Chapter 7-Honey, its your birthday!

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It was a Saturday morning and you woke up, like every day, next to your girlfriend, Larissa Weems. It was her birthday so you tried not to wake her up. You slide out from her grip and go change. You write a note and put it on a pillow
Morning honey, happy birthday and I'll be back later, love you lots x

You sneak out of your room and head to Marilyn's room. She opens the door and I walk in.
"Let's go over the plan one last time," she says
"Ok, so I cancelled her alarm so she will wake up later. The decorators are downstairs putting up the bunting and streamers. The weathervane is in charge of catering and cake. All of the school are turning up at the hall at 5 45 and I'm going to bring Larissa at 6. She thinks we are going on a date." I say. We had been planning for weeks. This was Larissa's 40th birthday and her first birthday with me. I wanted it to be special so me and Marilyn wanted to go all out. Balloons, streamers, a buffet, a Dj and had invited the whole school. We hoped she was happy.
I hop into Marilyn's shower to not wake Larissa and change.
We head down to the main hall and set up the buffet tables. We put out a note to all students to dress nicely and appropriately, this party had to go perfectly.
At 3 pm the staff from the weathervane arrived and put out the food(covered of course) and set up the cake I ordered. It was a 4 tier chocolate cake with Happy 40th birthday Larissa on it. I was so happy with the party.
*4 pm*
I head back to mine and Larissa's room and she's sitting on the bed, in one of my hoodies, looking grumpy.
"Where have you been? I've missed you" She said
"I was doing some last minute lesson planning," I lied
"Couldn't you have done that tomorrow, it's my birthday," she complains
"Don't you remember that we have a date tonight? I thought we could sleep in and have a movie day tomorrow?" I reply, I then kissed her forehead.
"Ok ok, that's valid but can you tell me where we are going tonight?" She smiles
"No I can not but I think we should start getting ready, I can do your hair as it's your birthday. There's an outfit in the wardrobe that I picked for you" I smile.
Her face lights up and she runs to her wardrobe. Inside the door was a floor length silver ball gown covered in sequins. She gasped.
"Oh y/n, its gorgeous"
"I have good taste don't I, especially in women" I smirk. "Now sit at your dresser and let me do your hair.
Her hair was already down as she wasn't working. I grab my curlers and start curling her hair. Her white blonde hair was gorgeous and so soft. I continued curling and once I was done, she looked gorgeous. She starts on her makeup and I start on my hair. As I straightened it the night before, I just touched it up and it was perfect. I touched up my makeup and then there was a knock on the door. I knew it was Marilyn so I ran and stepped outside.
"Students have started to arrive," she said. I looked at the clock it was 5 40.
"Ok Marilyn, she's just about to put her dress on and I'll let you know when we are headed down," I say
"Ok Y/N see you in a bit"
I walk back into the room and see Larissa putting on her dress
"Y/N honey, can you zip me up?" She looks over her shoulder.
I walk over and zip up the dress. God, she looked like a Goddess.
"You look gorgeous Larissa, I love you but let me put on my dress first."
I grab my dress from the wardrobe, it was a pale blue floor-length silk dress that I absolutely loved.
"Honey you look beautiful," Larissa said.
I looked at the clock, it was 5:55. I gave Larissa a blindfold and told her to put it on. We walked into the hallway and reached the stairs, I managed to pick her up. I didn't want her falling in her heels and I kicked mine off and asked Larissa to hold them. I carried her down and put her down. We walked towards the hall.
"Y/N where are we going?"
"You'll find out in a minute" I smile to myself.
I message Marilyn to tell everybody to be quiet. She replies with a thumbs up emoji and we continued walking.
We arrive at the party and I take off Larissa's blindfold. Everybody shouted surprise and Larissa just stared before bursting into tears. I hugged her and asked her what was wrong.
"I'm not upset I'm happy, no one has ever done this for me before." She wipes away her tears and walks into the party. Everyone starts wishing her a happy birthday. The Dj starts and everyone, including Larissa starts dancing, and I just stood to the side and laughed at her. Marilyn walked over to me.
"I see your wife's enjoying herself" she laughs looking over to Larissa and back to me.
"She's not my wife ...... yet" I smirk.
"Y/N what have you got planned?" She asks.
"Nothing Marilyn, I just know I want to spend the rest of my life with her." I smile staring at Larissa who was having the time of her life. They was my future wife there and I knew it, I just hope she knew it.
I walk over to get a drink and see someone spiking the punch, I don't mind, I would rather get drunk. I pour myself some punch and watch Larissa dance with her students. She loved this school so much and I could see that.
I stand by the drinks and stare at the students, I was glad to give them a good time, they deserved it.
Larissa walks over and pulls me onto the dancefloor. I dance with her and she seems so happy I'm dancing. She spins me and pulls me in for a kiss.
"I love you," She says pulling away.
"I love you too," I say, giggling.
We went to get some punch and Larissa smiled when she realised it had alcohol in it. I never saw her this laid back.
Suddenly, the Dj asks everyone to leave the dancefloor. Marilyn pushes me and Larissa onto the dancefloor. The Dj puts on Lover by Taylor swift and he announces
"This for the lady of the hour."
I look over to Marilyn and see her giggling, of course, she did this, she loves Taylor.
We dance to the music as everyone watches us and cheers. As the song finishes, Larissa dips me down to the floor and plants a long kiss on my lips. Everyone claps and cheers and walks back onto the dance floor. I continue to dance while Larissa gets some food. Enid, Xavier, Bianca and many other students walk over to me and ask what time is curfew. I say 2 am and they smile and walk away. I walk over to Larissa and join her. That's when I whip a bottle of vodka out from my dress.
"Oh Y/N, you can't drink here in front of the kids. It's unprofessional,"
"Larissa half of them are drunk off the punch and don't care and anyways I wanna get drunk."
"Honey it's your birthday, let loose."
"Ok fine"
She grabs the bottle and takes a sip. Then another and another. You steal the bottle before she can get too drunk. You take a sip but before you can take another Marilyn comes over.
"Looks like you two are having a good time" she smirks
"Would you like some?" you say offering her the bottle
"Oh go on then," and Marilyn drinks some.
Larissa decided she wanted to dance more and starts to dance, clearly drunk.
"Looks like she doesn't have a high alcohol tolerance then" you laugh.
A little while later, Larissa cuts her birthday cake. Everyone took a slice and they all loved it. The last song was Larissa's favourite, go your own way by Fleetwood Mac. She was so excited and danced like no one was watching, she was so cute.
By this time it was 2 am and you sent everyone off to bed.
Before you and Larissa left you ran over to the Dj and asked him to play Beauty and the beast from beauty and the beast, your favourite Disney film. You then asked Marilyn to film it. Larissa sat eating more cake before you dragged her onto the dance floor. You nodded at the Dj and Marilyn and ran to the edge of the room Larissa stood there confused.
The music started and you walked into the middle and curtsied. Laughing, Larissa bowed and took your hand and put the other on her waist.
You danced swaying to the song, smiling widely. You never broke eye contact. You loved this woman so much and wanted to never let go. She span you round and it made you feel like you were walking on air. As you rest your head on her chest you look over at Marilyn, who was crying. You look back at Larissa and she was tearing up. You knew this song was beautiful but didn't mean to make everyone cry.
As the song starts to slow, you spin her and dip her, kissing her softly. As tears run down her face she picked you up and you span round feeling butterflies in your stomach.
"Happy birthday honey" you smile also crying.

Authors note:
I cried writing this, although it's just fluff. I hope you love it because I know. 😭🩷🫶

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