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By lunchtime, Jonathan and Cameron along with Clive and Barbara were at the table. The table filled with food. Lamb chops, chicken wings, coleslaw, rice and lots of wine.

"So Jonathan, what do you do for a living?" Clive asked, making small talk.

Jonathan took a sip of his white wine before he spoke,

"I'm an accountant but recently I'm working on my writing"

"Oh! Which novels do you write?" Barbara asked.

"Mostly mystery"

Cameron added more coleslaw on Jonathan's plate making his father smile.

"How did you two meet Pumpkin?"

"I met him at his brother's cafe. He stalked me for the whole day" Cameron said making Jonathan gasp.

"I did not stalk you....you just caught my eye"

"It was the freckles wasnt it?" Barbara cooed.

"Mom!" Cameron exclaimed.

"What? I told you those freckles will bring the boys to the yard. Now look at you, bringing a handsome man in my house"

"Babs, the man is your son's boyfriend"

"Stop overthinking Clive"

Jonathan held Cameron's hand, giving the man a smile.
"Do you want to go outside? I can give you a tour" Cameron suggested. Jonathan nodded.

"I'd like that"


Benedict was back home organising their closet. He sorted everything by colour. His phone ringing made him frown.

"Hey Nora"

"Hey uhm....it's been a week and we've been waiting to hear from Skye"

"Shit...I'm so sorry, I forgot. I'll send him a text and I'll text you his response"

"Okay, thanks bye"


He places the phone down and sighs. He goes back to the closet and begins to sort the shoes when he found a box at the back. He frowns and pulls it out and opens it.

"Oh my God" he giggled. Inside were pictures of a young Xavier from his toddler years to his teens.

"I should frame these"


Sam's cries echoed in the dining room, Skye was pacing back and forth as he Comforted the toddler, gently patting him on the back.

"Maybe he's teething?" Prince said making skye giggle.

"Babe he already has teeth. I think he's coming down with a fever"

"I'll call the pediatrician"

Skye's phone chimes as a text came through. He looks at the screen before grabbing it, holding Sam on his side.

Benedict- Since my cafe is closed, I was wondering if you wanted extra staff? Corey and Nora can work there

Skye- I'm sure there's something they can do, tell them to be here by 8am

Benedict- got it, thank bby bro


Sam's crying made him put his phone down and he begins to pace once again. Star entered the room and frowned.

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