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In the early morning, Skye is awoken by Sam's rambling through the baby monitor. He sits up on the bed and grabs the small device.

"Sammy? Why aren't you sleeping?"

There was a moment of silence until the toddler spoke up.

"No sleep! Let's play!"

Skye sighed and turned it off, he slides off the bed and makes his way to Sam's bedroom only to find the toddler standing up in his crib.


Skye rubbed his eyes and picked Sam up who squealed happily.

"Let's get you cleaned up"


They head inside Sam's private bathroom, Skye turns the water on, setting the temperature to lukewarm and filled the tub halfway. He adds baby body wash and a few toys.

He sets Sam in the tub and there was a knock on the door.

"Your Majesty? You have a visitor" Liam's voice spoke up.

Skye sighed. A visitor? At 5am?

"Do they have a royal invite?" He asked.

"No but....it's a member of your family"

When he heard that, he panicked for a moment. What could've happened?

"Let them in and I'll meet them in the living room"

"Yes sir"

He quickly bathed Sam, wrapped the toddler in a towel and headed back to the bedroom where he applied lotion, diapered and slipped a bear onesie on the toddler.

He rushes downstairs, Sam laughed as they rushed down. Skye found Benedict in the living room, looking around.

"Benny? What happened? Is it mom?"

"No no, mom is fine. This is just....my unexpected visit because of a personal issue I'm dealing with"

Skye sets Sam down and the toddler ran around the living room.

"Did you and Xavier get into an argument?" He asked.

"No it's not that. Remember Cj? He has feelings for Xavier"

"No..." Skye gasped as he sat down. The fact that Benedict was feeling some type of way the first time he saw CJ must've been a sign.

"The other day we had a car follow us and yesterday I felt like I was being watched" Benedict said as he sat down next to his brother.

Skye shook his head.

"This is bad. Where is Xavier? We should involve the police"

"I think that's what Xavier is doing, he talked to mom about the whole thing and she told him she knew someone in the department who could arrange a restraining order"

"Good. I will also have Prince banish him from the kingdom"

Benedict laughed.


"Yeah. No one messes with my family"


Jonathan wakes up when he heard the rattle of plates followed by a curse word. He sits up on the bed and glances at the digital clock next to his phone. 6:51am. He was late for work!!

He gets out of bed, makes said bed, opens the curtains and rushes to the bathroom for a quick shower. By the time he was finished, it was already past seven. He sighed in defeat and sent Corey a text.

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