Chapter 54- I'm proud of you

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"Oh my Larissa, you look fucking hot!" You gasp as she walks downstairs
"Gotta admit mum, you do look fine." You and Olivia laugh
"Olivia, I'm your mother!" She laughs
"Oh god take the compliment, 'cause she isn't wrong, you look gorgeous." You smile, walking over to her, grabbing her waist.

You kiss her lightly before the others joined you downstairs. You called 2 ubers to take you there and you went with Larissa, Olivia, Taylor, Lexi, Enid and Wednesday.

"You look good tonight!" Enid smirks at Olivia
"Enid, your girlfriend is next to you!" Your wife laughs, seeing Wednesday's subtle anger.
"Well you all look great, especially you y/n. I know it's Olivia's party but you can't deny you look fine," Enid laughs, making Wednesday crack a smile.

"But can we talk about Larissa, this woman has never looked better!" Taylor smirks at her own compliment to her cousin.
"I look better covered in y/n's lipstick" your wife winks
"Oh my god Larissa, you can't say that!" You elbow her, making everyone laugh.

The rest of the journey was spent complementing eachother before you arrived.

"Mum, is Alejandro going to be there?" Olivia asks
"Who's Alejandro?" Taylor smirks
"Oh he's one of my bartenders, and no Olivia doesn't like him, he's 45."
"Yeah I don't like him, he's really funny and kind." Olivia smiles
"Oh yeah! I think I remember him." Enid's drunken adventures from that night start to reappear in her memories.

You arrive at the bar and everyone is surprised to see it so quiet. You go inside, your security still there and the only people inside were the 2 bartenders.

While everyone starts drinking, you hop behind the bar, giving everyone a laugh. And then you spot the one you've been waiting for.

"Turn around." You whisper to Olivia and Larissa who were sat infront of you. Larissa gasps and practically runs up to her. But it was weird, because for once, she didn't tower over somebody, they were both the same height.

They both walk back over to the bar and sit down. You pour a couple more drinks before jumping back over, putting on some music. Enid, Taylor, Marilyn and Lexi all start dancing.

1 rest of you were sat drinking. Soon Larissa, Gwendoline, Leah, Wednesday and Olivia joined the others on the dancefloor. You sat with your parents and Scott and Andrea, all chatting about stuff.

Soon they all decide to dance aswell. So you sat at the bar, by yourself, admiring the life you've made for yourself.
Alejandro walks over with 2 shots in his hands.

"Cheers?" He asks, handing you the glass.
"Cheers." You smile, downing the alcohol.
"Why aren't you up and dancing, I know how much you love to dance." He asks, walking round to sit next to you.
"I've done it, I've made a life for myself and I just can't believe it."
"I'm proud of you. To be honest, when you first bought this place, I thought you were a stuck up rich kid who was using daddy's money. And maybe you were using his money. But you are one hell of a woman now. You've done great. And that kid of yours? One hell of a future ahead of her." He wraps his arm around you.

You look back over to your family, all dancing and having fun. This was what you had always wanted. Your soul was finally starting to heal. You look at your arms and trace the almost gone scars. You'd healed yourself.

Soon your mum comes over and sits with you.

"Why aren't you dancing?"
"Because sometimes it's nicer to watch from afar."
"Watch what, people having fun?"
"No watching my life come together. Being happy. I haven't been this happy in years mum." You start to cry and you were embraced by your mum.

After a little crying session, you grab another drunk before joining everyone on the dancefloor. Most of them were very drunk, including your wife. You walk over to your daughter and start dancing with her.
She drags you back towards the bar before handing you a present.

"Olivia, you should be getting a present! That reminds me yours is on your bed. But I don't need anything!"
"Just open it already!" Olivia asks as you pull the ribbon off. You opened it to reveal a diamond necklace.

"Olivia! How much was this?"
"Don't worry, just let me put it on." She laughs taking the necklace from you, putting it around your neck.

When you turned back around, she showed you her matching one. You laughed and hugged her.

You joined everyone again and all danced the night away. Your parents and Scott and Andrea left at 1, going to their hotels.

Leah took Marilyn back to her hotel after she blacked out. Wednesday took Enid back to the hotel a while later, after she became too drunk. It was just you, Larissa, Olivia  Gwendoline, Lexi and Taylor left. You all danced and drank having lots of fun.

"I still don't get how you know Gwendoline!" Olivia laughs
"We don't know either, we just became friends!" Gwendoline laughs as she spins you around.
"Get off my wife!" Larissa drunkenly yells
"Larissa it's ok my love, she just my friend." You laugh, walking over to her.
You pull her close by her waist and kissed her softly, telling her you are hers and only hers.

Soon, Alejandro makes you leave, you were all very drunk. Gwendoline went home and you and the others got a taxi to your house.

Lexi and Taylor passed out in the lounge and you manage to make it to your room. You fall asleep on the bed instantly.

You are woken a couple of hours later by your daughter.

"Mum, pack your bags, we are going to miami for 3 days!" Olivia whispers trying not to wake Larissa.

"Olivia, why didn't you tell me before?" You hiss, climbing out the bed.
"Well I was supposed to tell you last night but I was too drunk and my phone just reminded me!"
"When's our flight?" You grab a suitcase, chucking bikinis and dresses and shorts in there.
"4 hours!"
"Olivia! Go downstairs and I'll be down in 20 minutes." You hiss, rushing around your room, grabbing everything you would need.

You shut your suitcase before ordering an uber and waking up your wife.

"What do you want y/n, its 6 am?" She groans
"I'm going on holiday with Olivia, I'll be back in 3 days, I love you." You kiss her while grabbing your bag and rushing downstairs.

You hear her chasing after you.

"Y/n, why am I only finding out now?" She hisses
"Because I found out 20 minutes ago. Our daughter woke me up, telling me we were going on holiday, talk to her." Yoy say, going to get a cup of coffee.

You drink it while Olivia and Larissa argue. The uber arrives and you get in, making the long 2 hour drive to the airport.

Miami better be ready.

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