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"Family and friends will sit on the right and the members of Parliament, other royals, business owners and palace staff will sit on the left.

Prince nods and looked around the chapel. The room had lavender satin silk cloths drapping across the ceiling, the floor covered with a purple carpet with their initials right in the middle of the aisle.

"Very well. Let's begin"

Benedict, Xavier, Star and Luke sat down and the organists began to play Eternal source of light divine. Prince and the archbishop stood by the alter, waiting for the doors to open.

Sam came walking down the aisle, tossing yellow rose petals in the air. The doors opened and Skye stepped forward, His mother on his right.

Prince smiled as he watched Skye walked down. Skye shot him a wink making him chuckle.

"Who hereby gives the groom away?" The archbishop asked once Sarah and Skye reached the altar.

"I do" she says. She hands Skye over to Prince and they turn to the archbishop.

"Excellent. Then after this, the marriage certificate will be presented to you. Both of you will kneel down before the presence of God and sign it before exchanging vows"

Skye nodded. That wasn't hard to do.

"Then once you are announced as husbands, you will walk down the aisle with the sound of angels playing in the background. The angels in this case being the choir"

"Noted. We shall leave the rest to you." Prince said and received a bow as a response.

They turn to their family.

"Thanks for coming, shall we have brunch? Reverie Palace"


Cameron glanced at Jonathan. The silence was making him anxious.

"Isn't today the wedding rehearsal?" He asked.

"Mm, but I told Skye that I'll be busy with something today" Jonathan replied, taking a sip of his tea as he scrolled on his tablet.

"Which is?"

They locked eyes for a moment and Jonathan sighed.

"Cameron, I don't like us arguing. It makes things feel weird and uncomfortable"

"I agree. I think I'll sleep in the guestroom tonight, for some space"

Jonathan nodded. It was sad that this was happening but hopefully the end results will ge worth it.

"Alright. I'm going out to get us some lunch. Do you need anything?"

"Uhm...Marshmallows, I'm planning on making hot cocoa."

"Got it. I'll be back in a few"


Benedict sighed in relief as he sat down. Xavier gave him a massage on the shoudlers and kissed him on the head.

"Two months to go Bunny" he says and Benedict nodded.

"I can't wait. With the wedding around the corner, I'll get more time to rest when it's over"

"Then we can have...some fun" Xavier whispers, hands going down Benedict's chest.

"No sex remember?" Benedict stated.

"The doctor said no penetration. Nothing about Oral" Xavier responds, giving Benedict's earlobe a nibble.

"Wait, I feel something"

Xavier stood up and pulled Benedict's shirt to the man's chest.

"Whoa, looks alien"

"I think they're positioning themselves"

Xavier placed his hand on Benedict's stomach and he smiled, these babies were going to be big!

"Can I guess what we are having?"

"You can try" Benedict laughed.

"I say two girls and a boy"

Benedict shrugged.

"I say three boys"

"If my guess is correct, what will I get?" Xavier asked.

"You can marry me"

Xavier laughed.

"Alright, you're on"


Skye massaged his temples, Sam was having a temper tantrum about not having a tail. Prince on the other hand was trying to reason with the toddler.

"Sammy you're a human, you can't have a tail" Prince says, his eyes widened when Sam's lips quivered, eyes glassing over with tears.

"BUT we can buy you one. Yes, we can buy you a toy tail"

Skye looked at him in shock.

"No he can't"

"Skye it's just a toy"

"Babe we can't give Sam everything he wants. He has to learn to compromise."

"Well...he's just two years"

"A great period to teach him this. Before it's too late"

"Alright alright. Sammy you can't have a tail but you can have grapes"


"See?" Skye said making Prince laugh.

"So I guess you're the disciplinary parent" Prince teases.

"I'm fine with that. But promise me not to just give Sam everything he wants."

"Yes sir"

"Hm, now come here and give me a kiss" Skye says as he pulled Prince towards him by the tie.

"Fiesty aren't we?"

Skye looks behind Prince and Sam was occupied by Nora.

"You owe me sex. Let's go upstairs and ruffle the sheets" he whispers.

"I'd love to but I have to go meet the royal planner about posters and street decor for our wedding"

Skye sighed.

"Alright. But tonight, you're mine"

"Hm, I can't wait"


Lunch was in silence. Jonathan would steal a glance at Cameron and the man was busy focused on his food to notice. He slowly reaches forward and held Cameron's resting hand. Their eyes meet.

"I miss you" Jonathan confessed. He wanted the happy Cameron, the one who would rather be in his arms than avoid them.

Cameron smiled at him.

"I miss you too....I'm sorry, I overreacted that day"

"And I'm sorry for being mean to you. I misguided my anger on you"

"So are we good?"

Jonathan nodded.

"We're good. Come to my room tonight, I have something in my pants to show you"

"Jonathan!" Cameron blushed making Jonathan laugh.

"Okay fine, let me see yours first"

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