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Next morning, Jonathan woke up, made breakfast and waited for Cameron. Today was the day he asked Cameron out. He had a whole day planned out for them.

He hears the door open and close and sees Cameron approach the table. He smiles.

"Good morning"

Cameron gave him a small smile.


They eat in silence before Jonathan spoke up again.

"So I was thinking....maybe you and I can go out, have fun in the town"

Cameron looked up from his plate in shock. Go out as in a date?
"Uhm...I don't think that's a good idea...I'm not looking to be involved with someone right now"

"I totally understand but I was asking as a friend, nothing more."

"Oh...okay then"

Jonathan's smile widened.

"Let's get ready then"


Xavier was in the kitchen, stuffing the empty pizza boxes in the rubbish bin. He chuckles as he remembers last night's events

Few hours ago....

Benedict slapped two pizza slices together and rolled them up and took a bite. Xavier gave him an odd look.

"What?" Benedict asks.

"Nothing, just surprised"

"Oh yeah? How about this" he says and leaned back on the couch and points to his crotch.

"Come here"

Xavier rolled his eyes yet he complied. He sits on Benedict's lap and gave the man a thump on the forehead with his finger.

"Hey! That was mean"

"So is pointing at your dick and summoning me like a dog"

"Okay I'm sorry. I'm just so horny" Benedict says with a pout.

Xavier smirked and gave Benedict a pat on the cheek.

"You could've said that. Let me help you"

He pulls down the zipper to Benedict's jeans and pops the button open and slowly pulls them down.

"Commando?" He asks and Benedict blushed.


Xavier softly kisses Benedict's cock, watching it awaken from it's slumber, the 9inch shaft pulsating once it was fully hard. Xavier gently swirls his tongue around the tip making the man to shudder and close his eyes.

He sits on his knees and licks the shaft along it's length before he finally takes him in his mouth.

"Mmmh." Benedict moaned as he threw his head back. Xavier bobbed his head, moaning as he felt Benedict's tip brush against his uvula.

"That's it daddy, keep going" Benedict  moans louder. Xavier goes faster, fingers gently massaging Benedict's sack and he begins to taste the man's precum, the taste was so addicting. He pulls away for a few quick breaths.

"No don't stop" Benedict whined and Xavier smirked.

"Patience bunny" he says. He takes an ice cube and pops it inside his mouth before taking Benedict back in. The man moaned louder, body writhing in pleasure as Xavier went faster.

"Anghh I'm cumming ngghh"

Xavier felt his mouth flood up with Benedict's musky cum, he swallows every drop and pulls away, rubbing the tip on his lips before he sucked on the man's sack making him moan again.

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