Chapter 31- Asia

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You and Larissa spent the rest of the week together, exploring the town and the jungle. It was nice to have some alone time.
But it was finally time to leave and go to the Philippines. You'd been there as a kid and you were excited.
"You excited my love?" You asked Larissa once the plane had taken off.
"Yeah, travelling has been my dream!"
"Good, another place for me to destroy you," you whispered
"Not if I destroy you first," her reply left you speechless. She sat there like she'd said nothing and you sat there as red as a tomato.
After a while, you landed and got off the plane. You made it to your hotel and collapsed onto the bed. You laid there until something climed ontop of you.
"Are you ready for me to destroy you?" Larissa growled.
"Tomorrow sweetheart, I'm tired," she laid next to you wearing a pout.
"I promise I will make it up to you!"
"Ok," she sighed.

In that moment you didn't care you were tired and you straddled her lap. She got excited but then pulled you off, wanting you to be ready, not just because she was sad.
"Love, I know your tired, rest. I don't mind!"
"No Rissa, you want to"
"I don't if you don't!"
"Ok my love, let's sleep."

You lay on her chest and she plays with your hair. You wake up in the exact position you fell asleep, in Larissa's arms.
You shake her awake gently, and she kisses your forehead. You roll out of bed and search through your suitcase, looking for something for the beach. You pull out your bikini and a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. You walk into the bathroom to get changed.

"Honey!" Larissa calls
"Yes love?"
"Why are you changing in there?"
"Because you will get distracted!"
"But you are gorgeous!"
"Exactly my point!"
You slip into your bikini, pulling your shorts and t-shirt over. You walk back out to find Larissa naked.
"Why are you stood there naked?"
"Well since you won't let me look at your body, I'm admiring mine!"
"Oh god, you really can't accept that I know better!"
"You know if I got changed infront of you we wouldn't leave!"
"You know it isn't now get dressed or I'm leaving!"
"Watch me!"

You walk out the door and hear frantic movements from the room. Suddenly the door swings open to find a fully dressed Larissa, bright red.

"That wasn't hard was it!" You giggle
"Oh be quiet!" She laughs.

You walk downstairs to get breakfast and enjoy the food. You then make your way to the beach.
"You wanna dive in with me Rissa?" You say after you put your stuff down.
"Can't we just tan? I'm pale as a ghost!"
"One your skin is beautiful and doesn't need a tan and two, boring!"
"Don't calk me boring!"
"Well I'm going to swim! Byeee!" You laugh heading to the water. You swim out a bit and spot Larissa waving. You then see a kayak rental place and go get one. You kayak out the closest bit of land and admire the beautiful jungle. You decide to head back to Larissa as this was your trip after all. As you paddle back, you can't see her. That's weird.

You return the kayak and swim back to the beach. Suddenly you feel someone next to you. Up pops Larissa.

"Honey! What about tanning?"
"I felt bad, I thought we'd have a bit of fun!"
"Aww Rissa, let's head back and I will sit with you!"
You wade through the water, heading back to your bags. You sit on the blanket and hug Larissa.
"I'm really excited for the rest of the trip!" You say.
"So am I! Where are we going next?"
"We leave the day after tomorrow to go to Japan!"
"Have you not been there?"
"No have you?"
"Yeah, I've been everywhere we are going! You strike me as the type of person to travel."
"I settled at Nevermore as soon as I left, I got a job teaching music at Nevermore and the became headmistress!"
"Well I'm happy to take you to all these places!"

You sit in silence for a while, admiring the view.

"Where are we going with Olivia?" Larissa asks
"We have 4 days in Greece, 4 days in Italy, 3 days in Germany, 3 days in France, 3 days in England and 4 days in Spain!"
"Wow, have you been to all these places?"
"How have you been to like 11 foreign countries by age 21?"
"Make that 23!"
"Yeah, Romania, Sweden, Iceland, China, India, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Peru, Portugal, Colombia, Argentina, New Zealand, Brazil, Egypt and more!"
"My parents loved to travel so I joined them!"

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