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"I....I don't know what to say" Jonathan says. Corey nodded.

"It's okay. You don't have to like me right away"

Jonathan sighed. The dejected look on Corey's face made him feel bad. The man had invited him to dinner with hopes of eventually getting a date out of it.

"Look Corey....I don't...know how I feel about my sexuality but what I know is, I'm interested in you and if you don't mind....I'd like you to meet my family"

Corey's fork dropped to the floor with a clank. He looks at Jonathan, eyes wide. Did Jonathan really say that?!

"I....of course!"

Jonathan smiled and focused on his food. He chuckles at the thought of Corey meeting his family.

"I have a feeling you're going to fit right in with my family. They're so much fun"

Corey smiled when he heard that.

"I can't wait"


Skye is woken up by a few pokes on the cheek. When he opened his eyes he saw Sam standing beside the bed. He sits up and turns on the nightstand lamp.

"Sammy? What's wrong honey?"

"I had nightmare" the toddler whispered. Skye then heard the distant rumble of thunder. He picks Sam up and puts the toddler between him and Prince.

Skye lays back down and Sam hugs him tightly.

"It's okay Sammy" he whispers as he gently pats Sam's back. Few minutes pass and Skye felt the toddler's hold on him loosen. He sneakily unwraps Sam's arms off him and lays on his back.

He looks back at Prince and the king was fast asleep. He sighs and slides off the bed, making his way downstairs.

He heard a few chatters of the night shift staff as he entered the kitchen.

"Your Majesty!" They exclaimed before they gave him a curtsey.

"Hey guys. What are you doing?"

"Nothing, we're just here in case an order comes through"

Skye nods and sits down.

"Have the guards eaten?"

"An hour ago yes"

"Alright, can someone get me the state dinner plan book? I think it's in my office"

"I'll bring it" a maid says before rushing off. A glass of water slides on the table and Skye smiles before he takes a sip.

"So how is everything?"

"Excellent your Majesty. We heard that the state dinner is going to be a spectacular event and to wintess it as we work there makes it more special to be serving here"

Skye nodded and took another sip. The maid returns with his book and he smiles.


He opens it and reads through the pages.

"We have to sort out a menu. I need everyone to make me their best special dish. The one dish you know it's going to taste excellent"

"Yes Majesty"

The smell of food fill the kitchen, Skye rests his head on his hand and he closes his eyes for a moment. By the time the chefs were done cooking, he had fallen asleep.

"Do we wake him?" The chefs asked themselves. One butler gently gave the queen a nudge startling him awake.

"Ah, yes. Let me taste it"

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