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The following day, Xavier took the day off to take care of Benedict.

"Babe I'm fine" Benedict says as Xavier massaged his shoulders.

"I know but I want you to be comfortable"

He sighed and leaned back on the couch, closing his eyes.

"Mmh, that feels so good" he breathes out and Xavier leans in to whispers to him.

"I can make you feel better" Xavier whispers.

Benedict sat up and turns to Xavier.

"Oh yeah?"


Benedict held Xavier by the chin before he kissed him. Xavier moans into the kiss, leaning forward making Benedict lean back until Xavier was on top of him.

Xavier's hand goes up Benedict's pyjama top, feeling the man's tight abs going up to his chest, his fingertips graze Benedict's hardened nipples making him moan and pull away from the kiss.

"Say you want me" Xavier whispered. Benedict held him tight, moaning as Xavier began to run his front against his. He answers Xavier with a nibble on the earlobe and he whispers,

"I want you daddy"

It all happened so fast, Benedict's pyjama pants where thrown across  the room along with Xavier's boxers. Xavier gave Benedict a kiss, tasting his mouth once again as he slowy pushed his way inside him.

Benedict's nails scratched his back as he moaned into the kiss, the slow thrust made the man's toes curl into themselves.

"Mmh...faster daddy"

Xavier holds him down by the neck forcing Benedict to wrap his legs around Xavier's waist as the thrusts turn faster, rougher.

Xavier marveled at the sight before him, the look on Benedict's face was that of pure joy and full of love and his moans....his delicious moans were just the cherry on top.

Benedict cries out as the thrusts get faster, followed by Xavier's free hand on his pre cum seeping cock, giving him a few strokes.

He arches his back and calls out Xavier's name as he came, Xavier kisses him again before his thrusts get slow until they eventually stop.

Benedict pulled away from the kiss and laughed. Xavier smiled and pulled out.

"I'm glad you feel that way"

Benedict blushed and held Xavier by the cheek.

"I love you"

Xavier leaned in on his touch and kisses Benedict's hand.

"I love you too"



"I'm here honey. Need anything?"


Skye gave it a thought for a moment.

"How about we go see what daddy is up to"


The two of them go up the stairs, Skye of course carrying Sam up and setting the toddler down once they reached the last step.

They walk down the hallway, passing a wall full of royal portraits of the former King and Queen.

Skye knocks on the door and he hears a muffled "come in" from the other side.

He opens the door and Sam ran inside, making a beeline to his father. Skye smiled at Luke, the King father had come to visit them this morning.

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