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Cameron heard Jonathan's cello in the bedroom. Ever since the two became boyfriends, they have been sharing Jonathan's room. He makes his way to the room and finds Jonathan sitting by the window, focused on his music sheets.


The cello stops and Jonathan turns to face him.

"What's up?"

"Nothing....you're playing a sad song"

Jonathan shrugged.

"I've been thinking a lot."

"My surgery?"

"Yeah....I'm nervous Cameron"

Cameron came closer to him, hand on Jonathan's, giving him a comforting pat.

"Have faith....I'm not going to leave you. In fact, there's something I want to tell you but I'll share it after my surgery"

Jonathan shook his head.

"Don't do that....what if you-"

Cameron placed a finger on his lips.

"Don't think like that. I'm going to be fine"


The car parked right on the driveway, Prince smiled as he looked at the lit up house. The memories in this place were something to cherish. He looks at the back and finds Sam fast asleep in his chair, he looks to his left and finds Skye also asleep. He chuckles.

"Who to carry first?"

Deciding to take Sam first, Prince carries the toddler inside, laying him down on the couch. He returns to take Skye but found the man getting out of the car.

"No fun, I wanted to carry you"

Skye laughed and shrugged.

"You still can, you want me to run into your arms?"

Prince scoffed yet he nodded. Skye takes a few steps back and runs towards him, Prince picked him up with ease, they both laughed.

"What's wrong with us?" Skye teases.

"We're in love, nothing wrong about that"

Entering the house, Prince sets Skye down. Skye checked on Sam and he looked around the living room.

"It still looks the same" he said.

"Mmh, maybe we should spend our honeymoon here" Prince suggests.

"Can we? I'd like that very much"

Prince nodded, smile on his face.

"Of course we can. I'm the king remember, I can do whatever I want"

"Hm, how noble of you"

They laugh and Skye heads to the kitchen, Prince following behind.

"What should we eat?"

"I'll order some takeout. Lemon pepper Chicken wings, all flat. Some french fries and a cake"

Skye shook his head.

"Babe no, get a full dinner we have a kid to feed and I'm not gaining any weight until our wedding"

"Alright, I'm on it"


Jonathan looked at Cameron, the man was fast asleep on the couch. He puts his phone down and kneels beside him.


"Hm? What?"

Jonathan chuckles.

"Let's get you to bed"

Cameron's sleep went away the moment Jonathan carried him. He looked at him in shock.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting you to bed duh"

"This way though?" Cameron whispered and squeaked when he was dropped on the bed.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry!" Jonathan exclaimed making Cameron frown.


"Your knee, it's bleeding. I'll go get the first aid kit"

Jonathan returned with the kit and found Cameron sobbing.

"Cam....what's wrong?"

"This is what I'm talking about Jonathan, I need to feel my legs again"

Jonathan dropped to his knees beside the bed, patting the cut gently with a cotton swab. A sigh escapes his lips.

"Cameron....if you really want this, I'll go with you to Thailand for the surgery"

"You....you mean it?"

He nodded his head. Yes he was still anxious about Cameron not surviving the surgery but looking at him now...it was the only way to keep Cameron sane.

"Yes. But we'll have to wait until Benedict has given birth"

Cameron sniffled.



Xavier frowned when he heard crying. He turns on the nightside lamp and sat up.

"Bunny? Why are you crying?"

Benedict sat up, revealing a phone in his hand, he was watching a video. Xavier was confused.

"What are you watching this late?"

"A series. It's so sad"

"Bunny it's 4am....have you been watching this all night?"

"Mhm, we can watch together?" Benedict suggested.

"Connect it to the tv"

Benedict happily turned the tv on and snuggled up closely to his fiancé. Xavier chuckled.

"Is this a gay series?"

"Shh, just watch"

Xavier was a little bored at first but as the episode continued, he found himself getting more intrigued. Before he knew it, the series had ended.

"What? No! It can't end like that. Bunny can you-" he turns to Benedict to find him asleep.

"Your sleep schedule must be so messed up, no more series tomorrow night"


By 8am, Skye had made breakfast. Sam was in his chair and Prince was making the coffee.

"Have some bacon Sammy" Skye said adding a few more strips of the crispy breakfast meat. Prince returns with the coffee and pours Skye a cup.

"So my love, I was thinking of taking Sam to the park here while you prepare for Benedict's shower"

Skye nodded and raised the cup to his lips, the strong smell of caffeine made him frown.

"Ugh, why does it smell like that?"

Prince frowned and smelled it. It was perfectly fine.

"What are you talking about? It smells fine. Maybe you have a booger or something in your nose"

Sam laughed making Skye chuckle. He takes a sip and gagged when a bile taste filled his mouth. The table shook as Skye ran off to the bathroom. Prince frowned as he looked at Sam.

"Is my coffee that bad?"

The toddler looked up from his plate and nodded making Prince sigh.

"Talk about being blunt"

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