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A/N- the video is of Prince and Skye's dance at the dinner🤗🤗

"And as you can see on your screen, the members of Parliament have started arriving at the palace. there is the Minister of Health, she has been in this position since the reign of the now king father, Sir Luke of Lololand"

Benedict munched on some chips whilst he watched Tv. He hears soft snoring beside him and frowns. He nudges Xavier on the shoulder.

"Hey wake up"

Xavier slowly opened his eyes and smiled at Benedict.

"I'm not sleeping" he says and Benedict watched as the man fell back asleep. He sighed and focused back on the tv.

"The event was organised by His Majesty the Queen, Queen Skye as his first event since he has been crowned two years ago. And as you can see, the guards tonight are wearing their Knight attire, honouring the first ever state dinner that was held in Lololand in the year, 1815."

Benedict was captivated by the whole thing. The decor was so beautiful. He wonders what the royal wedding will even look like!

"I can't wait to see Skye"


Prince and Skye make their way downstairs where Luke and Star were waiting. Luke was wearing a black tuxedo while Star was wearing a lavender ball gown, the neckline lined up with crystals. Both royals wore the royal sash and order with Prince's portrait attached.

The King father and Queen mother respectively bow and curtsey to the king and queen before they smile at them.

"I must say, you two really are a perfect couple. I see why the people of Lololand adore both of you" Luke said as he admired their outfits.

Prince smiled at his parents.

"So shall we? Has the prime minister arrived yet Mr Liam?" He asked.

"I have been informed Lady Portia has just entered the premises"

Prince nodded and fixed the sash over his shoulder.

"Let's get this done with"

Since the banquet hall was on the other wing of the palace, they had to walk all the way. Skye was quite taken aback by the guards giving them a salute as they walked past them. They reach the banquet hall and Prince feels Skye's grip on his hand tighten. He looks over to his Queen and gives him a reassuring smile.

"You got this Princess"

The national anthem begins to play, Skye nodded and takes a deep breath.

"We got this"


"God save the King and his faithful Queen. May their reign over Lololand be of honest virtue. May our land be blessed by the Lord with rains and endless wealth, God bless the king, ruler of Lololand"

Benedict gasped when the doors opened as Prince and Skye stepped inside the hall. Their outfits, their whole demeanour was so....out of this world"

"His Majesty the King and His Highness the Queen make their way inside, behind them is the King father and his wife the Queen mother. Can we talk about the tiara the Queen is wearing? I believe that is the Anglesey tiara, it hasn't been worn for decades. A true gem, like our queen. You can also see the coronet on the King's head, it was custom made by cartier"

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