Chapter 44- lovers

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Then you heard screaming. Larissas screaming.

"Leah let me out of this room!" You scream, scrambling across the bed.
"No I'm protecting you!"
"I can't lose my wife again Leah, please let me go to her." Tears start rolling down your face.
"No y/n, we can't lose you." Your mum says
"I'm sorry Leah." Using your powers you pick her up, unlocking the door and walking out of it before putting her down.

You run downstairs to see your wife being dragged out the door by her dad. You chase after her, much to the dismay of her cousins who were watching this happen.

You grab her arm and pull her back into the house. You hear footsteps and someone grabs your arm, pulling you away. Your grip slips off of Larissa and her dad shoves her into the car.

You turn around to see Morticia was the one who pulled you away.

"What the hell Morticia! Why did you pull me away?" You yell.
"None of us can lose you y/n, if you went for her, we might lose both of you. At least we've learned to live without Larissa."
"NO! I haven't! I've had my wife back for just over a  week and you've made me lose her again! I'm going after them!" You slap Morticia across the face to make her let go of you before running after the car.

Using all your strength, you lifted the car off of the floor, holding it in the air.

By this point, everyone in the house had run outside. Olivia ran to you, Using her powers to hold the car up. Leah and Morticia ran to your sides, ready to help.

"Leah, Morticia, go to the passenger door and I will open it. Larissa will jump out and you have to catch her." They listen to you and with you last bit of energy, you opened the door.

"Larissa, jump!" Morticia called. And all you saw was your wife landing in their arms. You breathed a sigh of relief. You heard sirens, meaning the police were coming. You see Sheriff Galpin's truck driving towards you.

He got out and ran to you.

"Y/n, what happened?"
"He tried to take Larissa again. I almost had her but then this woman (nod towards Morticia) pulled me away. Are you ready to arrest him? This is too much to hold for much longer!"

"Yeah, put him down."

You and Olivia lowered the car and Colin was in handcuffs.
You rushed to your wife's side. You hugged her tightly, although you had no strength.
The next thing you know, you were falling backwards onto the ground and it all went black.

You woke up to your wife's face looking down at you.
You sit up and look around. You were laid on her lap in the lounge along with the rest of the family.

"Oh good your awake darling!" Larissa smiled.
"What happened?"
"After you saved Larissa, you were too tired because of all the energy it toom to hold the car." Scott said
"Oh how's Olivia?"
"She's asleep, she didn't pass out though." Larissa smiled.
You sat up and cuddled with your wife, chatting with the family.

Soon it was time for lunch, Marilyn and Leah had cooked it. You all sat down and when they put all the food down, they seemed awfully close. But then this was their third Christmas together.

You all ate and laughed, having a great time. You helped Marilyn and Leah put all the plates away before you all went to watch a film.

You walked back to the kitchen to get a drink and saw Marilyn sat on the counter, her lips on Leah's. You smirked and got your drink, not making any noise. You went back in and sat next to your wife.

"I think Marilyn won't be single for much longer!" You whisper
"What do you mean love?"
"I just caught her snogging Leah in the kitchen!"
"Oh my god!"

You both laugh and continue to watch the film. You rest your head on your wife's chest, cuddling into her.

After a while, she sat you up and sat you on her lap, trying to take off your shirt.
"Larissa, not here!" You slap her hand away.
"Why mommy?" She smirked, she knew exactly what she was doing.
"It's bad enough that you did it infront of students but infront of my parents and your family and our daughter!"
"I am going to mommy, and you can't stop me."

She grabbed both your wrists with one hand and slipped your shirt off with the other. Luckily, most of them were oblivious except your mother.

You rolled your eyes at her and she giggled before you turned back to your wife.
"Larissa not here!" You whisper
"Bit late!"
"I'm going upstairs, you can come see me in a minute."

You grab your t-shirt and sneak out the room, heading to your bedroom. You lie on the bed shirtless, waiting for your wife. She soon came and she laid ontop of you, playing with your boobs.

You laughed at the sight, you misses her doing that, she was like a baby. You laid there for the rest of the evening before you said goodbye to everyone. You went into Marilyn's room to find her sat on the bed, smiling widely.

"Congratulations." You say sitting next to her.
"What?" She goes bright red.
"I saw you snogging my sister earlier, don't worry, only Larissa knows."
"Oh umm yeah, we've gotten quite close and I really like her."
"Why don't I give you some time off after Christmas and you can go to Mexico with her?"
"You'd do that?" She stares at you.
"Yeah but if you break her heart, you are dead. Night Mari!" You kiss her on the cheek before leaving.

You go back to your room and jump onto your wife, who was reading.

"So out of all the stuff I bought you, you're reading?"
"I need help setting them up. And why did you spend so much, I don't need all that!"
"Larissa, your phone screen is so cracked you can barely use it, I thought you might need a laptop in returning to Nevermore and the other stuff was just for fun!"
"I love you so much mommy."
"I love you too princess." You kiss her softly before your door is flung open.

"Leah what do you want?"
"Why did you tell Marilyn you'd kill her?"
"I said if she broke your heart if kill her. Leah, you have probably the most heartbreak stories I've ever heard. I don't want her to hurt you!"
" I know you are just protecting me but I don't know, I'm scared, I mean I like her, alot and I want to be happy like you two are. And I want a family and I just want to not have to be scared of accidently killing her." She collapsed onto your bed, starting to cry.

"Leah, go tell her how you feel. I am here for you. I am here for you, always. If you want to stay with her for a while, you can stay at Nevermore if she doesn't mind or you can stay here."
"Thank you y/n."

She leaves the room and you turn your focus back to your wife.

"You know Olivia is going to teach at Nevermore after she leaves?" You says smiling
"That's good. But doesn't she want to travel and explore?"
"I tried talking to her but she said she wants to get some experience first before going off into the world."
"You raised and amazing daughter my love I'm so proud of you." Larissa says, stroking your hair
"Larissa don't make me bloody cry now!" Tears start rolling down your face.
"I love you mommy."
"I love you too princess."

1316 words

No cliffhanger on this one but maybe later 🤫🫣

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