Chapter 63- Third times a charm

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You were now 24 weeks and your bump was getting big. You started wearing baggyq clothing to work but it was hard because all you wanted to were was sweatpants and hoodies.

Your wife had the idea of wearing black dresses and cute knitted-style jumpers, just big enough to hide the bump. You agreed and Larissa and Olivia went shopping so no one would see.

You'd also been writing to Jamie and Brienne and had agreed that you would go visit them on Tarth soon.

It was nearing Christmas and the school was lavishly decorated. You were walking down to the main hall, getting ready to say goodbye to your students before they all left the next day.

Although it was snowing outside, it was incredibly warm during the assembly.

"Well this year has been a great year and here's to an even better one next year!" You smile cheerily before pulling your jumper off. You would've been OK because of the dress until you turned to the side to put your jumper down.

"Well I wish you all a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!" You chuckle as you hear the murmurs rush throughout the hall. You place your arms around your babies smiling down at them.

"I see you've now all seen my little surprise. Don't worry, I will be here until a week before my due date." You smile across the group who all beamed back up at you.

"Principal Weems, is it Mrs Weems?" Someone calls and your head snaps around.
"Yes, who else's would it be?" You sigh shaking your head.
"Well there's alot of tension between you two and Miss Thornhill!" Someone else calls out.
"That is family business, it's no concern of yours." You roll your eyes
"Tell us y/n!"
"Go on!"
"Please y/n?" Your students start calling out.
"Fuck it. Fine if you must know, she cheated in my twin sister. There you all know that Marilyn Thornhill is a lying cheating whore!" You yell, your anger overtaking you.

Larissa drags you off of the stage, holding you tightly. She shushed you until your breathing had returned to normal. You stayed in her arms for a while before going to do what you knew was right.

You and Larissa walked towards the conservatory and knock on the door. You enter to find Marilyn watering her plants.

"Marilyn, can we talk? I just want to apologise about earlier, the students don't need to know and I was just angry and upset." You sigh walking over to her.
"No, I deserve it honestly. I never meant to hurt your sister. I wasn't even sober in the photos she found."
"What do you mean?" You raise an eyebrow in confusion.
"Oh I was at a bar with a couple of friends and we were drinking and one just kissed me and sent photos to me which your sister found. I didn't know what was happening until after. I swear on my life I never meant to hurt Leah, i love her so much." You see tears forming in her eyes.

You step closer, ready to hug her until you felt a sharp pain in your stomach. And then your chest.

"Princess, call Dr. White and see if she can see us now instead of at 4." You groan in pain as you seat yourself at a desk. The pain in your chest was getting sharper while the one in your stomach was spreading.

"Y/n are you ok?" Marilyn comes rushing over.
"Yeah Mari, I'm sorry again about earlier and I ho- ahhhhh" you cry out in pain.
"How far along are you?" Marilyn asks as she holds your back to support you.
"24 weeks, we have check-up but I need to see my Dr now." You wince as the pain hurts more and more
"You look big for 24 weeks." She half laughs
"It's twins Mari, that's why I'm so big." You were clenching your chest at this point.

"My love, Dr White is worried. I'm taking you in now!" Larissa rushes back over, scooping you up in her arms. She rushes to the car, putting you in the passenger seat.

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