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"The state dinner is being rushed forward"

Prince frowned and looked up at Skye.

"What? Why?"

"Apparently the Prime minister has a meeting in the UK for a few days" Skye responds and Prince scoffed.

"Bullshit. Why is the prime minister rushing me, the king? Does he forget who is the ruler of all here?"

Benedict held in a laugh. The whole thing reminded him of the crown. Skye rubbed Prince's shoulders.

"We'll hold the dinner. No need to dwell on it and stop cursing in front of our child"

Prince sighed. This prime minister is proving his point. He was overlooking the crown.



Xavier knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Sarah opened and smiled.

"Hey, Where's Benny?"

"This is a private visit. I need your help"

Sarah frowned and let Xavier inside. The man closed the door and they make their way inside the living room. Once they sat down, Sarah was the first to speak.

"Talk to me" Sarah says. She could tell something was weighing Xavier down.

"Remember Cj? My manager? Well turns out he's a bad person and he nearly had us in an accident the other day"

Sarah gasped. Just the thought of anything happening to Benedict and Xavier just put her mind in unrest.

"So what do want to do? You want him gone like your father?" She asked.

"Yes. If you know someone, send Cj to jail or something. I don't want to kill him. Just get him to leave us alone"

Sarah nodded.

"Do you still have the gun?"

Xavier nodded.


"Bring it over. Your father's murder is still unsolved, I'll have the same forensic guy set Cj up so he goes to jail for it"

Xavier nodded.

"I like that idea. Thanks Sarah"

"No worries hun, I just want you and Benny to be happy."

Xavier sighed in relief. Now that the whole Cj thing will be handled, now it was time to focus on what is important. Benedict and their unborn kids.

"Let me know when it's done, in the meantime Benny will be at the palace, just in case"


"250 guests. 130 staff. I want 80 of the staff to be carrying champagne and white wine all night, I don't want to see a guest walking with an empty glass. "

"Yes your majesty"

"I want the ladies in pantsuits. You know how these politicians can be, looking up where they shouldn't be looking. Make sure you all wear the royal service brooch. If any of these people are rude to you or even touch you with no consent, come find me"

"Yes your majesty"

Skye nods and dismissed them. He makes his way to the garden where Benedict and Sam were waiting for him.

"Hey you two, what are we having?"

Benedict hands Sam the bubble blowing toy gun and they watched the toddler run away chasing the bubbles.

"I had asked the chef to prepare a cheese board but I'm told I have to wait for your approval?"

Skye sighed.

"It's alright, it'll be here soon. So tell me, how are you holding up?"

Benedict sighed.

"I don't know how to feel at the moment. Xavier and I feel like we're stuck. This relationship isn't going as I had hoped."

"Oh... hopefully after the Cj chapter is closed, you two will rekindle"

Benedict nodded.



"This is a letter to the queen"

Prince looked up at Liam and took the letter. The envelope had an address he didn't recognise.

"Has security checked for any traps?" He asked and Liam nodded.

"Yes sir, it's just a normal ordinary letter"

"Alright, I'll hand it over to Skye. He's busy right now"

The phone rings and Prince picked up the call after three rings.


"We have the Prime minister on the phone sir"

He sighed.

"Put him through"

Few seconds later, the prime minister's voice came through. The man was clearly a smoker as his voice was unnaturally deep and raspy, like he had phlegm stuck on his uvula.

"Your Royal Highness! How honoured am I to speak with you"

"How may I help you Prime minister Frederick, I do hope you're well"

"That's the thing, I was thinking of cancelling the whole event. I seem to have come up with a cold, maybe it's covid who knows?"

Prince rolled his eyes.

"The Queen was excited to have you though"

"I see...well do send my apologies to the Queen."

Prince sighed but then he heard the crashes of the ocean waves in the background.

"Prime minister you do sound like you're at a beach, no? And the beach in Lololand is 4hours away from the palace by car and 20 minutes away by helicopter."

There was a moment of silence before the prime minister spoke up again.

"Well you see..."

"We will see you in two days. 7pm, sharp" was Prince's response before he hung up.

Liam watched the king stand up in fury.

"Anything the matter sir?" He asked.

"This Prime minister is starting to get on my nerves. Does he think this is a place he can just order around?"

Before Liam could speak, Prince rushed out of the office.

Prince made his way downstairs, heading towards the garden. He saw Sam running around with a bubble machine while Skye and Benedict were talking.

"Skye? A word" he said.

Skye nodded and excused himself before coming to his fiancé.

"What's the matter?"

"A letter came for you" Prince says and hands Skye the letter.

"Thanks. But what's going on with you? You look tense."

Prince sighed.

"It's the Prime minister. He just gives me the feeling that he doesn't respect the crown on my head. He just called minutes ago trying to cancel the dinner because he was sick. Then I realized he was lying as I heard waves of the beach in the background."

Skye sighed.

"So what are you planning to do?"

"I cannot work with a person like that so he leaves me with no choice.....but to hold an emergency parliament meeting"

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