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Benedict tore open the yellow envelope, Xavier who was driving shook his head whislt he laughed.

"Be patient bunny"

"I just need to know" Benedict responds as he pulls out the single piece of paper. He gasps.

"What does it say?"

"I'm 15 weeks pregnant. That cooky doctor was wrong. Talking about two weeks" he says, ending with a scoff.

"Now we know, we should gather some money and start preparing the nursery"

"We have money, I won the bets remember? Also by Monday the insurance company will give me a call, I'm sure they'll compensate me."

"Alright. In the meantime, we go home and rest."

"Rest? We have a house warming party to plan!"

Xavier frowned.

"Really? Didn't we already hold it?"

Benedict rolled his eyes as he sighed.

"Nope, we're having the party tonight. We have six hours to plan. Luckily for us, I had the invites as digital, all I need to do is press send. You have to make the drinks while I make the snacks"

"Alright. Remember to take it easy okay?"

"Of course! From now on, I'm on daddy mode"

A smirk formed on Xavier's face.

"I like the sound of that"


"Your Majesty"

Prince held his arms behind his back and nodded.

"Welcome Sir Nathaniel. The Queen had a previous engagement so he couldn't join us, I'll be here taking his place"

"Of course. It's the kids who matter here not us"

Prince glances at the kids, Sam and Nathaniel's son, Tyler were on the spread out blanket playing with the building blocks.

"So what do I offer you?"

Nathaniel smiled at him.

"What do you recommend?"

"Let's have mid morning tea."


The maids set up a table, Prince took the biggest chair while Nathaniel sat on the regular size one.

"So how are you enjoying Lololand?" Prince asked, watching the maids place the food on the table.

"It's really nice. We got to harvest some Pears after the races"

Prince chuckled.

"Funny story about that place, two men were fighting over the land so I took it and made a pear farm. Now we sell the fruits to some country"

"Wow. You're really business minded"

"I try. So how is Auckland?"

"Auckland is nice. The kids love Lololand more though"

Prince took a sip of his tea.

"Well visit more often"

"I'll try"

Prince glances back at the kids and smiles, Sam was really an extrovert.

"Well it seems they're gettting along"

Nathaniel nods.

"They do. I was a little nervous, this place seems intimidating"

"Don't be. We don't bite. By the way, can I ask you something?"

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