Chapter 28- She's gone

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⚠️violence, g*ns, blood

The next week was very exhausting. Olivia stayed home for 2 days, before returning to Nevermore. You and Larissa spent the week in bed. Larissa's head was pretty much healed so she took care of you. You were feeling awful, you had another episode. You watched about 100 films with her but didn't mind, you were back with your family. You decided that it was time to go back to Nevermore, properly. Not almost die (cause who would almost kill off the main character?)

You get up on Monday morning, showering with Larissa and getting dressed. Jeans and a jumper will do. You walk downstairs and start making breakfast for Larissa and Olivia. You make pancakes and put 3 plates on the table.
"Rissa, Olivia! Breakfast!" You call up the stairs.
Olivia come rushing down and sits at the table.
"Where's your mum?"
"Oh, I don't know but I heard crying and the door is locked!"
"Ok you start eating sweetie, I'll be back!"
You rush upstairs and knock on your bedroom door.
"Larissa, my love, are you ok?"
"Yeah just-"
"Let me in now!"
"Ok, do I have to pick the lock?"
You hear the lock click but the door doesn't. You open it slowly to find  Larissa crying, struggling to do her hair after a week of wearing it down.
"Honey, what happened?" You sit down next to her.
"It hurts y/n, it really hurts and my hair won't go right and I just don't know!" She sobs
"Where does it hurt the most?"
She points to the top of her scar.
You kiss it before grabbing her hairbrush and brushing her hair slowly. You grab some painkillers from your bedside table and a glass of water, handing both to her. She takes them, letting you resume brushing her hair. She winces slightly when you reach the area around your cut. You kiss it softly before starting to pin her hair into place. You take extra care and grab her can of hairspray. You spray her hair lightly before pulling her off the bed, letting her look in the mirror.

"Oh honey, how!" She starts to cry
"I've seen you do it enough love, I love you!"
"I love you too!"
You walk downstairs, spotting Olivia on the sofa.
"You ok mum?" She says, looking up from her phone quickly.
"Yeah fine sweetheart!" Larissa smiles.
You lead her to the table and sit and eat. It was time for you all to leave. You all climb into the car, making the drive to Nevermore.
Olivia hops out the car, looking for her friends while you and Larissa, slowly walk inside.
Some of your students spot you and run over, hugging you. You chuckle and smile at Larissa. She squeezes your hand tightly as you pass your classroom,  letting you leave, you needed to get ready for teaching.

You had Olivia's class first, you loved this class but there was someone else. Someone new. The little girl feels familiar but you weren't sure.

"Hello everyone! I'm glad to be back and teaching!"
"Hey Mrs Weems!" They all say.
"You guys do remember you can call me y/n, right!" You chuckle
"Hey so everyone turn to page 24 of the textbooks infront of you, make notes and we'll dicuss in a minute. And excuse me, yes you, sorry I don't know your name, can you come over?" You point to the new girl.

"Hey sweetie, what's your name?" You smile, she feels all to familiar.
"I'm Vanessa, I just moved here!"
"Well nice to meet you Vanessa, if you have any questions, I'm here! Also, what's on your head?"
"I have a question first!"
"Um yes?"
"I was told you were in a hyde attack is that true?"
"Umm yes, but don't let Principal Weems hear you asking, she doesn't like that!" You giggle
"Well, I was attacked a while ago, not by a hyde but by a psycho. She knocked me unconscious but my head was scarred!"
"Can I look?"
She nods and turns around. You knew you recognised the person it was Larissa. Same place, same shape, same size.
"Well can I speak to you after class!"
"Yeah Mrs Weems, pretty name by the way!"
"I got from a beautiful person!" You wink and you see her blush, Larissa was rubbish at hiding her emotions.
The class finished and 'Vanessa' came up to me.
"You wanted to see me Mrs Weems?" She says, smiling
"Come here sweetie!" You say encouraging her to come closer
"I just wanted to say, you seem like a very beautiful and intelligent person, I hope you fit in at Nevermore!"
"Thanks Miss, you are also gorgeous!"
"Please, call me y/n and you should see my wife! She's a goddess!"
"Is your wife the Principal?"
"Why how did you know?" You chuckle
"Well she is very gorgeous!" She smiles
"Yeah, why don't we go see her?" You smile
"Oh no, she's probably busy!" She says, overcome with nerves
"Ok then we won't!"
"Bye y/n!"
"Bye Larissa!" You chuckle and she turns around and stared at you, shifting back into herself.
"How did you know!" She seems annoyed.
"Let's see, no warning of a new student, the same scar on your head, already knowing about the hyde attacks while you told everyone not to talk about it, blushing when I said you were beautiful, calling yourself pretty!" You laugh.
"I can't fool you can I!"
"Well considering how much time I've spent with you, no!"
You walk over to her, and kiss her softly.
"I love you y/n Weems!"
"I love you too Larissa Weems!"

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