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Skye, Sam and Prince made their way inside the hospital. Of course the royals had bodyguards with them leading the way and some following behind.

They find Benedict and Susanna sitting down by the operation room entrance. Prince could immediately tell something had happened to Xavier.

"What happened?" The king asked. Benedict stood up and held Skye's hands.

"Skye you have to help him, Xavier needs a blood transfusion"

Skye nodded without hesitation.

"Of course, I'll do it"

They walk away in search of the doctor leaving Prince with Susanna. Prince turns to her,

"Tell me what happened. Everything"

Susanna nodded and sat down.

"From what I know, Xavier and Benedict have been dealing with Cj, this man was Xavier's manager and apparently he had a crush on Xavier but of course Xavier is in a relationship so  instead of moving on, Cj has been after them."

Prince sighed. Why would Xavier and Benedict want to deal with this alone? The situation is very dangerous at this point.

"Is there anyway I can help?"

"You can help us catch this man....before he hurts Benedict next"

Prince nodded. He'll have to assign His Majesty's secret service for this.


"I made this for you"

Cameron gasped as he looked at the plate of food.


Jonathan sat down and handed him a fork amd knife.

"I honestly watched the tutorial on YouTube and tried it"

"Well I hope it tastes as it looks" Cameron says as he cut the steak. Jonathan watched him take a bite.

"Mmh, this is so good. Did you use garlic butter?"


Cameron cut another piece and took bite after bite.

"This was delicious!"

Jonathan felt his ears burn.

"I'm glad you like it. Cameron, what did the doctor say?"

Cameron sighed, wiping the ends of his lips with the satin serviette.

"I need intensive therapy and there's fluid build up in my spine"

Jonathan frowned.

"The second part doesn't sound good. What is the next step?"

"I want to go home and celebrate my mother's birthday with you. Then we can revisit this topic again"

Jonathan nodded, although the whole let's get to it later plan didn't sit well with him.



Benedict was inside Xavier's hospital room, the blood transfusion was a success so all was left was to wait for Xavier to wake up. Sarah entered the room and sighed sadly.

"Honey you should go home, rest up and have something to eat"

Benedict shook his head, hands tightly holding on to Xavier's.

"I'm not leaving his side, not again"

She sighed. It was expected. She walks out of the room to find Skye and Prince talking, Sam was fast asleep in Prince's arms.


Skye smiled at his mother.

"Hey mom. Prince and I were talking, He has assigned some secret agents to guard Benedict and Xavier's home and the hospital"

"Wouldn't Cj tell?"

"I doubt it, the guards will be wearing casual clothes so they'll blend in"

She nodded. Hopefully the plan works.

"Okay. You can go home too, Sam needs his bed"

Skye nodded and turned to Prince.

"Can you wait for me, I have one last patient to see"

Inside Xavier's room, Benedict sniffled as he prayed over Xavier's healing. He realized how attached he was to this man and to think he was reluctant to even entertain a relationship at first made him smile through his tears.

"Xavier....do you remember the first day we met? You had just moved in and you were wearing a pair of bubblegum pink pants, a white top and my little pony sneakers. We were ahout....I don't know, five?" he said and laughed, he really remembered it.

"You always teased me until we were 15. Then you started making passes at me, calling me a rabbit and I'd always blush. Skye and Jonathan always teased me for blushing"

He looks at the unconscious man in front of him.

"Then one day on my 17th birthday, you dressed up as a girl and gave me a blowjob....yes I knew it was you because you always do that thing with your tongue, I realized that day you came to my cafe and we did it in the bathroom...but I wasn't mad. I was kind of....happy to meet you again after all these years....You couldn't forget me as well, that's why you were looking for me once you got back."

A lonesome tear fell down his face. He kisses Xavier's hand and whispers,

"I won't leave your side again but I need you to stick around so I can fulfil my promise...maybe I'm a little selfish but I think I deserve the chance."

His eyes shoot open in shock the moment he felt Xavier's hand weakly squeeze his for a second. He nodded, smiling through teary eyes.

"I know....I love you too"


Skye stepped inside the icu ward. He heard a few laughs behind a curtain and smiles before pulling it back.

"Hope I'm not interrupting?"

Tommy and his mother gasped.

"Queen Skye!"

Skye sat down and was immediately hugged by the family.

"I was around the hospital so I thought I'd stop by"
Tommy nodded and pulled away.

"I have been on treatment, the doctors says I still have a chance to be on remission"

Skye was very happy to hear that. Tommy was now healthy looking compared to the first time he saw him.

"I'm happy to hear that! Is there anything I can help with?"

Tommy's mother shook his head.

"We dare not to ask his Highness"

"Please....you've been through so much. Give me your number"

She nodded and took Skye's phone and entered her number. Skye nodded as he stood up.

"Tommy....do you by any chance sing or dance?"

"I used to sing but my doctor and teacher told me to focus on healing first"

Skye nodded.

"I understand....I was thinking of including you into the royal family as you wanted to witness royal events"

Tommy looked at his mother and she sighed.

"We'll ask the doctor. If they agree then we can call Queen Skye"

"Yay! I'll be singing at the royal wedding!"

Skye smiled.

"I love your optimism. I'll get going now, it was nice to meet you again"

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