Benedict a kiss while his hand gently massaged his crotch. Benedict moans into the kiss, hands around Xavier's neck.

Xavier pulls away from his lips and leaves butterfly kisses along Benedict's neck, down to his chest and naval. Benedict released a breath, feeling Xavier's wet mouth around him.

His nails scrape the wall as Xavier goes faster, hand gently massaging his sack.

"Nnggh....yes daddy"

Xavier pulled away and stood back up, turning Benedict around making him face the wall. Benedict felt Xavier's cock rub against his entrance, he bites his bottom lip in anticipation.

Xavier nibbles on Benedict's earlobe as he slowly pushes in, Benedict's moans made him to go all the way.

"That's it baby, I'm all in" he whispers as he begins to move, the gentle thrusts made Benedict moan, the lewd sounds were like music to Xavier's ears.

Benedict pushes himself off the wall, slightly bending over making Xavier to hold him by the waist, he gasps when his head is pulled back from behind by the hair and the thrusts turn fast.

"Nnngh, yes daddy" he moaned, Xavier's grunting made him shudder as he feels the man going faster.

Xavier's thrusts stop as he came, giving Benedict his last few thrusts as he pumped the last loads. He pulls out and turns Benedict around, slamming him against the wall making the man moan. Their lips latch together for a kiss. They smile at each other.

"I love you Benny"

Benedict blushed and he gives Xavier's bottom lip a swipe with his tongue.

"I love you too"

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