Chapter 25- No not again

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Your heart was starting to get back to normal and your wife was starting to become slightly less overprotective. You started going on early morning runs again, much to Larissa's dismay but you were fine. No fainting spells since the fight. Rarely a nightmare. You were doing great and couldn't be happier.

One morning you were teaching your 6th years. They were graduating in 2 weeks so you gave them a fun lesson. They did quizzes, played games and you let them talk and go on their phones.
In the middle of the lesson, your heart started racing. You sat down worried. You felt dizzy and everything went black.

*Larissa's pov*

Bianca Barclay came running into my office scaring me.

"Principal, its y/n, she's collapsed!" She gasps, out of breath
I gasp and run out of my office, sprinting to the classroom. I found the students had lowered her onto the floor and rolled her on her side.

"Is she ok? What happened?" I gasped
"She passed out again and stopped breathing, and an ambulance is on the way Miss!" Ajax says.
"Ok move, I can do CPR!" I say, ripping off my jacket.
You start but it's not working, she's not breathing. The paramedics came in soon after and took her to the ambulance. I ran after them, climbing into the ambulance.

"Ma'am unless you are immediate family, you have to leave!"
"I'm her wife, just do something to save her!"

They pull out a defibrillator and start shocking her. The monitor starts beeping again, she was alive. She was still unconscious on the drive to the hospital. I placed her hand in mine, holding her tight. They drove to the hospital and took her to a room.
I held her hand the whole time, never wanting to leave her ever again.
They connected her to some machines and went to discuss treatment.

I held her tightly, I love her and can't lose her. I felt her hand grip mine, I held it tightly, hoping she would wake up. She opened her eyes, rolling her head to look at me.

*back to normal*

You open your eyes and felt someone holding your hand. You look in the direction and spot your wife, crying.

"Rissa, What happened?" You mumble
"You collapsed and stopped breathing!" She gasps
"You were teaching and passed out. You stopped breathing and your heart stopped!"
"Oh I'm sorry Rissa."
"No honey! You did nothing!"
"I was putting too much strain on it, I just wanted to live a normal life again!"
"No it's ok honey, we'll fix it!"

The doctor walks in and explains you just have to take medication. He said you could be discharged then and let you go with your prescription.

Larissa carried out tp the uber she had ordered. You drove home, lying in Larissa's arms. The driver pulls up at the house and Larissa carried you inside. She carried you upstairs, laying you on the bed. She climbed next to you and you cuddled up to her.
"Yeah love?"
"I love you!"
"I love you too!"
"I don't want to lose you!"
"You aren't going to lose me silly, I love you so much!"
"But if I die, I won't be by your side!"
"Now y/n, you aren't going to die, I'm going to be by your side for all of it. You are taking the rest of the week off and so will I. I will spend all my time in your lessons, not leaving your side!"
"Thanks Rissa, I love you!"
"I love you too baby, now go to sleep, you've had a long day."

You cuddle into her chest, inhaling her scent. Then you start to dream again.

You were on the phone to Larissa again, the call, cutting out. The hyde storming into the hall, running towards you. He started to attack and blood was spilling everywhere.

You wake up sweating, Larissa was sat up, looking at you with worry in her eyes. You started to cry into her.

"Rissa, why is it happening again? I don't want it too!" You sob.
" I don't know my love but I'm here and so is Olivia!"

Then there was a knock at the door.
"Hey, I heard crying, what happened?" Olivia says walking towards you.

She climbs onto the bed, you untangle yourself and hug her.
"Did you hear what happened earlier?" You say to her.
"No all they told me was that you'd collapsed again and that Marilyn was looking after me until you were home!" Olivia says, cuddling to you.
"Well your mother's heart.... um it kind of stopped," Larissa murmurs
"Wait what!?"
"Yeah sweetie, my heart stopped, I was technically dead for a couple of minutes  but I'm ok now, they gave me some medication!" You smile at her.
"But why are you crying?"
"Because I had my dream again, it was horrible!"
You all lie down on the bed together, cuddling. Although Olivia was 13, you loved that she cared so much, even sharing a bed with her 2 mums.

Larrisa's went off at 6 30 that morning.
"Rissa! You said you weren't working!" You groan sitting up.
"I know but I have to drop Olivia and I wanted to inform everyone that you are OK!"
"Ok you have 2 hours from when you leave!"

Olivia and Larissa climb out of the bed and you stay, buried under the covers. You lay there, scrolling through your phone.
Larissa left and you felt sad. You decide to get up and go get a snack. You slowly make your way to the kitchen. You walk to the cupboard and poured yourself a bowl of cereal. You sat on the counter, eating the food and texting Enid.

E: Hey x I heard what happened are you ok?

Y: Yeah E, I'm ok on some medication x

E: That's great! I'll pop by and visit soon! Maybe I can drag Weds along!

Y: Good luck!

You hear the door open and look over your shoulder, that wasn't Larissa, she would've barely arrived at Nevermore.

"Where are you my darling?" You hear a raspy voice say.


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