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"Operation Royal wedding has officially began"

The staff cheered and clapped. Skye and Prince smiled at them.

"Alright everyone. We'll decide on a theme then you can help us with the colour schemes and everything else"

"Of course. We cannot wait to help their Majesties with the wedding."

Prince held Skye's hand and dismissed the staff back to their work. Skye sighed happily.

"The royal ascot is tomorrow, we have to prepare for that first"

"Alright. I'll have the drivers prepare the cars and you'll take the family shopping if they want to buy anything for the event."

"What about Sam?"

"He'll be with me. I have some activities planned, plus I want to spend time with him"

"Alright. I'll see you later"

"Hey hey, Where's my goodbye kiss?"

Skye smiled and turns around to give him a kiss. He yelps when Prince gave him a spank.

"Rude man"

"You love me for it"

Skye chuckles as he made his way to the door.



Benedict watched Xavier sleep. He smiles and heads downstairs to make breakfast. He hums as he cracked the eggs into the pan.

When he turned around he almost screamed.

"Jesus Xavier why are you always sneaking up on me?"

Xavier chuckled.

"Sorry, I have to go to work. There's a shoot I forgot about"

Benedict sighed.

"Alright. I'll be out with Skye, he sent a text about going shopping"

Xavier kissed him on the forehead and he smiled.

"I love you Benedict"

Benedict hugged him and sighed in content.

"I love you too Daddy"

Xavier hugged him back and went back upstairs. Benedict focuses on making breakfast. He frowns when he realized Xavier called him by the name instead of Bunny as usual.

"Something is wrong"


Cameron found himself next to Jonathan in the man's bed. He uses his arms to set himself up against the headboard. He watches Jonathan sleep and he smiles.

"I think I'm falling for you Jonathan...." he whispers, pushing back the man's hair from his face.

He gets on his chair and made his way out of the room. He sighs, he was really falling for this man and it made him a bit scared.

He reaches the kitchen and turns the kettle on, when he turned around he found Peter sitting on the counter.

"So you're in love with him?"

Cameron sighed and attempted to ignore him but wherever he looked, Peter was there.

"You're not over me are you Cameron?"

"I am"

"Then why am I here? Hm? I'm the one for you and you know it. Jonathan will never love you like I did. You know I'm right"


Jonathan is awoken by Cameron's yelling. He sits on the bed and frowns before he slides off and opens the bedroom door.

"Cameron?" He called out, he then hears Cameron's sobbing in the living room.

Cameron flinches once he felt Jonathan's hand on his shoulder, he looks up at him only to find the man frowning.

"Cam, are you alright?"

"You're nothing like him....you like me for me right....not because of my physical state....right?"

Jonathan knelt before him, hand on Cameron's cheek.

"I like you for you. I like everything about you. The voice may make it seem like I'm lying but trust me, that voice is wrong"

Cameron looked Jonathan in the eyes, his gaze searching for any lies but he found none. The voice was once again wrong.

"I'm so sorry Jonathan"

"It's alright Cam, tomorrow we're meeting the specialist and then the voice will be gone. Trust me"

Cameron nodded.

"I trust you"


"Slide down, slide down, perfect"

Skye sighed, ears red as he was in this embarrassing position at the doctor. On the way to get Benny, Jonathan and his mother, Skye decided to stop by his OBGYN to get a quick check up.

"Relax, breathe in and out"

He felt the doctor's hand moving around, followed by the speculum.

"Everything seems alright. Did you have your period? Your walls look refreshed"

"A week ago yes....but I had the worst cramps"

The doctor leaves the speculum in and rolls in her chair to get Skye's file.

"Ah, I see. You're on oestrogen supplements. You should probably stop those since your baby has stopped breastfeeding. You will have mild cramps in your next cycle then the following one they'll be completely gone"

Skye sighed in relief once he felt his lower region relax.

"I was told I'll only have one child...is it possible to have multiple kids?" He asked.

"Well you took some oestrogen supplements and that increased your oestrogen levels. A baby is possible but you might be at risk of a miscarriage....unless you took IVF shots to help you out"

"Ah....alright then"

"Oh and Skye...if you want, we can schedule the IVF for you"

"I'll have a talk with Prince first, we'll see from there"

"Alright. Good day"

Skye made his way out, he smiles at the one gaurd whom was sent by Prince to drive him around the city. He gets in the car and buckles up. His phone then rings.

"Dada! Daddy say you and him go on walk. I want to come too!"

He laughs softly.

"Okay Sammy, you will come with us. But why is daddy telling you this?"

"We playing with horsies! Daddy said to walk no horsie ride"

"I see....when you're bigger you can ride the horsies okay?"

"No! I want now! Now dada!"

"Well Sammy if you ride it now you may fall....how about this, I'll talk with daddy and see what I can do"

"Okay! Bye bye!"

"Bye Sammy"

He chuckles once he hung up. What are those two up to?

In a few minutes, he arrived at his mother's house where Benedict, Sarah and Jonathan along with Cameron were waiting. He gets out of the car and walks towards the door.

"There he is!"

He turned to his left and saw his family waiting in the backyard.

"What are you guys doing?"

Benedict held up a pumpkin, wide smile on his face.

"Helping mom make her fall decorations"

"And shopping?" He asked.

"We can go later, grab a pumpkin and sit down"

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