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Cameron blushed once his hand brushed against Jonathan's. Although he had a mini breakdown earlier on, now he was thinking about a possible relationship with Jonathan.

Skye and Benedict smirked at each other as they watched their big brother interact with Cameron.

"They look happy" Benedict says making his younger brother agree with him as he nodded.

"Yeah. By the way, how are you doing? You look stressed"

Benedict sighed. He turned to Skye.

"This morning Xavier kissed me and called me Benedict....he always calls me Bunny when we are alone"

"Do you think something is up? Like....cheating or....financial?"

"No not that. But I feel that something bad is going to happen soon"

Skye frowned. He doesn't like the sound of that.

"How about this, during the event tomorrow I'll have a chat with Xavier and fish out some information. If it's bad I'll tell you"

Benedict nodded and held his brother's hand.

"Thanks Skye. By the way, Prince asked us to be Sam's god parents"

Skye was quite taken aback by that. Why would Prince come to a conclusion like that without his input?


Benedict frowned.

"He didn't tell you? Shit maybe it was a surprise....I'm sorry"

Skye sighed.

"It's alright. We should get to shopping. I have a few things to get over"

"Alright, where are we shopping?"

"Dior of course"


Xavier's car was parked at the port. He looks at the rear view mirror and sees a man approaching the vehicle. He unlocks the doors and the man got in the passenger seat.

"What did you find out?" He asked. The man took out his phone and began to read out loud.

"Cj is the son of a mafia lord and they came here three years ago to hide. The man is dealing with unlawful supply of opioid pills. He even sells unmarked guns to other countries"

Xavier felt his blood run cold. So Cj is a bigger threat than he thought.

"Does the Mafia lord have a good relationship with Cj?"

"Cj is an only child so whatever He wants, his father will provide. There's also something  that I found out Xavier, your father owed this guy money"

Xavier looked at the man in shock. So the twink his father was talking about was....Cj?!

"Holy shit"

"What will you do now?" The man asked. Xavier shook his head. He didn't know what to do.

"Let me think....but one thing is for sure, Cj must not die, to avoid the wrath of his father."


"Alright guys so we'll need suits, top hats, canes or umbrellas and a pocket watch"

They all nodded as they went through the racks in the store. Cameron found a beige suit and turns to Jonathan.

"How about this?" He asked.

"I like it. Should we match?" Jonathan asks making Cameron blush. If they matched, they'll look like a couple.

"If you want we can....I don't mind"

Jonathan smiles and grabs a suit of a smiliar colour.

"I'll have this"

Benedict on the other hand didn't know what to do. The shirt will be too tight and it'll show he was pregnant and he didn't want that attention.

"What if you wore a dress" Skye said and Jonathan looked at them with a smirk.

"The two bottoms wearing dresses." He teases. Benedict shrugged.

"I honestly wouldn't mind but then....it's a dress, what if I have to go to the bathroom and suddenly I'm at the urinal with a dress"

Skye choked on his laugh.

"A maternity shirt it is... we'll figure out something don't worry"

Skye really felt bad for his brother, he wanted Benedict to be confident in his new body and he hopes Xavier will play a part in that.

"Hey Benny...how about I borrow you one of my maternity shirts"




Prince sighed, hands on his hips as he looked around for his son. They were playing hide and seek but it seems the toddler was better at hiding than he thought.

"Sam?" He calls out once again. He finds Ziggy standing by the garage door. He smirks and opens the door only to find Sam fast asleep. He chuckles and picks the toddler up.

"You must be very tired." He whispers. Ziggy follows behind as they went back inside, up the stairs to Sam's room.

Once he gently laid Sam in his crib, Prince gives him a kiss on the forehead and closes the door and turns to Ziggy who had his tongue out, tail wagging slowly.

"Okay fine, but don't wake him up" he told the canine as he opened the door for Ziggy.

He goes to his room, takes the baby monitor and heads downstairs where his parents were waiting. He frowns.

"Aren't you with Skye?"

"I'm meeting him after this. Listen, we were thinking of moving back here" Star says. Prince glanced at his father and the man nodded at him.

"I mean Reverie palace will always be your home mom and dad. Of course you can move in"

Star clapped her hands excitedly.

"Ouu I can't wait! I'm off to meet Skye, you two get along while I'm gone"

Prince and his father share a shrug.

"I have a few things to do in the office, I'll be back to share a drink with you"

"Wait....I want to say I'm sorry for disrespecting your fiancé....I honestly felt like a fool to see him do something better than me....you were right, about Skye uncovering cracks from my reign and I'm honestly glad you two are helping Lololand to be it's best"

Prince gave his father a smile. He was happy to hear this, now hopefully Skye accepts the apolgy and everything will be fine.

"I appreciate it and I'm sure Skye will feel the same"


"We picked so many clothes" Cameron whispers.

"Skye said he was paying for it since it'll be more expensive for us. So don't worry" Jonathan whispered back.

"That'll be £34 752.61"

Benedict whistled.

"For four suits and shoes?"

Skye nodded.

"I've come to realize that the more rich you look at these events, the less hate you get online"

"That's a tough life." Jonathan says. Skye really had the best and worst ends of the stick. One day a whole country loves you and then they hate you the next. He couldn't live like that, which is why he's glad he was never born into a royal family...although he wished for that as a child.

"Alright everyone. We're going to a tea party"

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