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Xavier made his way to the bedroom, he finds Benedict fast asleep in bed. A small smile forms on the man's face as he lays next to his boyfriend.

Benedict hummed when he felt Xavier's hand on his head. He opens his eyes and smiles.


"Sorry, did I wake you?" Xavier whispers.

Benedict shook his head and scooted closer to Xavier, resting his head on the man's chest.

"Hold me"

Xavier chuckles and wraps his arms around Benedict's torso. They sigh at the same time. So this is what peace feels like?

"So tomorrow you're heading to the doctor's right?" Xavier asks.

"Yeah, we can take your car."

"Alright. Can I have a kiss?"

Benedict laughed softly and looked up at Xavier and gave him a peck on the lips.


"Thanks. Do you want one?"


Xavier smiles and held Benedict down, the little sleep Benedict had disappearing in an instant. He looked at Xavier with wide eyes.

"We should be sleeping"

"I know, but I need to hear you moan tonight"
Benedict gasped, arching his back once Xavier's lips latched on to his right nipple, the man would suck and tug on the rosey pink bud now and then.


Xavier pulled away and kisses his boyfriend, moaning into the kiss once he felt Benedict's hand go up inside his boxers.

Xavier pulled away from the kiss, a thin string of saliva still connecting them. Benedict leans forward, eyes slowly closing as their lips met again.

Xavier's hands snakes up the man's thighs, feeling his soft supple skin against his palm. Benedict pulled away and lets out a moan, feeling Xavier's fingers wrap around his cock.

Their foreheads touch and they both moan once Xavier held their members against each other with the model's hand jerking them off.

"Anghh yes daddy"

Xavier's hand goes faster, fingers making a squelch sound as Benedict coated them with his precum.

"Haa...nngggh yes daddy" Benedict moaned out, eyes closed and mouth agape.

"Cum for me bunny" Xavier whispered into Benedict's ear. Benedict felt his body tense, toes curling and he lets out a loud lewd moan that sends Xavier over the edge.

They climax at the same time and Xavier smiles at him.

"That's a good bunny. You can sleep now"
Benedict's head returned to Xavier's chest and he sighed, small smile on his face.

"Goodnight Daddy"


Around 8am the following day, Skye was up and about. Since it was now fall, the palace maids had changed the theme of the palace to fall colours. It was magical to see how a once lavender themed place was now a dusty rose colour, along with gold touches here and there.

"Your Highness, should we serve breakfast?" Liam asked. Skye shook his head.

"You all worked so hard, the chefs will serve you. Sam and I will be at the Queen mother's house."

"As you wish. I will keep you posted, shall anything come up"


He heads back upstairs and smiles once he saw Sam and Ziggy running back and forth in the hallway.

"Hello hello"


He picks the toddler up and gives him a kiss on the forehead.

"How are you honey?"

"Good. How is dada?"

"I'm okay. Did Ziggy sleep in your room?"

"Mhm. They gave him a bed"

"I see. Let's get you ready, we're going to grandma Star"


Seeing his son this happy made Skye feel fulfilled. He hopes Sam stays like this for all of his life.

After bathing the little prince, Skye dressed him up in blue dungarees, a red long sleeved top along with blue socks and red velcro sneakers to finish off the look. What was left now was to comb the curly monster on the toddler's head.


Skye sighed.

"If you stay still I'll be finished soon"

"It hurts"

"I know honey, do you want to cut it?"


He sighed in defeat.

"Sammy, if you let me comb your hair, you can bring ziggy with us"

The toddler sniffled and sat down on the stool, Skye gave him a few brushes with the hairbrush and styled it into two pigtails.

"Hopefully this lasts for the day"


Benedict almost laughed when the doctor applied the cold gel in his stomach. The doctor moved the wand around and hummed.

"Have you been eating sugar saturated foods?"


"Yes" Xavier chimed in. The doctor nods and continues to examine Benedict's tummy.

"Your body is not made for conception, so some things may be uncomfortable for you. Your stomach is growing at two weeks because your womb is growing larger to prepare for the triplets. Your organs will be shifted so you'll have to avoid excessive exercises like jogging, weight lifting and eventually, sex"

The couple felt like their world had stopped.

"No sex?" Xavier asked.

"No sex. Not now but during the 5 month mark."

Benedict sighed. He'll do whatever he has to do to make sure the babies were alright.

"You two are pretty buff tall men, so your kids are definitely going to be big. Avoid sugar and fats, that way your pregnancy will be a little enjoyable" the doctor says.

Benedict nodded and sat up once the doctor wiped the gel off him.

"Other than that, how are you feeling Benedict? No bad morning sickness? Cramps?"


"Alright. I'll go print out the sonograms, see you in a bit"

Now alone, Benedict sighed making Xavier frown.

"What's wrong bunny?"

"You were right. About the sugar thing. I haven't given birth yet and I'm already failing our kids"

Xavier frowned and held Benedict's hand.

"You just had something you were craving, it's not your fault. You are a great father Benedict and you shouldn't feel otherwise"

Benedict nodded without a word. He just hopes this pregnancy goes well. Especially now that he knows what to do.

"Let's get our sonograms and go back home"

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