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Prince was in the living room, Sam on the floor drawing and Ziggy on his lap fast asleep. He heard the door open and close, followed by a voice speaking up, He smiled.

"You're early"

Skye shrugged. He puts two garment covers on the sofa and gives Prince a kiss on the lips.

"I missed you guys. By the way, we got these in the mail"

Prince opened the envelope and nodded.

"I'm guessing those are our clothes for tonight?" He asked and Skye nodded.

"Mhm, Benny and Xavier will babysit since they're three streets away"

"Alright. But you know, you can't drink tonight right?"

Skye frowned.

"Why not?"

"Well....I think you're pregnant"

Skye looked at his fiancé for a few seconds. He has been throwing up. A smile formed on his face.

"Really? Let's visit the doctor tomorrow to confirm no wait....let's get a pregnancy test"

"Alright. We'll get the test and visit the doctor afterwards"

"Alright. But can we not announce it just yet? We should wait until I'm on my second trimester, in case of you know...a miscarriage"

"Alright....but nothing will happen to you babe"

Skye gave him a kiss.

"I know, because I have you"



Sarah smiled as Benedict pulled her in for a hug. She pulled away and looked at him.

"Aww look at you! You're so cute!"

Benedict smiled.

"Thanks. Come in, come in"

Xavier stepped out of the kitchen and waved at his mother in-law.

"Hey Sarah"

"Hi hi, are you cooking? I brought the ingredients"

"I'll attempt to cook"

Sarah shook her head.

"Then let me cook, you sit down and take of Benny"

Just as Xavier sat down the doorbell rang. Benedict laughed as Xavier groaned his way to the door.

"Mom?" Xavier gasped once he opened the door.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Susanna teased before hugging him. She makes her way inside and hugged Benedict as well.

"You're so cute!"

"Aw thanks"

Benedict pulls Xavier to his side and watch Susanna enter the kitchen. Benedict listened carefully.

"What if they get back together?" Xavier whispers. Benedict shook his head.

"It'd be weird, you and I are engaged"

They lean to the left as they peek into the kitchen, Sarah and Susanna were chatting and laughing. Benedict smiled.

"Looks like they'll be just fine"

Then the doorbell rang and Xavier sighed.

"Is it a family reunion?" He teases before he opened the door. Prince, Skye and Sam were on the other side.

"Hey" Xavier said making Prince chuckle.

"Why are you nervous?"

"They were doing it" Skye said and he heard his brother yell a no from the inside. Xavier leads them inside and Skye looked at Benedict in confusion.

"When did mom return?"

"This afternoon, she came right here"

"Alright. Do you guys mind babysitting? Prince and I have an event to attend"

"Ouu will it be televised?"

Prince shook his head.

"It's not a royal event so no."

"So will you?" Skye asked as he set Sam down on his feet, the toddler ran to the kitchen.

"Of course we will. Any rules?" Benedict asked.

Prince nodded.

"No sugar after dinner, if he's being loud and suddenly he's quiet, something is wrong. Lock your bedroom door, don't let him eat with his fingers, he's learning to use utensils. Bedtime is at 7pm and check on his diaper every two hours while he sleeps."

Benedict whistled.

"Is this a royalty thing or a normal baby thing"

Skye scoffed.

"You're expecting three and you don't even know how your sleep schedule will get messed up. Anyway, I'll go say hi to mom before we leave"

Prince nudged at Xavier.

"How are you?"

"I'm okay, you?"

"Likewise. Cj is still at the palace dungeons...what do you want to do with him?

Xavier really didn't know. If Cj were to die, there's a chance of his father coming after them and if Cj is let go, who knows what he will do.

"Send him to where Edward is. Hopefully he'll get shanked and dies there"

Prince nodded.

"I'll let the agents know"

Skye returns, smiling widely.

"Let's get our party on"


By the time Prince and Skye arrived at the Prime minister's estate, the party was in full swing. Prince was wearing a classic tuxedo while Skye had on a modern suit, the jacket had no back exposing his naked skin.

"Well seems like we're the last to arrive" Prince says as they walk up the stairs. Skye heard the fanfare boom out, how people knew that they had arrived was always a mystery to him. The door opens and they're welcomed by the whole room curtsy and bowing to them.

Lady Portia stepped to the front, red sequin dress gleaming in the chandelier light.

"Your Majesties! Welcome welcome"

Prince handed her the gift, smile on his face.

"Thanks for having us. Happy birthday Prime minister"

Portia smiled as she took the gift.

"Thank you, make yourselves at home, the bar is open all night but first I have to make a speech."

They're led to the center of the living room and Skye noticed there were two bar stools set up for them. Prince helped him with his seat before sitting next to him.

"His Royal Highness the king, his Majesty the Queen, members of state Parliament, family and friends, thank you all for coming to this small event of mine. I'm just grateful to be 37 years young and hope to be an inspiration to women out there that they can be whatever they want to be. Have fun and eat up, happy birthday to me!"

The cameras flashed but they were not focusing on Portia but rather on Skye. Prince noticed and turns to his right only to find his Queen fast asleep, he chuckles and holds him by the waist.

"Raising a toddler can be tiring, am I right?"

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