Chapter 70- Dads and hospitals

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"Larissa's dad?" You ask
"Yes. Colin Weems. And no surprise, he seems to be heading towards Jericho." He gives you a worried look.

"My love. He's not going to get you. I'm here. You will be safe in my arms. I promise baby." You whisper to your wife who was now crying. You wrap you arms around her and give her little kisses.
"No y/n. He got me last time. And I was gone for 2 years! What if it happens again?" She sobs
"But it won't. I promise. I'm here this time. He's not going to get you my princess." You rub her back, now she was inconsolable.

You sit with her in your arms until she's cried all the tears she has left to cry.
Then there was a scream.

The sheriff ran off, going to investigate but the scream got louder. And soon it was outside your door. In bursts Colin with Marilyn held at gunpoint.

"Give me my daughter or this bitch gets it." He growls, shoving Marilyn towards you. 
"Oh dios, oh dios, joder, ¿qué hago? ¿Dónde diablos está Donovan?" You mutter under your breath as Larissa slowly climbs off of your lap, walking towards him.

(Oh god, oh god, fuck what do I do? Where the fuck is Donovan?)

"No Larissa!" You call as she gets closer.
"You've done it before and you can do it again, you will be ok without me." She gives you a gentle nod as her dad releases Marilyn.
"How am I supposed to do it with two babies though?" You yell
"I don't know love, but I will be back, do not worry." She whispers as her dad holds the gun to her neck. 

You let her go, not wanting anyone to get hurt. You pulled Olivia and the twins close, tears streaming down your face as you saw your wife being taken out the room.

The Sherrif soon arrives.

"Where's Larissa?" He tilts his head.
"She was fucking kidnapped because you weren't here you little cow!" Olivia yells, scaring you. You held her close as he runs away to call for backup.

You have no clue what to do or where your wife was, so you called your sister and Taylor, who you knew was near-by.

The both arrive quickly and you explain everything to them. They take it all in before you start discussing what to do.

"Where would she go?" Leah asked.
"You act like I have a fucking clue. Last time she was missing for two years!" You sob, holding Alex in your arms.
"It will be ok." Taylor rubs your back.
You take a few deep breaths before continuing the discussion.

Donovan soon arrives and Leah steps out to talk with him. You Olivia and Taylor, sit anxiously, awaiting news. Leah soon came back.

"No luck and they believe that she has been taken out the country." She sighs heavily, hugging softly as you started to cry again. You couldn't face it alone.

Soon Leah leaves, leaving you 5 in the office alone. The babies soon got hungry and you were not in the mood to feed them, but you had to. After, you managed to get them to sleep so you could spend some time with Olivia. You and her sit on the sofa while Taylor goes and checks in with Leah.

Suddenly they all rush sprinting into the office.

"She's been found." Leah pants. You breathe a sigh of relief before Leah can continue.
"With a bullet through the stomach." She finishes, even she was on the verge of crying.

You and Olivia both instantly burst into tears, hugging eachother as you both shake violently. They leave and take the babies so you had no distraction. After you calmed down, you insisted the Sherrif take you to the hospital. It was a 3 hour drive but Leah was too tired to teleport you all.

The trip was boring, filled with tears and panic attacks, babies crying and an angry Sherrif.

You soon reached the hospital and rushed inside to go see her. You run up to the receptionist.

"I'm here to see Larissa Weems. Where is she?" You demand.
"Sorry sweetie, only immediate family." She sighs, still smiling
"I'm her wife!"
"You're too young sweetie." She give a light chuckle.
"They are married and over there is Larissa's cousin and 3 daughters plus her sister in law. So let them through." The Sherrif demands.

The woman tells you where to go and you practically sprint, tears running down your face. You reach her room and you push past the doctors, taking her hand in yours.

"Who let this kid in here?" One of the doctors asks before trying to pull you away.
"Get your dirty hands off me, I'm here wife you dumbass!" You slap his hand away.
"Don't speak to me like that! Get out!" He screams as the Sherrif walked in.
"Be careful  boy, I will put you under arrest." He pulls his handcuffs out and they all scurry out the room.

You look at her bandaged stomach  where they had removed the bullet. You start to cry again, holding her tight.

"I'm sorry Mrs Weems, your wife is in a coma. We will try everything, we promise." A doctor says before leaving.

"Oh princess! I shouldn't have let you go. I love you so much." You whisper, planting a kiss on her forehead. You suddenly feel her hand squeeze yours. But nothing else.
"Princess, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand." You whisper. Again, she squeezes your hand. Atleast she's not dead.

937 words

I'm so sorry, I have had no clue how to finish this and just gave up. But here you go!

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