Chapter 55- Miami baby!

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You arrived at the airport and once you had been through baggage and security, you had 30 minutes until boarding. You went and got breakfast before calling your wife.

Y: Hey princess

L: Hey

Y: What's wrong?

L: Nothing, why are you calling me?

Y: Well I just wanted to tell you we are boarding soon. Now why won't Princess tell mommy why she is upset

L: Because you just left me to go on holiday!

Y: Baby, I'm sorry. I'll come home now, I shouldn't have come without you.

L: No don't upset Olivia, she paid for this holiday

Y: It's not fair to you though, I love her but she treats you differently

L: Remember I wanst around for 2 years and you guys are really close in age, of course she's going to treat you better. Doesn't mean it hurts any less.

Y: Larissa, let me come home, you are clearly upset.

L: No just go, I will see you soon. I love you

Y: I love you too. Bye princess

End of call

"Is mum ok?" Olivia asks as you board the plane
"Bit upset, she'll be fine. I have a question though."
"Yeah mum?"
"Why do you always give me stuff and treat me differently than your mum, she is just as important as me."

As you get ready for takeoff, Olivia stays silent, not responding.

"I don't know. I love her of course but I just feel so much closer to you. And you've spent more time with me and have supported me. Because she was gone, we never really built that relationship."

"That's ok, but why don't you go away with just her at some point. I'll book you guys a getaway."

She nods and you spend the rest of the flight watching a film.

You soon arrive and you make your way to your accommodation. You both fall into the bed, still hungover from the night before. You both fall asleep and wake up to the sun shining.

You both agree to spend the day on the beach. You spent the day sunbathing and talking. It was nice to be away, just the two of you. But you missed your wife. You felt bad but Olivia had worked hard to do this for you.

Later that evening, Olivia wanted to go to a club. You were slightly hesitant because she'd have to use her fake ID but went with it.

You got ready before walking to the most popular club. You had to wait for a while but finally you reached the bouncer. He asked for your ID, not batting an eye at Olivia. As he checked, you could see her laughing at you.

You rolled your eyes and you were both let in. You had a couple of drinks before  deciding to dance. Lots of people were drunk but you ignored them.

After another drink, a woman came up to you and started to flirt. You and Olivia struggled not to laugh but it was almost impossible. She started giggling and the woman turned around.

"What's so funny?" She stares at you
"Oh nothing, it's just that you are flirting with my mum!"
"If she's your mum, hoe did you get in here cause she can't be over 25."
"My daughter is adopted. I'm headmistress of a school and she was attending while in Foster care. I adopted her 4 years ago at 20." You smile

"Oh ok, well in that case I won't invite you to my hotel room tonight, maybe tomorrow?" She winked
"Sorry, my wife won't approve." You and Olivia laugh as she storms off.

You dance some more and have a couple of drinks. You missed your wife dearly but you were enjoying the fun.

It was about 1 am and you and Olivia had decided to go back to your hotel after finishing the drinks you had.

As you were talking, a fight broke out. The two men were punching and kicking eachother. They were heading in your direction so you stood infront of Olivia, trying to move both of you out the way.

You could see a punch flying towards your face and you hear a thump. But it wasn't you being hit. Olivia was now OK the floor unconscious, a bright red mark covering her face.

You rang ambulance and police ad you moved her to a quiet area. You made it into the hospital and they checked her over. Her jaw was fractured an she'd probably get a black eye. They were also concerned about head injuries but it depends om when she wakes up.

You rang your wife.

Y: Larissa can you come to miami

L: why, you don't care where I am

Y: Get your ass down here right now your fucking daughters in the hospital!

L: Oh.

Y: Is Oh all you have to say? She has a fractured jaw and possible head injuries and you don't care. You know what, I'm just going to ring Leah, atleast she cares.

L: ok

Y: Fuck you Larissa, fuck you

You hung up, tears in your eyes as you rang your sister

Y: Leah, come to miami, Olivia is in hospital

L: Coming.

And within a minute she appeared.

"Where's Larissa?" She looks around the room
"Olivia and me came here without her and she's not coming. I did ring her but she was being a bitch."

"I'm sorry, let's hope Olivia gets better."

912 words

Larissa karma will be a bitch.

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