chapter 8- lets start a life together

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It was mid-December and nevermore students had just finished for the year. We had a break until mid-January and Larissa was taking me on a road trip. We spent the morning packing and cleaning excited to spend 5 weeks together.
"Larissa, can you tell me where we are going yet?" I beg
"No honey, it's a surprise" she smirked.
God, she was so hot but so awful. I walk over to her and pull her by her collar.
"Tell me" I demand
"No" she said and before I could continue, she bent down and kissed me. She continued and pushed me backwards onto the bed. She put her tongue into my mouth and I wanted her so badly. She climbed on top of me and started to unbutton my shirt. She trailed her kisses down to my neck and started nibbling at my neck. She then just got up and continued packing.
"What was that Larissa?" I stand up, still shirtless.
"I thought I would give you a little reward before my surprise" she smiled
"So you're just a tease?"
"No, you're just too cute"
I Button my shirt and go look in the mirror. There are tiny little purple marks all around my neck but I didn't care. They just seemed cute coming from Larissa.
We carry our bags downstairs and walk over to the car.
As we get in Larissa says, "We need to stop in Jericho, I want snacks"
"Ok honey ill grab us some coffee"
She drives into the small town and parks outside the weathervane. We then bump into the Mayor.
"Hello Noble how are you?" Larissa asks
"I'm well thank you Larissa. Where are you guys headed then?"
"Oh I'm afraid I can't tell you, anyway we better get going, happy holidays Noble"
"And you too"
I walk into the weathervane and ask for two hot chocolates to go. I pay and walk back to the car. Larissa joins me and shows me what she's bought. She bought candy, just candy.
We start to drive and Larissa turns on her playlist. She starts to sing and I find it the cutest thing ever. I couldn't help but stare. Watching her sing along, not caring what was happening made me want to marry her. As she was driving, I go on Pinterest and scroll through engagement ring photos. I find a few I like and send them to Marilyn.


Y: attaches 3 photos
What one do you think L would like

M: I thought you said you weren't going to do anything yet at her party.

Y: Yeah I know but right now she's singing along to Fleetwood Mac and it's so cute. She's just making me fall deeper in love with her.

M: Ok that's fair. I like the round diamond with the diamonds in the band.

Y: Yeah me too, I'll update later

After my conversation, I start looking at places to buy this ring. This is the love of my life and I want her to love it.

As I'm shopping, Larissa looks over at me and says, "Honey, we're home!"
I was too busy on my phone to notice that we'd pulled up to a massive mansion.
"What the hell Larissa? What are we doing here?"
"It's the Weems Family mansion. My parents don't use it, so on holidays, I come here instead of staying at Nevermore.
"It's beautiful" I was flabbergasted. I had no clue how rich her family was.
She pulls our bags out of the boot and directs me inside.
Inside the first door on the left was a huge living room with a fireplace and a couple of large leather sofas.
"Honey make yourself at home I'll be in in a minute."
I collapse on the sofa and pull up the photos on my phone. I was so excited that I didn't hear Larissa come back downstairs.
"What are you looking at honey?" She inquires
I drop my phone. "Uhhh.... nothing just some history stuff for January."
She smiles, "Honey forget about work, let's enjoy being together." She sits down next to me and I lay my head on her lap.
"I love you Larissa"
"I love you too darling"

She turns on Beauty and the Beast and shifts me off her lap before walking out the room. Before j could complain, she was back. I sat up as she handed me a box.
"Happy early Christmas honey!" She said.
I open the box and inside is 2 tickets to Beauty and the Beast at the theatre.
"Oh my, I love this honey, thank you" I smile.
I pull her down next to me and we snuggle for the rest of the film.
Then there was a knock at the door, Larissa goes to answer it. It was my dad. She invites him in and he comes and sits on the sofa next to us. Larissa sits back next to my and grabs my hand.
"Hello my little storm cloud, I just wanted to drop off some Christmas presents for you and Larissa," he says.
"Why though?" I question
"Because I love you and I love that you love someone, I want you to be happy!"
"That's lovely father but how did you know we'd be here?" I reply
"Well the Addams and Weems Family go way back. My dad was good friends with Larissa's dad. I assumed she lived here."
My father hands me the Christmas presents and says his good byes before leaving. I place them in a corner. Larissa switches on another film and goes to make hot chocolate. I open my phone to text Marilyn.

Y: Guess what L just did?!!!

M: propose, I don't know

Y:no she surprised me with Beauty and the Beast tickets!

M: That's nice Y/N enjoy.

Y: Can you send me that video from her birthday???? And I have a question?

M: attached video
And what's your question?

Y: Well can you help me come up with an idea on how to propose because I have no clue.

M: Ok I'll go look now.

Larissa walks back in and I connect my phone to the TV
"What are you doing y/n?" She asks.
"Sit down I want to show you something!" I say patting the seat next to me.
I play the video and I can see Larissa welling up. I pull her into hug me.
"Let's start a life together Larissa" I say as the video ends.
"Yes I would love that"

Larissa X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now