Chapter 37- Psycho killer

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You and Wednesday sprint back to the school, looking for and you find her in her classroom.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY WIFE YOU PSYCHO!" You scream, shoving her against the wall, choking her.
"I wanted her out the way!"
"What do you mean? I thought you liked her?"
"No silly, I like you! I knew you would go looking for her and you would come here so I can do this!" She leans in and kisses you, touching your chest.
"Get off me! I'm married!"
"You aren't! Your wife will be dead by now!"
"Get away from my, my best friend otherwise you will regret it." Wednesday says, stepping closer.
"What's a little girl like you going to do?"
"Move y/n!"

Wednesday walks up to her, twisting her arm and throwing her over her shoulder. But Jane gets up and fights back. She chokes Wednesday throwing her to the ground.
Before Wednesday can get up, she walks over to you, snaking her hands up your shirt. You tried to move but she put all her weight on you. She kissed you and started caressing your boobs. She start unbuttoning your shirt but Wednesday pulls her off of you, knocking her to the ground, then hitting her unconscious.

You were sobbing, trying to button up your shirt. Wednesday came over and helps you.

"I'm sorry she did that y/n, you don't deserve that."
"It's ok Wednesday, thank you. Now can you and Enid cover my last lesson, it's Olivia's?"
"Of course, do you mind if I tell Enid what happened?"
"No it's ok, if Olivia asks, don't tell her, she's worried already."
"Ok, now go see your wife."

You rush off to the infirmary, crying still. You find Larissa awake, talking to Marilyn.

"Y/n, my love!" She cries, spotting you.
"Hey honey, can I talk to Marilyn a second?"

She walks over to you, a concerned look on your face.

"Y/n what happened?"
"She- she- she kissed me. And tried to take off my shirt. She also touched my boobs and she was stroking them. It was horrible Mari!" You sob.
"What where was Wednesday?"
"She knocked her to the ground, she was struggling to get up!"
"Oh y/n, I'm so sorry!"
"No the worst part was, she said she didn't want Larissa, she wanted me! She was trying to kill her so she could be with me!"
"Oh my god, she's a psycho!"
"Yeah, security are taking her down to the Police station but there wasn't any evidence. They said the probably won't convict her!"
"Oh y/n, are we going to tell Larissa? She would want to know!"
"I don't want to worry her! She's already upset!"
"But y/n, you need to tell her, this isn't alright. You need your wife to be with you!"
"No Mari, I'm doing this by myself, I'm not letting her worry!"

You storm back into the room, wiping away your tears before sitting next to your wife. You tell her about the confrontation but not about how she wanted you or how she kissed you. You told her she was being taken to the police. She hugged you tightly, crying.

"Thank you my love, you protected me!"
"No problem love, I will give my life for you!"
You look over to Marilyn who gives you a nod to say you should tell her. You shake your head and turn back to your wife.
The nurse discharges her and you take her back to your office.
Olivia and Taylor soon walk in.

"Mum are you ok? Wednesday and Enid were whispering and they'd said you'd been hurt."
"I'm ok now sweetie, don't worry!" Larissa smiles
"No not you, y/n, they didn't mention you!"
"Olivia, cállate de lo contrario serás castigada!" You hiss, making your wife confused
(Olivia shut the fuck up otherwise you will be grounded)
"My love, what did you just say?"
"Nothing Rissa, just a little secret!"

Taylor looks at you with worry, clearly something had happened.

You drive them all home and Olivia rested with Larissa on the sofa while you and Taylor made dinner.

"So y/n, what did happen today?" She said, jumping onto the counter
"If I tell you, promise not to tell Larissa?"
"Ok yeah!"
"Well Jane had tried to kill her in the woods and when me and Wednesday went to confront her, she started to kiss and undress me."
"What y/n? You need to tell her!"
"No Taylor, she thinks I'm fine and it's staying that way!"
"Y/n, she's going to find out!"
"If I don't tell her she won't!"

You put dinner on the table and you all go eat. You make light conversation as Taylor stares at you intensely. You and your wife go to bed early and Taylor and Olivia stay downstairs.

Larissa was in the bathroom when suddenly Olivia runs in and hugs you tightly.
"Olivia que paso?" (What happened?)
"Taylor me contó todo, tienes que decírselo a mamá, necesitas ayuda!"
(Taylor told me everything, you need to tell mum, you need help!)

"Olivia sweetie, let's not do this, I have chosen not to tell your mother and Taylor wasn't supposed to tell you! Now I will see you tomorrow!"

You runs out the room before your wife came back in.
"Hey love, why were you talking in Spanish?"
"Secret!" You giggle, trying to trick her into it's something good.

She rests her head on your chest before falling asleep but you couldn't. The days events played through your head over and over.

Soon your alarm went off and you hauled yourself out of bed, getting in the shower.
You pulled on a black blouse and red skirt. Your wife snuck up behind you, kissing your hair as you pulled it into a claw clip.

"My fancy headmistress!" She giggles
"Yeah, I know I said only yesterday but you are coming today, I'm not letting you out my sight today!"
"Ok honey, I'll get dressed now!"
You went to get breakfast and Olivia and Taylor joined you.

"I'm not very happy with you Taylor, you shouldn't have told her!"
"Well she needs to know! And so does Larissa!"
"I know but I don't want to worry her!"
"But you need help!"
"I know, I'm scared to see her today, I have to sit in her lessons!"
"Can't I?"
"Oh my god, you would do that for me Taylor?"
"Yes of course, anything for you!"

Your wife joins you and you all chat. You then drive them all to Nevermore and you and Larissa make your way to your office.

"Honey, do we have to see Jane?" Larissa whispers
"No my love, Taylor is doing it for me!"
"That's good honey!"
"Love, do you want to come to assembly? After that, my morning is free and we can cuddle?"
"I'll come and I'd like that!"
"Ok let's go!"

You walk down with her and set up the projector as you had some stuff to show the students.
Your wife sits on the stage, watching you and soon all the students come streaming in. The teaches join you on the stage and you hold Larissa infront of you as Jane passes, winking at you.

You hold Larissa tightly before starting the assembly.

You talk to the students and as you click through the PowerPoint, a video starts playing, a video of yesterday.

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