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"Macha tea for you and iced tea for me"

Jonathan smiles and sighs for a moment. He can't believe he was on a date!

"So how have you been?" Corey asked. He must admit, Jonathan was very handsome. His curly hair was styled in a fade cut style. He just wanted to run his fingers through it. Jonathan was also tall, Corey found that really attractive. However he wonders if the man was strictly top....maybe he'll persuade him.

"I'm good. Been busy with the cafe and my book" Jonathan replied. Corey nodded.

"What type of book is it?"

"Mystery novel."

"Ah, I see. Can I maybe read it sometime?"

Jonathan shrugged.

"Let me know when you're available" he said and took a sip of his tea. Corey's phone rang and he sighed.

"I gotta get back to work. See you tomorrow!"

Jonathan watched Corey rush off. He sighed in disappointment. Corey didn't even get a chance to have one sip of his iced tea.

"I'll make it up to him"


"That's all. His Highness the Prince can start school tomorrow...if his schedule is free of course"

Skye nodded and stood up, picking Sam up.

"I'll be here to bring him myself. Thank you very much" he says and extends a hand. The man was tense for a moment before he gave Skye a bow.

"I'm glad to be of help your Majesty"

Skye awkwardly put his hand away and they walk out of the office. To his surprise many people were gathered in the reception area. Two guards stood closely to him. While the other gaurds cleared the way.

Skye took a deep breath and walked forward, smiling at the people.

"Your Majesty! Hi!"

"We love you!!"

"He is so cute! Our king is lucky!"

"Queen Skye!"

The voices drown out once he got in the car. Skye sighed and buckled a sleeping Sam up.

"Your Majesty....that was risky" the driver said

"I agree....do you think I should homeschool Sam? To avoid all of this?"

"I have no privilege to answer that your Majesty but it it were me....I'd go for a private school"

Skye sighed. Even his son couldn't have a normal life? He glances at the toddler and sighs once again.

"I need to have a talk with Prince"


Benedict was at the back table looking at his laptop screen as he went through a few houses in a fancy looking neighbourhood. How he wished he could afford a mansion and just live life.


He looks up and smiles when he saw Xavier.

"Hey what are you doing here?"

Xavier sat down and slides an envelope on the table.

"I just came to show you this"

Benedict gave him an odd look before he opened the envelope. He gasped.

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