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By morning, Cameron was in the kitchen making Jonathan an omelette. He smiles to himself as what happened last night replays in his mind.

"He gave me a blowjob. I had forgotten how it felt to be touched like that" he murmurs. He flips the omelette and turns around. He looked at Jonathan's bedroom door.

"Should I ask to share his bed? Maybe he'll think I'm forward"

He sighs and turns the stove off, plating the omelette. He places it on the table, next to his. It looked cute. His phone then rings, he smiles when he saw that it was his father.

"Hey dad"

"Hey Moonie. How are you? You haven't called in months"

"Right. I'm sorry, things happened here"

"Are you alright? Is it Peter?"

Cameron sighed.

"Dad, Peter and I broke up. I had to look for a new place and my friend took me in"

"Friend? Who is it?"

"Dad relax, Jonathan is a good guy. Nothing like Peter"

"Okay, your mother's birthday is coming up, you didn't forget did you?"

He forgot. BUT he has a reminder on his calendar two days before.

"Of course not" he lied. His father hummed, clearly not believing him.

"Bring your friend with you, I'd like to meet him"

Cameron nodded.

"Sure. Bye dad, love you."

"Love you too"

The call ends and he sighs. Then he hears Jonathan's door open and the man stepped out, fully clothed in sweats.

"Morning Cam, how are you today?"

Cameron smiled, he has nothing to worry about, Jonathan is a good guy and his dad will surely like him.

"I'm okay. How are you?"

Jonathan sat down and smiles once he saw the omelette.

"I'm great now that I see this. Thanks for breakfast Cam" he happily said. Cameron felt his heart flutter, he blushes.

"No worries. Look, my mom's birthday is coming up and my dad told me to come back home....with you"

Jonathan looked at him in shock.

"I was invited?"

"Mhm....you don't have to if you don't feel comfortable"

"Nonsense, I'm coming with you. Where are you from?"


"Damn....that's far"


"You should avoid stress. Your blood pressure is way too high"

Benedict sighed. Maybe seeing Cj yesterday was probably a factor.

"How can we bring it down?" Xavier asked the doctor.

"Rest, distract your mind with a hobby or two"

Benedict nodded. Seems like he has some time to plan the party for tonight.

"Thanks Doc. By the way, since you helped my brother with his child, can you tell me how far along am I?" Benedict asked.

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