Chapter 35- Welcome back

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It was the start of a new school year but one thing was different, Larissa Weems wasn't Principal. Instead Y/N Weems was.

She walked onto the stage infront of all the students and parents.

"Good morning to you all I hope you had an amazing summer and are looking forward to this year. For our previous students, you are probably wondering where Principal Weems is. She is taking a 3 month break to relax. I will be taking over as Principal. For our new students, I am Principal y/n Weems. I will also be teaching you all history. You don't have to worry about calling me Principal, the other years will inform you I go by y/n in most cases. Principal Weems will also be here occasionally and I will hope you all get to know her before she resumes her posts.
Now onto our faculty. Ms Marilyn Thornhill teaches Botany, Mr Derrick Greaves teaches fencing and archery, Mrs Debbie Fox teaches maths, Mr Samuel Fox teaches English and yes they are married before anyone asks. Ms Eve Barnes teaches science and this year we are blessed with a psychology teacher Ms Jane Aldridge. Aswell as a new teacher, we so have a temporary guest, Miss Taylor Swift will be around the school for the next month, helping out and will offer singingand guitar lessons. Any questions?"

About 5 hands shoot up. You point at the first boy.

"Principal, what's your power?"
"Telekinesis and mind reading!"
"Yes you?" You point to the next person
"Is it really Taylor Swift?
"Yes! And you next to her?"
"How do you know Taylor Swift?"
"She's my cousin by marrige! Ok next one?"
"Why is Principal Weems taking a break?"
"She wasn't in a good place mentally so needed a while longer off! Last question!"
"Is Principal Weems your wife?"
"Yes she is! Ok now you should have received note of what hall you will be in and who your dorm parent is so please follow them and they will give you your dorm assignments! Have a great day!"

The students all hurry off in a million different directions while you head to your office. You sit at your desk and log onto your laptop. You start sending out emails and notices to all the staff. You looked at the time and it was 11:32, your meeting was supposed to start at 11: 30, she was late.
Then there was a knock at the door and Jane poked her head in.

"Ms Aldridge, you are late, I don't appreciate time wasters!" You say sternly
"Yes sorry Principal Weems."
"Anyway, I just wanted to talk about some students who will need some extra help and who they are. Then about the curriculum."
"Ok yes!"

You talk for about half an hour, about all she would need to know. Then there was a knock on the door. You thought it was a student but it turned out to be your wife.
"Oh sorry, your in a meeting!" She chuckles turning to leave
"No it's ok love, come sit with me!" You drag a chair next to you, patting it for Larissa to sit down.
"Hello you must be the other Principal Weems!" Jane offers a hand.
"Yes I am and you must be our new psychology teacher, Ms Aldridge am I right?" Larissa shakes her hand gently, a smile on her face.
Jane has a wide grin on her face, blushing slightly at her touch.
You dont like the way she was looking at your wife.

"Well Jane, we are nearly done, you may leave now!" You plaster a fake smile on your face.
"Ok thank you!" She smiles and leaves. Before she walks out, you see her turn and wink at Larissa. Weird.

She shuts the door and immediately turn to your wife.
"Larissa, I forbid you to talk to her!"
"Why though, I'm going to have to talk to her!"
"No I'm the boss right now, you be a good little housewife and listen."
"But honey, she's nice what's wrong?"
"She blushed when she shook your hand, smiled excitedly when you sat down, winked at you when she left, she has a crush on you!"
"Y/n stop being paranoid!"
"Why are you here anyway, I'm busy!"
"I'm bored, I miss my wife!" She sighs, kissing your cheek
"Well I have class at 1, why don't you come join me?"
"I'd love that!"

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