Chapter 66- Only one

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It was time. Your precious babies were coming home. That morning, you woke excited and immediately climbed out of bed.

"Larissa! Get up. We get to bring home Alex and Emma!" You drag the duvet off of her.

"Darling, let's calm down. Come back to bed and let's cuddle for a while. We don't have to be there so early." She sighs, rolling onto her back.
"Larissa, let's go get the babies. It's been 4 months since I've given birth to them and they haven't come home, they don't need to be in that hospital any longer." You reach for her hands and pull her out of bed.

She huffs but a smile soon appears on her face. You both get changed and head downstairs for breakfast. Olivia joins you and you all express your excitement for them to be home.

After you cleared away all the plates, you grab all the stuff you needed for the babies before getting in the car.

Larissa drives off but as you approached the hospital, your anxiety started to worsen.
"Larissa." You say breathlessly and she immediately pulls over.
"It's ok my love, I'm here. The babies are ok, you are ok." She places her hands over yours.

After a few minutes of steady breathing with her, you had calmed down and you continued the journey to the hospital.

You arrived and became over-excited and rushed up to find your babies. You were greeted by Dr White.

"Mrs & Mrs Weems, how good to see you! Unfortunately, I have some bad news." Her smile faded and so did yours. You could feel the tears coming to your eyes, your guilt and anxiety returning.
"What is it Dr White?" Larissa asked calmly as she held you tightly.
"Emma isn't growing properly. She needs to stay for about another month. But Alex can leave with you today." She offers you a small smile but you don't look at her. Your poor baby had to spend another month there.

A nurse soon came out, holding little baby Alex in her arms. She handed you Alex and you held her in your arms, refusing to let go. You said your goodbyes and walked back down to the car park.

As you reached the car, Larissa tried to take Alex to put her in her car seat. You turned away, holding her close.

"Darling, you need to keep her safe and the only way to do that is put her in her car seat." She sighed, wrapping her arms around you.
"But she's the safest in my arms though!" You complain before you started to cry.
"She is, when we aren't driving. If it makes you feel better, you can sit right next to her in the back."

You hesitantly nod and hand Larissa Alex. You take out Emma's carseat so you could sit more comfortably. Larissa laid Alex in the seat and you sat next to her, stroking her forehead lightly.

The drive didn't feel long at all. The next thing you knew, you were home safe.

Olivia was at the door to great you and her face dropped when you only appeared with Alex.
"Who's this?" She asked, sadness in her voice.
"Alex, Emma has to stay for another month." Larissa sighs as she wraps an arm around your waist since you were still crying.
"Oh I'm so sorry mums, but atleast Alex is home right?" She gives you a small smile.
"Yeah, that's good." You're wife replied as she lead you inside. You went straight upstairs and sat on one of the bean bags you'd put in the nursery. You held a now sleeping Alex in your arms, holding her close.

After who knows how long, she woke up and started to cry. You unbuttoned your shirt and she took to your breast. When she was full, you burped her before she settled down to sleep in your arms.

You were then woken up by the motion of Larissa taking Alex out of your arms. You snatched her back, holding her close to your chest.

"Darling, you are upset and tired, let me put Alex down and take you to bed. It's already 11pm." She reaches out to take Alex but you refuse.
"No, it's my fault Emma can't come home so I'm not going to let anything happen to Alex." You whisper yell, not to wake your baby.
"Y/n, my love. She's not going to be hurt. She's going to be ok. Now let's go to bed." She offers you a hand but you don't take it.

You hand her Alex and climb up before taking her back. You rest Alex in her cot before following your wife into your room.
After you were sure that she was asleep, you snuck back into the nursery, watching Alex. Not long after, she starts to cry so you pick her up and feed her.

You must've fallen asleep because you were awoken by Larissa shaking you awake.

"Oh my darling, let's get you back to bed." She had already placed Alex in her cot and then picked you up in her arms. She laid you gently on the bed, wrapping her arms around you when she joined you.

"I'm sorry princess, I'm just worried." You cuddle into her, your face in the crook of her neck.
"No my darling girl, it's ok, it will all be ok, you are ok, I'm ok, Alex is ok and Emma will soon be ok. I promise." She whispered, stroking your hair.

You fell asleep in her arms. You were woken by a bright light. You rolled over to find the bed empty. You run into the nursery to see your wife sat on the beanbag, playing with Alex.

A smile graced your face as you stood against the door frame, admiring the sight infront of you. You then saw Alex reach out to you, notifying Larissa of your presence.

"Oh hey my love, I'm sorry if I scared you that I wasn't there, this little monster was crying. I've changed her and she seems ok but she was very full of energy so we started playing." She stood up and handed Alex to you. You bounced her a bit, talking with your wife.

Soon she became hungry so you took off your shirt to feed her.

"She's doing what I used to do!" Your wife laughs as she takes a seat on the other bean bag, next to where you had settled yourself.
"Oh shut up. This isn't as pleasant as when you do it!" That make you giggle and her blush.
"You're amazing you know that?" She says more seriously
"You tell me every day princess, and although I don't always believe you, thank you." You lean over to kiss your wife.
You move onto the bean bag your wife was on, her arms engulfing you and the baby. Alex finished feeding and fell asleep in your arms.

"You know Larissa, everyday, I fall deeper and deeper in love with you. I remember what felt like a lifetime ago, when I first arrived at Nevermore. I really didn't want to be there but as I followed my mother rushing to greet you, her former roomate, I fell head over heels for your beauty. That first day, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. And from that day, my heart belonged to you, whether you loved me or not. When you said I love you after about a week or so and I couldn't help but start to plan a future together.And then the Rave'n and we moved in together like a typical u-haul lesbain couple and Christmas and my proposal, I haven't been happier. Then I almost died for you, the first of many times, and then we got married. The happiest day of my life. But every day, I'm reminded how lucky I am to have such an amazing wife and loving family. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would find someone who would love me and give me a family, let alone cure my mommy issues, although somehow, I think I've also cured yours by my nickname. But all that aside. I love you and I will until the end of time."

"Why the sudden admission of your undying love for me?" She laughs.
"Just felt like it." You shrugged before both of you laughed.

Olivia joined you both after a while. She sat and played with Alex while you sat in Larissa's embrace, admiring your life.

Larissa got a call but just stayed sitting.

"Donovan? What happened?" Your breathing suddenly hitches at that statement.
"Oh that bitch." Larissa mutters.

Larissa lifted you off of her lap and ran downstairs, grabbing her keys and rushing out the door.

"Princess, what's happening?" You called.
"Your mother has Emma."

1500 words

Yes I can write fluff and fill it with unnecessary drama which makes everyone hate me but what's a good book, without a little drama? Or a lot but still!

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