Chapter 60- I'm happy

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Over the next few weeks, you and Larissa discussed everything for a baby. And also how. There was a long discussion about ivf but it was too tiring so you put that part of having a baby on hold. One day, you had a thought.

"Honey, you rarely use my proper name, what's wrong?" She hurries over
"I was just thinking, can you shapeshift, you know, down there?" You see her face fill with shock but then realisation.
"I could, why?"
"Well, if we didn't want to do all the ivf, couldn't we just do it like a straight couple?" You tilt your head in curiosity.

She stops for a minute thinking and then you see her rush off into the bathroom.
"Princess? Are you ok?" You call through the door.
"Mhm." She replies.

She soon exits the bathroom but before she can go anywhere, you throw her on the bed and lock the door.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" She laughs as you climb on top of her
"I want a baby." You say as you lean in to kiss her.
"Fuck me Larissa, fuck me so hard i cant walk." you growl, starting to unbutton her blouse.
"Whatever mommy wants." She smirks.
She helps you with her blouse and then you with your top. She then flips you over, so you are now the one being straddled.

She unclipped your bra and took one of your breasts in her mouth, licking and sucking, making you moan.
"God Larissa, just fuck me already." You complain, feeling wetness pool in between your legs.

Starting to get impatient, you unzipped her dress, practically ripping it off of her body. You see a massive, erect dick infront of you. 10 maybe 11 inches.

You assist your wife in pulling off your trousers and panties while she kisses all down your body.

"Are you ready my love?" She asks, repositioning herself.
You nod.

You then feel her dick smash into you. You let out a loud moan of pleasure as she pushes it further and further in until its full length was inside of you. Larissa pulls out before slamming it back in. You moaned even louder at the feeling. She thrust into you, her moments getting faster everytime. Soon you could feel the familiar knot in your stomach.

"Larissa I'm gonna-"

You feel her release aswell, causing a load moan to escape her. She let's you finish before pulling out and shifting back.

"God that was good princess." You pant as she lays next to you.
"Let's hope it works." She raises her eyebrows before connecting your lips.
You both fell asleep in eachothers arms, happy, content and hopeful.

Over the next few weeks, nothing much had changed. You felt the same, no signs of any pregnancy but then it had only been 3 weeks.

But about a month after your spicy session, you started feeling nauseous. And your period was late. You were hopeful but then remembered, it could just be a coincidence. As the nausea got worse and your energy started to run lower, you had a feeling. You didn't mention it to your wife, you wanted to surprise her.

It was a week before you were due back at Nevermore and you finally decided to take the test. You sent your sister to buy it, just in case anyone saw. Leah had been the only one who knew that you were almost certain and all your symptoms.

You took the test and then sat anxiously waiting for 3 minutes. You paced up and down the bathroom, nervous that it was going to be negative. When the time was up, you were too nervous so called your sister to check.

"Leah, please look, I'm worried." You sit on the bathroom counter. She picked up the test and looked at it showing no expression.

"Y/n it's-"
"It's what!"
"Positive, congrats!" She smiles joyfully, bringing you in for a big hug.
"Ahhh Leah, I'm pregnant, I'm having mine and Larissa's baby!" You squeal excitedly.
"Well now we just have to tell the mother and sister!" She laughs as your face drops.

Olivia was going to be ok with it right? She wouldn't think you were replacing her? Yeah no, she's a good kid.

Larissa was at Nevermore, getting stuff ready for the new year, you still didn't want to face Marilyn.
You knocked on Olivia's door with Leah by your side.

"Hey, I have some news!" You say, almost sadly
"What is it? Are you ok?" She started to panic
"No sweetheart, I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm just. I'm just. I'm pregnant!" You stutter out. She gasps and hugs you tightly.
"Ahh I'm going to be a big sister! I'm so happy for you mum! Does other mum know?" She tilts her head
"No, Leah was the first to know, even before me. And then you."
"Ok, well she should be home soon. Anyway how did you get pregnant, I didn't hear anything about ivf?"
"Yeah let's not discuss that. But anyway how do I tell your mother?" You change the topic.

You all brainstorm ideas until you decide just to give her the test. You leave it out on the table in the hall, very noticeably so when she got in, she would see it.

You all sat in the lounge watching TV until you heard a car pull into the driveway. You all sit there giggling until you hear the door open. You hear the clatter of keys and then a gasp. You hear her heels rushing to the doorway until she skids to a stop infront of you.

"Yes princess, I'm pregnant." You smile before she can say anything.
You stand up, pulling her in for a kiss. She pulls away and places 2 hands on your belly. You giggle as she caresses it ever so gently.

"You excited mum?" Olivia smiles, joining your hug.
"Yeah, I'm happy." Larissa sighs, looking lovingly at Olivia, then you, then the baby. She looks over to your sister and signals for her to join the hug. You all embrace tightly, all in tears.

Olivia and Leah soon leave and go upstairs, letting you two have a moment.

"We're having a baby Larissa." You cry happily into her chest.
"I know darling, it looks like I won't be the only one who will be calling you mommy now." You can feel her smirking. You prod her shoulder, making her laugh.

1084 words

That smut was hard to write but there you guys go

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