Chapter 41- How could you do this too me

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It was the last week before Christmas break and everyone was really excited. In most of your classes, you gave them free lessons to do whatever. Larissa had stopped coming into work with you, she was getting ready for Christmas. You were having a big Christmas that year. Taylor and her parents aswell as her siblings and your parents and Leah. Marilyn was also joining you all and 2 of Larissa's cousins were married. Wednesday, Enid and the rest of the Addams family were coming aswell. In total, 21 of you.

On the Wednesday night you and Olivia were heading home but you were worried because your wife hadn't text you all day. That was weird.

You got home to find a weird car on the driveway. You walk inside to find your wife stood in the kitchen, looking ready to leave. She had 6 suitcases with her.

"Olivia sweet, go to your room, I'll be up in a minute."
"Rissa honey, where are you going?" You smile walking up to her. You go to wrap your arms around her waist but she pushes you away.
"Larissa, what's wrong princess?"
"I'm leaving y/n. Im in love with another" She says
"What where? What do you mean?"
"I mean I'm leaving you, that brat of a child, Nevermore and Jericho."
"Why not. Anyway, I am leaving, go fuck yourself." She says walking out of the house, slamming the door.

What the hell just happened? You broke down crying and Olivia came running to you

"Mum, what happened? Wheres mum?"
"Honey, your mother has left us. I don't know why but she just left and she isn't coming back. I'm sorry honey."
"Oh I'm sorry mum!"
"No I'm sorry sweetie, you just lost your mum!"

You both sit on the floor and cry for a bit before you text your Christmas group chat

Y/n removed Larissa

You: Hey everyone I'm sorry but Christmas is cancelled, Larissa has left us and I don't think I can do this, especially because most of you are Larissa's family

Taylor: I'm  so sorry y/n, we will all still come, you need the support

Cousin 1: Yeah we will
Cousin 2: Yeah
Cousin 3: Of course we will come
Cousin 4: Definitely coming.

Andrea: Yeah darling we will come too!

Morticia: Yeah we will still come!

Enid: Me and Wednesday are coming over right now!

Marilyn: I'm coming too! Be there in 10!

That's good, atleast they were all still coming. Even her family.

A couple of minutes later, Marilyn bursts through the door and finds you and Olivia still on the floor.

"Oh darlings! I am so sorry! How could she do this to you." She hugs you both tightly.
"I don't know either Mari, I just came home to her all packed and she said she is in love with someone else!" You sob into your best friend.

Not long after Enid and Wednesday arrive and Enid joins the hug.

"I'm so sorry y/n, you both seemed so happy and in love a few months ago!"
"I thought we were too Enid. But she says she in love with someone else so there's not much left to do."

"I am also very saddend by this horrible event, I express my apologies y/n."
"Thank you Wednesday, can we go sit on the sofa though, it's really uncomfortable here!"

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