Chapter 36- Dont touch my wife

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Jane strolls out your office smirking. You sit in your chair and break down. Someone was trying to steal your wife, you'd slapped your wife and gotten her removed from the premises and had worried your daughter. You were an awful person.
You heard the bell and made your way up to your office, met by leah and Olivia.

"So y/n, what happened?"
"What does Aunt Leah mean mum?"
"Well after you left Leah, we fought and she slapped me so I got security to remove her from the premises!" You start to shake and cry.
"Mum what? What happened after?"
"Jane came in and said I should watch out cause Larissa will soon be hers." You sob, shaking on the floor.
"Mum it's ok, I'm here but you need to come home tonight, you need to talk with mum!"
"I don't know, I hurt her but Jane's trying to steal her from me and she doesn't realise that!"
"Well, why don't you make mum fall deeper in love with you?"
"Why don't I teleport us to get her favourite wine, chocolates and flowers and surprise her?" Leah hugs you tightly
There was a knock on the door and Taylor walks in. She spots you on the floor and runs and hugs you.

"Tay, we are going to make a few more trips than I thought!" You smile looking up at her.

You all discuss her favourite things. Her favourite wine was one you had in Paris, chocolate was just plain chocolate and flowers were red roses. Leah teleported you all around, buying all the stuff. The final stop was home.
Leah made sure you all arrive at the front and Olivia opened the door. As you walked in, you could hear sobs coming from the lounge and Olivia hugged her tightly. She looked really upset and you felt horrible. Taylor sat down next to her, hugging her too.

Leah pushed you forward, much to your dismay and you walked close to her. You knelt down next to her and Olivia and Taylor left you both alone.

"Hey honey, I'm really sorry about what happened earlier, I was tired and stressed but I love you so much. I have that nice malbec you liked in Paris, your favourite dark chocolate and a bouquet of roses." You say almost in a whisper.
She looks up and at all the gifts before looking you up and down. She stares at you for a minute before taking the flowers from your hand. She got up and put them in a vase, filling it with water.

"Honey, can you say something?" You whisper
"You really hurt me y/n, I don't like this side of you. I was upset when you got me taken off the grounds when all I did was slap you as you did. You really upset me y/n." She whispered, sitting back on the sofa.
"I know I did honey, I wanted to protect you and maybe I was a tiny bit jealous but I love you, I love you so much Larissa."
"I love you too, I'm sorry for making you feel jealous and calling you a bitch and annoying, honestly, I deserve that slap."
"No you don't, I should never have hit you. But Larissa please believe me when I say this. Can you promise to believe and trust me?"
"Yes y/n, I will believe whatever you say!'
"Jane came to see me and before she left, she said 'oh you'll see y/n, Larissa will be mine."
"I do believe you. When I went crying to her, she made me sit on her lap and she stroked my thighs and kissed my cheek lots, it made me uncomfortable," she starts to cry, probably reliving that moment
"LARISSA WEEMS! You should've told me before I went all crazy, I'm not coming home, friends with benefits psycho! I would've believed you my love, no one and I repeat no one touches my Larissa, I will kill her if she does anything like that."
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone to see her!" She sobs into your chest
"No! Never apologise! You thought she was your friend and she wasn't and that is never and never will be your fault!"

You stood both of you up, adjusting your position on the sofa and laid her back in your arms. You sat there in total silence, just the comfort of eachother. Soon, your wife fell asleep and you carried her up to your room. She was already in comfy clothes so you didn't bother changing. You changed out of your blouse and skirt before putting on your pyjamas and crawling next to her. You wrapped your hands around her waist, pulling her close to you.
"Noche querida te amo."
(Night darling I love you)

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