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"I still think you should go naked"

Xavier chuckled and fixed the tie around his neck.

"Let's save that for the after party"

Benedict smirked, hands doing down Xavier's black shirt, he felt the man's nipples under his palm.

"How about a pre party?" He whispers only to gasp when Xavier's suddenly held his hands above his head.

"We can work around that"

Benedict bit his bottom lip, hooded eyes looking at Xavier, the love of his life.

"Kiss me"

A smirk forms on Xavier's face, he holds Benedict against the closet door, grip tightening around his wrists.

"Don't hurt me daddy" Benedict whispered, the bulge in his pants poking Xavier on the thigh.

Xavier's lips rubbed on Benedict's before he kissed him, right hand groping the man's crotch. Benedict moaned into the kiss and pulled away.

Xavier leads him to the bed. He lays down, pulling Benedict on top of him. Benedict unbuttoned Xavier's shirt, his thumbs run over the man's nipples making him moan softly.

"We have 30 mins before guests start arriving" Xavier says.

"That's all I need"


Skye was back at the palace, Prince was changing into his outfit while Skye was sitting by the bed.

"That reminds me, babe why would you offer Benedict and Xavier to be Sam's guardians without my permission?"

Prince stepped out of the closet, he was wearing a see through shirt and black slacks.

"I was going to ask but I forgot"

Skye sighed.

"But still, you could've talked to me first before asking them. We're a team babe"

"I know and I'm honestly sorry for that. It won't happen again" Prince sincerely says as he pulled Skye closer. Skye smiled as he looked at him.

"You're indeed your father's son. First your father put me in the will and now you're going asking for guardianship for our son"

"It's a toxic trait of ours"

Skye nodded.

"Want to help me choose an outfit? I'll wear whatever you want"

Prince smirked at him.

"I have an outfit in mind"


Cameron and Jonathan were in the car heading to Benedict's. The whole day the both of them were on the couch cuddling and watching tv. They even finished a whole series!

Jonathan glanced at Cameron and smiled, his left hand grabs Cameron's right hand, eyes focused on the road. Cameron looked at him and blushed.

"Tomorrow we're meeting the doctor right?"

"Yeah. Are you nervous?"

"A little. I just hope it's not something worse"

Jonathan nodded.

"Then after that we head to the airport and we'll be having dinner with your parents"

Cameron felt himself getting hot. The fact that Jonathan was about to meet his parents made him wonder,

"What are we? Jonathan?"

"I like you. Do you like me?"

The car slows down as they reach the traffic lights. Jonathan looks at Cameron and the man blushed.

"I....I like you too"

"Are you sure?"

Cameron looked him in the eyes.

"Yes. I like you Jonathan"

They smile at each other. Jonathan leans forward but they jump when the blaring sound of the car behind startled them.

"Oh right, I'm driving"

Cameron laughed and looked out the window. He finally admitted it. Does this mean they can do whatever they want? Anytime? His stomach bubbles with excitement.

"This is going to be fun"

In a few minutes they pulled up at Xavier and Benedict's house. The place was big and really elegant.

"Is your brother also royalty?" Cameron teases.

"I mean our brother is the Queen so...we're royal by marriage"

Cameron chuckles and Jonathan helped him into his chair. They make their way to the front door.


Jonathan looks back and finds a woman walking behind them, she was carrying three bottles of rum.

"Thanks for inviting me, I hope you like rum"

Cameron held in his laugh while Jonathan awkwardly looked at her.

"Oh! We're also guests here"

She looked at them, then her face got red in an instant.

"I am so sorry! I saw the car and thought you were the owners and just arrived! Oh my gosh"

The front door opens revealing Benedict in his pale blue suit, he had a peacock mask on his face.

"Come in come in! Grab a mask if you don't have one"

They make their way in, there was a food station and a bar. Benedict turns to his guests with a smile.

"Welcome to our home, I'll go start up the music. The bar is open all night, enjoy yourselves!"


Skye and Prince made their way downstairs. Star, who had just put Sam to bed gasped when she saw them, Prince was wearing a black see through shirt, black pants and silver spiked boots while Skye was wearing a silver chainmail mini dress and silver strap in heels.

"What the....where are you two going dressed like that?"

"A party. We will be mearing masquerade masks so we'll not be spotted don't worry" Prince said as he opened the car key drawer.

She sighed and nodded.

"Very well, have fun."

"Thanks. We'll be back late. If anything happens though, call us" says Skye.


The couple makes their way towards the garage. Skye gasped once he saw Prince's mustang flick it's lights as he unlocked it.

"No way"

Prince smirks as he got in.

"Yes way"

The vehicle roars to life and made it's way out, Skye hopped in the passenger seat and buckled up.

"And go!" Prince laughed as he sped off. Skye held on for dear life as his eyes close.


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