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By late morning the whole country was in joyous commotion due to the news of the Royal family's announcement. Skye had gotten a call from his mother, she was crying because she was excited to have a new baby on the way.

The bedroom door opened and Skye laughed when Sam ran inside carrying a bouquet of flowers, the white roses were handed to him.

"This is for me?"

"Mhm! Granny Star gave them"

"Aww, I'll thank her later. Where's daddy?"

"With Grandpa. Daddy has big blue box"

"Oh....did you eat?"


He ruffles Sam's hair and slid off the bed and put the flowers on the table. He goes to the bathroom and looks at the mirror only to gasp. He had a pimple on his chin!

"This cannot be happening" he whispers and he poked the pinkish pimple with his finger.

"What's wrong?" Prince asked, standing by the door.


Prince frowned and squinted his eyes.

"A pimple?"

"Yes! Eight days before our wedding"

Prince sighed.

"Cover it with makeup or let it swell and you can pop it. I'm sure it'll be all healed by then"

Skye sniffled and Prince's eyes widened.

"Hey hey, don't cry baby. The pimple will be gone by then, trust me"

"I think I'm going to throw up" Skye groaned as he pushed Prince outside of the bathroom. Prince sighed and turned to Sam, he was playing with ziggy on the bed.

"Sam, let's go visit Granny Star"



Benedict almost screamed when he got up and his lower back made a crack sound. His swollen feet meet the floor and he sighed before groaning as he stood up. In a second, he felt hands around his waist.

"Where are you going?"

He chuckled.

"To the bathroom"

"Let me help you" Xavier said and Benedict nodded. Once the door closed as Benedict did his business, Xavier sighed sadly.

"This pregnancy is taking a toll on him."




"Bunny ears"




Jonathan nodded and stuffed the items in the back seat of his car. He turns to Cameron and smile at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Cameron blushed and shook his head.

"Nothing, I just love how you and your brothers interact"

"Thanks. But I like interacting with you more, if you catch my drift"


They laugh and Jonathan helped Cameron into the car, suddenly he's pushed from behind causing Cameron's chair to push forward and scratch his car. Cameron gasped and looked up to see Peter glaring at Jonathan.

"Peter? What are you doing here?"

Jonathan stood up and sighed, brushing the dirt off his coat. He turns to Peter.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"You think you can threaten me and get away with it?"

Cameron was confused. When did Jonathan threaten Peter?

"What are you going to do about it? Fight me? Didn't you breakup with Cameron? Or do you want me instead?" Jonathan teased.

Cameron watched Peter's face turn crimson and he gasped, eyes wide in shock. Jonathan poked Peter on the chest as he spoke.

"Didn't I say I never want to see you again? Be the stray dog you are and tuck your tail between your boney legs and get the fuck out of my sight"

They stared at each other and Cameron began to feel some type of way because it seemed like the two men were about to kiss any moment.

"Peter just go"

Jonathan rolled his eyes as he watched Peter walk away. He picks the wheelchair up and put it in the boot before getting to the driver's side.

"Shall we get this shower started?"

"What did he mean by you threatened him?" Cameron asked.

"I DID threaten him. Why? Because he hurt you"

"Jonathan he's my ex not my lover. It doesn't concern you"

Jonathan was taken aback. He looked at Cameron before he spoke up.

"It doesn't concern me? Didn't that guy cause your current situation? Isn't that why you're trying so hard to fix yourself?"

"Fix my....Jonathan are you serious? I specifically told you why I want the surgery, because I want to be my best self for you and for us"

"And I threatened Peter for us. Because you deserve justice for what he did towards you. Why are you even mad at me when he's the one who attacked me!"

Cameron remained silent and turned to the window. Jonathan sighed and turned the car on before driving off.

What had just happened?


Sarah, Prince and Xavier were setting up the tables for the baby shower. Benedict was inside the house taking a nap. Sam was with Skye back at the palace.

"So Skye is worrying me" Prince said making Sarah nod.

"The first four weeks are going to be rough on him. Just make sure he sleeps a lot and hydrates. Also he'll have fevers, nausea and he'll be mean. Not cranky, MEAN"

Prince stared at her in shock.

"Wish me luck"

Xavier patted him on the shoulder.

"You got this man."



Xavier- you asleep ?

Benedict- in the bathroom 👀💩

Xavier-😶😂😂 come to the backyard. I have a surprise for you

Benedict- backyard sex? OMW!!

Xavier- Noo!!! There are people here!!🤯

Benedict- boo😒 fine I'm already there

He slid open the glass door and gasped seeing his family, all wearing orange. There was a long table set up with flowers and centerpieces. Benedict smiled as Xavier walked up to him and placed bunny ears on his head.

"Welcome to your baby shower bunny"

"Aww thank you daddy"

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