Chapter 9- I'm gonna marry you

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I wake up to my phone ringing you roll over and see it's Marilyn. You jump out of bed and run downstairs.

"Hey Marilyn, u ok?"
"Yeah, I have an idea for a proposal."
"Go on"
"Well either we can do it at Nevermore and involve the students getting them to set you up in the perfect moment or do it at the big new year firework display in Jericho. Me and Larissa go every year and I thought you could join us this year."
"I think I want the students involved. They were there when she asked me out, they were there for her big birthday and most importantly they are there for us. They love when Larissa sneaks into the lessons and makes me giggle. Have you not seen Instagram? They have like a whole school ship page of us. When in assembly, I sneak behind Larissa and make her laugh. Or when I convince her to let them stay out late. They deserve to be a part of this."
"Ok, I can deal with that Y/N. I think I have a plan but I will contact the students and ask them for ideas."
"Ok Marilyn, Larissa's coming so I have to go. Byeeeee"

Larissa walks towards me and I hug her. She starts to kiss me getting rougher and rougher, pushing me onto the sofa. When she tries to unbutton my shirt, I stop her. She looks at me disappointed but I just giggle. God, she was so cute when she didn't get her way.
"Why don't we get a Christmas tree today Larissa?" I say
"Yeah let's do it! Real or fake?" She replies.
"Fake, it won't make a mess" I laugh
"Ok let's shower and go" she gets up off my lap and starts to head upstairs. I then run and chase her. She screams and starts to run and slams the bathroom door. I hear the shower start running and she opened the shower door so I decided to be cheeky.
I quietly made my way into the bathroom without Larissa seeing and getting undressed. She had left the shower door open and I snuck in behind her. I grabbed her shoulders and she screamed," God y/n, why did you scare me like that!?"
"Cause your hot"
"Well your gorgeous"
"Am I now?" I say and push her back against the wall. I smash my lips onto hers and start making out with her. I make my way down to her neck, giving her lots of hickeys. I then hear her moan something.
"Darling what did you just say,"
"Nothing," she says blushing
"Your mouth said otherwise" I stare at her.
She doesn't reply so I continued kissing her, trying to make her say it again. I move further down her chest and I hear her moaning. "Mommy" she moans.
I pull away, smirking.
"I like that name Larissa, say it again," she looked at me bright red.
"Say it or I'll make you," I yell.
"Ok mommy, sorry mommy," she whispers.
I had never seen her this shy before. We finished showering and we get out and change. We sit on the bed smiling at each other.
"I liked that name you called me but I think that would better suit you, mommy," you say whispering the last part.
She smirks and kisses you making her way down your neck adding hickeys as you did. She eventually pulls away and pulls you in close.
You want some coffee, so she carries you downstairs and makes some. Before you can drink your coffee, she starts to back you into the corner and lifts you up onto the work surface. She kisses you passionately and caresses your body. She had the touch of an angel. You pull away, barely breathing and hop down. You grab your coffee and wink at Larissa.
"Later mommy" you smirk and she blushes.
God, she looked so cute. You both decided to then go get a Christmas tree. As you drive to the store, you carry on looking and places to buy the ring. You had stolen one of Larissa's rings and managed to get her ring size. You also had decided to get it engraved with your initials

L&Y 16/9/22

You were really excited and bought the ring. Then you get a text from Marilyn.

M: Marilyn

M: so I think I have a plan

Y: what is it

M: so we always have a new year's concert in the assembly so I spoke to Bianca and we decided to help you pick a song that would lead into a proposal.
I also spoke to Wednesday, Enid and Xavier who are going to help as well.
Xavier agreed to paint the moment. Wednesday agreed to accompany the choir on her cello and Enid's going to decorate the hall, subtly but more than normal years.

Y: sounds great, what song should the choir sing?

M: I don't know, Lover by Taylor swift, you danced at her birthday with that. Also beauty and the beast, you did that as well. Or another song, maybe Fleetwood Mac?

Y: How about I wanna be yours, by the arctic monkeys. Cause it's true I wanna be hers.

M: perfect, I'll let Bianca and Wednesday know.
Have you got the ring?

Y: Yes just bought it!

M: Ahhh, very real now!!!

Y: Yeah but I'm happy

M: Good, talk later and have a nice day.

Y: Byeee

Oh my god, you just planned your engagement. At 20! Suddenly your stomach twists. She's 20 years older than you and you are barely even an adult. Why were you rushing into this. You could feel tears pooling in your eyes but then look over at Larissa.
She was singing to Fleetwood Mac, like always, and I just couldn't help but giggle. She looks over and slaps me. I just laugh even more and joking in her singing.
You arrive at the store and find a tree. You and Larissa walk around finding decorations. You have a great time and are so excited. You walk to the tills and pay.
"Merry Christmas to you and your daughter!" The cashier says as we pay.
"And to you too and by the way, I'm her girlfriend" I say and Larissa leans in and gives me a kiss.
We walk out laughing to ourselves but we were used to it.
"Honey, I need to go to the florist, go wait in the car," larissa says walking towards the flower shop.
I go sit in the car and she comes back with a brown bag.
"What did you buy Darling?"
"Something" and she giggles
"What did you buy Rissa darling,"
"You'll find out later" and she winks.
We drive back to the house, singing and just having a good time. We get in and I put all the tree stuff in the lounge.
We start to unbox it and put it up.

*Skip to after decorating*

I look at the tree, admiring our work. Larissa then lifts me up, letting me put the star ontop.
"It looks beautiful honey!" Larissa squeals.
"Just like you," I wink.

It was late and we were both tired. We decided to be best to go to bed. We walk up to the bedroom but before Larissa went in the stopped.
"Rissa, honey, why have you stopped?"
She just pointed upwards and I look up. Hanging down was mistletoe. I smile and pull Larissa's face close to mine, giving her a kiss. She then let's me pass.
I didn't want to change and as we were both in sweats, I just laid down. Larissa hugged me tight and rested her head on my chest. She quickly fell asleep and I was left to myself. I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead and I could see her smile. I whispered," I'm gonna marry you," and abruptly fell asleep

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