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Benedict snatched the packet of chips away from Xavier making the man frown.


Benedict took a few chips and ate them.

"I bought these"

"What's yours is mine. What's mine is yours" Xavier says as he snatched the bag back. Benedict laughed and sat next to him.

"So I was thinking....we need a house"

"Oh....what's wrong with this place?"

Benedict groaned.

"Babe there's no room for the baby. This is a one roomed condo no?"

"You're right....okay I'll have CJ look for a few realtors then I'll come back to you"

"Alright. Oh! The baby just kicked"

Xavier scoffed.

"That's gas, go fart"

Benedict stuck his tongue out. Then his phone rang, it was Jonathan.

"Hey Johnny"

"Hey. I have great news"

"Ouu spill"

"I found a new employee. Hope it's alright with you"

"Of course! We have enough money to pay them. By the way, Xavier and I will be house hunting soon"

"That's great! You be careful okay, I'm going to supervise the new guy"

"Alright. Talk later big bro"

He places the phone down and leans back on the couch.

"What are you thinking?" Xavier asked.

"I smell a love story brewing"


"The last few lessons will be easy. That's why I kept them for last."

Skye nodded and waited for Star to continue.
"In an event where you and the king are wearing formal clothing, you must have a tiara on your head."

Skye's eyes widened in shock. He remembers his coronation day, the diadem was so heavy!

"All the time?" He asks and Star nods.

"All the time. You are a Queen Skye, you must look the part. While the king wears a sash and a lapelle pin of the country's coat of arms, You must wear a tiara."

"Alright...which one do I get?" He asks. Star looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Which tiara will I be wearing all the time?"

"All of them Skye. The royal vault is at your disposal. Those jewels are now yours and the King's"


"The last lesson is...have fun. Being a queen can be stressful and people can see that. If you have fun, the more people will be more free around you. You should throw more events, galas, Derby, banquets. Whatever you desire"

Skye nodded.

"I'll be the best Queen I can be"

Star smiled at her son in law.

"I know you will. But I do have a question. Why did you keep the Queen title when you could've been the Prince consort?"

"Honestly, I think that Queen suits me more. Plus it saves the confusion. I cannot be a Prince consort to a King called Prince"

Star chuckled.

"Great point. Alright then, I should get going. My husband needs my attention"

"Wait! I have a question"

"I'm all ears"

Skye sighed.

"Prince and I are beginning to plan our wedding."

"How fun! Did you need help?"

"Yes....I need a designer"

Star chuckled once more.

"Look through the palace phone contacts. You'll find someone who matches your vibe."

"Thanks Star"


"Carefully take the muffins out of the tray and put them on the display window"

Corey nodded and did as told.

"Good, now make sure the baking trays are properly washed"

Corey heads to the kitchen and scrubs the trays. Once he left them to dry, he opens the door only to bump into Jonathan, a cloud of flour covered the kitchen and Corey groaned when he felt a heavy weight on his chest.

Jonathan groans and stands up. He helps Corey up and he finds his face mark on the man's shirt a little funny. He begins to laugh. Corey gave him an odd look.

"Are you alright?"

Jonathan nods.

"I'm fine don't worry. I'll go get cleaned up then you'll do the same after me. Watch after the store"

Jonathan enters the locker room, chuckling as he wiped the flour off of his clothes. He gives his curly hair a few ruffles with his fingers and heads back.

"Okay, get cleaned up. Lunch hour is upon us"


Xavier hands Benedict a bowl filled with diced up fruits.

"Have this. You haven't eaten in two hours"

Benedict took the bowl and began eating.

"So how's work? I know CJ wants you to continue modelling" Benedict asks. Xavier sighed.

"Work is work, however I still want to retire. But seeing as how we have a baby on the way, I may have to do a few more gigs"

"Babe the bakery is doing well, we can survive on that while you find the path you want to follow"

Xavier leaned on Benedict's shoulder and nodded.

"Do you remember that time when we were little and I kept teasing you"

Benedict sighed.

"How could I forget, you always teased me"

"Well the thing is you were my first crush then and I haven't forgotten about you"

Benedict laughed softly.

"You're whipped huh?"

Xavier lets out a dramatic sigh.

"Very. But you know what, I don't regret it"

"Good. I'm glad you spoke to me at that store."

Xavier laughed and sat up.

"I honestly didn't recognise you then. You were so buff"

Benedict scoffed


"I mean you still are but back then you were hulk buff, I could see your veins on your skin"

"Don't be dramatic."

Then there was a knock on the door. Benedict stood up to get it. When he opened the door, CJ was standing there.

"Hey Cj"

"Hey. Where's Xavier?"
"He's taking a nap. Maybe call him later?"

"Alright. See you later"

Benedict closes the door and Cj stood from the outside. He snarled before walking away.

"Taking a nap? When I just heard you two talking? Benedict you're really pushing the wrong buttons"

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