Chapter 12- Forever and ever Mrs Weems

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*Mid March, Saturday at Nevermore*

"Larissa hurry up!" I yell. She was getting changed and taking forever. We were going wedding dress shopping and ring shopping today and I was so excited. Marilyn was coming with us and so were Wednesday and Enid. Marilyn was Larissa's maid of honour and Wednesday and Enid were mine. They were my two best friends at Nevermore besides Marilyn and Larissa. I decided to let Larissa have Marilyn as she had no one.
When Larissa emerges, we head down to the car and meet with the other 3.
Larissa gets in the drives seat, Marilyn in the passenger seat and me, Enid and Wednesday in the back.
We talked about colours and styles and all sorts.
Me and Larissa were both wearing white and had chosen a pastel colour scheme. Me and Enid spent the entire car journey trying to convince Wednesday to not wear black.
"Fine. I am only doing this because I sometimes think of Y/N as a sister." She says.
I start to tear up but don't hug her, she might change her mind then.
We arrived outside the shop, which was an hour outside Jericho. Marilyn and Larissa went to look at dresses for them while Me, Enid and Wednesday went to the other side of the shop. After lots of browsing and trying on, I think I found the perfect bridesmaid dress. It's a pastel blue dress(photos of all dresses at top)
Enid loves it and Wednesday just nodded. We then start browsing for a dress for me.
I fall in love with a lacy, flowing dress that has lace sleeves. Enid loves it and Wednesday even agrees it looks nice.
After I get out the dress, Marilyn comes over to look at our dresses. We show her and she loves them. She then shows us her pastel purple dress. By some coincidence, it's the same as the others but in purple.
We go to pay and meet with Larissa outside. The others head to the local mall and me and Larissa walk to the ring shop a few streets over.
You walk in and someone greets you.
"Are you shopping for rings today?" The sales assistant says.
"Do you want matching for you and your daughter?" She asks
"This is my fiancee and we are shopping for wedding rings," Larissa says smiling.
"Uh sorry, this is our wedding section, if you find any you like just tell me." She walks off.
We find a gorgeous ring with a big diamond  in the middle with a twisted band and 6 smaller diamonds.
We ask to see 2 of those. Luckily they have both our ring sizes and we buy them then and there.
I ring Marilyn to meet us back at the car and we can all go for coffee.
Me and Larissa walk back to the car hand in hand and we couldn't stop smiling. As we reached the car I kissed her, pulling her in close.
"I love you Larissa Weems,"
"I love you too Y/N Weems,"
I smile at the name.
Suddenly there's a tap on my shoulder. It was the others.
We all hopped in the car and started driving. I pull out the rings and show them to the others. They are in awe.
You drop them into your bag and smile widely. You were marrying the love of your life and you were so excited.

*time skip until 3 days before the wedding.*

You and Larissa made your way to the Weems mansion 3 days before your wedding. You had paid decorators to put up a marquee and set out your chairs for the warm summer day.
Everyone you invited rsvp'd except Larissa's parents. That wasn't a shock to her but you still felt bad. Your dad was going to walk you down the aisle and she had no one.

When you arrive at the mansion you drag your bags upstairs and start cooking dinner. You were tired so you and Larissa went to bed early and snuggle.
The next day was busy. People had started to arrive. Marilyn, Wednesday and Enid with the rest of the Addams family.
The rest of the guests weren't arriving until the big day but it was still hectic. Why you had 6 extra people.
You ordered take away and everyone sat in the lounge laughing and joking.
"So are you girls ready?" Asked Morticia.
"As ready as I'll ever  be!" You reply
You continue talking about the wedding sharing funny stories about everyone.
At about 1am everyone headed to bed.
"Yes honey?"
"This is our last night together before I become y/n weems. That's scary!"
"But I'll be so happy when you are! My wife all mine!!!!"
"I love you" you whisper into here ear.
"Forever and ever Mrs weems" she whispers back.

812 words
This is a bit shorter as I didn't want to include the wedding and make it really long 🫶🫶🫶

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