Chapter 2 -I nearly lost you

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You look at your watch as you realise how long you spent in the shower. Shit- it was already 6:15, and I hadn't picked an outfit, done my make-up, or fixed my hair. As I was flickering my eyes, my bed with my last 3 top choices, there was a knock at the door.
"Y/N, darling, can I come in?"
Oh no, she can't see me like this. She kept knocking so eventually I strided across to the door.
"Oh my!" She exclaimed as I opened my door in just my black cargos and the realised I only had on my laced black bra. I looked down and covered my chest but directed her in and shut the door. She picked up one of my tops up and just handed it to me. I immediately pulled it over my head and went to find a matching jumper. The top she had picked dipped  very low on my chest and as I walked out with my stripy cardigan draped over my shoulders, her cheeks went slightly pink and let out a little chuckle.
I started to focus on the voices around trying to pick out Larissa thoughts. Then I heard her angelic voice," God she looks gorgeous in that top"
I smile at her and say "You look gorgeous tonight Miss Weems, I love your outfit. But I wasn't just paying back the compliment, she did actually have me head over heels with her tight silver skirt and a matching blazer.
"I just popped by to see if you wanted to grab a bite to eat or a drink with me" she blurted out suddenly. I looked at my watch and the time read 6:25 so I said why not?
We walked down the corridor in silence  but I felt her hand brush against mine so I grabbed her finger tips which made her smile and we finally reached the car. She reached out and grabbed to door for me
" What a gentle woman" I chuckle and she laughs aswell.
The whole car journey I couldn't help but stare. Miss Weems was just a Goddess.

~They arrive at the festival and go separate ways ~

I go to find Enid and  Wednesday and here them talking about Wednesdays plan to leave. I walk over and I say,  "Need any help escaping."
"No" she says throwing darts at the balloons. Enid skips off and I stand watching her. This normie kid walks over.
"We need to go, Dad hit me with a curfew" he said tugging her arm.
"Hang on" she said, " I need to lose some dead wright and we all look to the left. Weems was there staring at us.
"Give me that panda you just won" I go indicating for the game owner to give the toy, I continued," I'll distract her, you go get out of here"
I take the panda and walk over to the Ice-cream stand and I ask for 2 ice creams, then I pay and walk over to Weems.
I place the panda on the table but then it started to say I love you. Weems starts laughing hysterically as I go bright red.
"Sorry Miss I didn't know it said that"
"It's alright y/n, and please call me Larissa " she said calming down.
"Anyway I bought you an ice cream." I said handing the cone to her. She took it gladly and patted the seat next to her. As I sat down, I saw wednesday wink and run off but larissa hadn't noticed so I just smiled.
"So are you enjoying the festival?" She said in a cheery tone
"Yeah, it's alright, but better now, I'm sat with you"
She blushed heavily and looked away for a second. I rested my hand on her thigh and she seemed to tense and go even redder. When she realised I wasn't going to pull away she looked back at me and just smiled. She looked over her shoulder and realised Wednesday was gone.
"I've got to go, wednesday I'd missing!"
"OK Larissa, I'll see you back at the car for 10"
I suddenly heard a scream from the woods and followed it. As I got deeper and deeper into the woods, I saw wednesday being held against the tree by someone else. I stood there having no clue what to do when something tackled the boy he ripped his body into pieces before walking up to me and scratching my chest. All I know what I started gushing blood and passed out.


I opened my eyes to find myself lying in the infirmary. I was so confused that I didn't realise someone was holding my hand. I looked to my right to see Larissa holding my hand and her makeup was all smudged and she was still in her clothes from the harvest festival but they were all dirty. She spotted and breathed a sigh of relief before saying
"Oh Y/N I thought I lost you. Miss Addams had found me in the crowd and said something attacked you so I ran, she didn't even tell me where you were I just ran into the woods. I saw your limp body lying there and thought we lost you."
"What ?"
"Y/N look at your chest"
I looked down and saw my bare chest with stitches sewn in to a bloody scar.
Larissa proceeded to continue, "I'm so sorry to do this Y/N but can we go to my office because the Sherrif needs your statement."
I went to get up but Larissa refused to let me walk. She scooped me into her arms and I nuzzle into her warm chest as she walked slowly to her office. The sheriff opened the door and Larissa sat me on a chair.
"So what happened?" Sherrif Galpin said bluntly.
"I heard a scream so I ran to check on it and someone was holding Wednesday against a tree. Then out of nowhere something pushed the boy out of the way. He ripped his body apart and then came over to me and did this" then I showed him the scar.
"Now leave her alone" Larissa had now joined the conversation. "She needs to rest"
"Alright but I'll be back soon" The sheriff sniped and he walked out the room.
Larissa then continued to scoop me up again and took me to a connected room, I assume her bedroom. She then laid me on the bed while she walked away. She came back with some old clothes of hers and let me change. She then tucked me into bed and said to rest so I did.
After a while I woke up to someone next to me, it was Larissa. I looked at my watch and the time said 4:23 am.
Oh so she was asleep. She was curled around me, resting her head on mine so I didn't wake her. Less then 10 minutes went by before a very loud alarm woke her up. Clearly she has to be ready early.
She grumbled and removed herself from our cuddle not noticing I was awake. She hopped in the shower but left the door open so I took a peak. Her body was so perfect and I dreamed of it being mine but I knew I could never have it. As she got out the shower she saw me looking and just smirked, and shut the door. By the time she came back out she was all ready. She then reminded me to get up and so I did. Once I was ready I left and didn't see her for the rest of the day.

1287 words
Sorry its quite long but enjoy!!

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