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"Noooo the sun is orange dada"

Skye laughs softly.

"Sorry. What's this?"

"A birdie"

Skye pats his son on the head, the two were currently in Skye and Prince's room drawing and colouring. After what happened with Luke, Skye just wants to be with his son.

"You're not looking!"

"I am, I am" he chuckles. He looks at the half finished drawing and he could immediately tell what the toddler was drawing. A family picture.

"Why does daddy have wheels instead of feet?" He asks, holding in laughter. Sam side eyed him.

"Because daddy carries me around so he's a car"

"I see...should we call daddy?"

"No, I'm drawing"

"Okay. I'm going to call him, you stay here"

He sits on the bed and facetimes Prince. He smiles when his fiancé picked up.

"Hey hey"

"Hello hello. How are you doing?"

"I'm good, just hanging out with Sam" he says and pans the camera over to the toddler on the floor.

"He's so cute! So how are you? I got an interesting call a few minutes ago"

Skye sighed.

"Let's save it for when you come back. Right now I want to talk to Prince, my fiancé and my baby's father"

"I like that title. Sammy I miss you!"

Skye looks at the toddler who was shaking his head. He chuckles.

"He told me to stop interrupting him."

"Ah, I see."

"Are you eating? Hydrating?"

"Yes and yes. I just had two full steaks and a glass of grape juice"

"No wine?"

"I don't think I want it anymore. So how's our little challenge doing?"

Skye blushes.

"I'm doing great. However seeing you is giving me...ungodly thoughts"

"If Sam wasn't in the room I'd show you something"

Skye rolled his eyes.

"Goodbye Prince"

"Later alligator"

He hangs up and Sam hands him his complete drawing. Prince had wheels, Skye was surrounded by food and Sam was smiling. All characters drawn in green.

"Wow." He says.


He looks up in shock.

"Let's get you to the potty"


Xavier smiled, eyes closed when he feels Benedict give him a kiss on his shoulder.

"Why are you up bunny?" He asks, turning to face him. He finds Benedict looking him.

"I can't sleep anymore. Let's go jogging"

Xavier chuckles.

"Alright. Let me get in my gym clothes." He says as he got out of bed, he yelps when Benedict slapped his butt.

"Ouu, I should top you today" Benedict teases. Xavier laughs, face flushed as he swapped his pyjamas for his gym attire.

Benedict follows suit but he frowns when he realises his tshirt was tight around the stomach area.

"Why is it not fitting? I'm just 2 weeks along"

Xavier shrugged.

"Maybe you were pregnant before we took the test? You never know"

Benedict sighed and took off his shirt. He takes Xavier and although it still showed his small belly, it wasn't that tight.

"Let's go"

They make their way out of the apartment. Xavier holds Benedict's hand and gives his knuckles a gentle run with his thumb.

"Do you have to work today?" Benedict asked.

"Nope. I'm all yours. What did you want to do?"

"We can stop by the cafe and then check out that neighbourhood"

"Sounds like a plan. We can visit my mom afterwards" Xavier says.

"Alright. I hope she has that cheesecake of hers. I love it"

Once they got out of the building, they began their jog but this time Xavier noticed that Benedict was struggling as the man was always leading the jog. They stop by a bench near the park and Benedict sat down, groaning as he caught his breath.

"I think jogging should be put off until the babies are born"

Benedict nodded, wiping the sweat off his forehead, chest heaving up and down. He rubs his stomach and sighs.

"I want a pickle"


Jonathan wheeled Cameron through the hallway of the hospital. Surprisingly, Cameron agreed to visit a psychiatrist.

Jonathan knocks on the door and the doctor opened the door, smiling at them. Jonathan frowned.


"Dr. Nill actually. Nice to see you again"

"Nice to see you?? You used me to get to my brother's fiancé!"

"That was years ago, let it go. I have matured and realized the mistakes I've made. Now if you want you can find another doctor if not, let's get started"

Cameron looked at both of them. They had history it seemed. What if this woman worsens his condition to get back at Jonathan. He gasped and tugs on Jonathan's pants.

"I don't want to be here"

Jonathan nodded and turned around but before they could leave, Martha spoke up.

"You can hate me Jonathan but atleast let me treat your friend. Then you can see for yourself how changed I've become"

Jonathan sighed.

"I want to believe you but....I won't let you hurt another person I care about"

Cameron looked up at him in shock. Jonathan still...cared? After their argument last night, he still cared?

"Wait....let her" he says. Jonathan looked at him with a frown.

"Are you sure?"

Cameron nodded.

"Yeah, trust me"

Jonathan sighed.




They laugh softly as Benedict took a big slice for himself. Xavier smiled at his mother who was looking at Benedict's growing belly in awe.

"So he's really pregnant?" Susanna asked.

"Yep. Are you excited to have a grandchild?"

"I am! But I didn't think it was possible for a man to get pregnant....can you....??" She asks and Xavier blushed.

"Unfortunately no, but Benedict's family has a gift. Two of their sons can give birth...I don't know about Jonathan"

"Wow...they were practically made for their partners I guess"

Xavier nodded and smiled at Benedict.

"You can say that, yeah"

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