Chapter 47- Death at the door

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And then the world went dark.

* Larissa's pov*

No! No! No! Not my wife. I can't lose her. I love her so much. I ran to the infirmary with her in my arms, tears rolling down my face. As the nurses started to cover the wound, I rang an ambulance.

Soon the ambulance arrived and took her to the hospital. She'd lost a lot of blood, causing stress on her heart. It didn't help that her heart was already damaged because of the hyde attack.

"You idiot, why did you die for me? You have so much to live for." I whispered holding her hand tightly. As they started giving her blood, I decided to step out and ring Olivia.

L: Olivia can you come to the hospital?
O: What's happened?
L: Your mother, I need you here now!

She hung up immediately and 2 minutes later, she, Leah and Marilyn turned up in front of me.

"What happened?" Olivia started to cry
"She was stabbed protecting me, that idiot."I start to sob
"She loves you Larissa and I'm sure she'll fight for you," Leah whispers, wrapping her arms around Olivia as she did.

"Who stabbed her?" Marilyn asked, walking to her side.
"Debbie. She forced herself on me and Y/n was trying to protect me."
"Wasn't she in prison?"
"Only for a year but Donovan thinks she'll be put away for another 5 if y/n is OK and life is she dies."
"But y/n isn't going to die," Leah said, trying to smile
"I do hope so." I sighed.

~1 week later~

My darling y/n was in a coma and is now on life support. She was barely alive. I hadn't left the hospital all week, just in case. I really couldn't lose her. I needed her. I'd missed 2 years with her because of my ass of a dad.

And Olivia was heartbroken. I knew how much she relied on her mum for joy. I knew they would sneak out of school. I knew they would go out late at night dancing or for walks. I knew that they were each other's support systems. I knew that Y/n was the first person Olivia went to and vice versa. She can't lose her.

I started to cry again but then someone walked into the room. Morticia.

"How's she doing Larissa?"
"What do you think? She's on fucking life support Morticia. She's barely alive. She might not fucking make it and you waltz in here asking how she's doing?" I sob. I then feel a pair of arms around me. I collapse into her, sobbing my broken heart.

"You know Morticia, she's such an idiot, she's like this because she wanted to protect me, she shouldn't have."
"And you are saying you wouldn't do the same if you were in her position? And I know how close she and Olivia are. Closer than you two sometimes. Think, she knew she might die and she did it for you she wasn't being an idiot, she was being heroic. And a great wife." Morticia hugged me again, she knew how much I was hurting.

After a while, Olivia arrived with Leah and Morticia left. Olivia say next to y/n and started talking to her. About her day, about how much she missed her. About everything.
Then in walked a doctor.

"Mrs Weems, we have to ask you this and we wished we didn't have to. We need to know, when are we going to take her off support. She's barely living, even with the help. We believe it's what's best for her."

I turned to Leah in shock. Tears were rolling down her face. I turned to look at Olivia. She was crying too, holding y/n's hand tightly. I then looked at your wife. Still smiling as she did when she said goodbye. The most beautiful smile.

"Give us some time to discuss it please," Leah says
The doctor nods and leaves.

The next hour was spent arguing over what to do. Me and Olivia didn't want to let her go whereas Leah thought it was for the best. She did make a point though. Y/n died protecting her one true love and welcomed death with open arms. She wouldn't have to suffer. She wouldn't have to keep fighting. But my wife wasn't a quitter, she was a fighter and was going to fight until the very end.

Over the next 2 days, everyone came to say goodbye. Her parents, my cousins, my aunt and uncle, her friends, Wednesday and Enid. For once I think in everyone's life, we all saw Wednesday cry. Like full on sobbing. She gripped y/n's hand holding it close.
"You can't leave y/n! You're like my sister and I need you! We all do. You need to fight for us y/n!" She sobbed as Enid hugged her. Enid was just as upset.

But they ended up getting kicked out because Wednesday went and threatened y/n's doctor to help her. She was hysterical. Morticia also came and cried too. Y/n was the one constant in everyone's life and now she was almost gone.
Marilyn came and bought her one last bouquet of flowers. She cried, hugging her best friend tightly. Not even Leah could console her. It just broke me even more seeing how much she was loved. She left all these people for me. For stupid, useless, ugly old me. Why y/n? You shouldn't have given your life for me.

Olivia and Leah both said their final goodbyes, both sobbing uncontrollably before leaving me to spend one last night with my wife.

"I hate you so much y/n. You left behind I don't know how many people who adore you, just to save me? Why? I would've done the same but I've lived my life, yours is only just starting. You aren't even 25! And you are going to leave behind Olivia? You are probably the only reason she hasn't done anything stupid in her life. I mean, she's graduating in 4 months and you had to leave now? Why my love? Just why? And Leah and Marilyn? Both broken. Marilyn hasn't slept in days and neither has Leah. And you left behind Nevermore? Marilyn said they are all broken, kids in tears, people can't concentrate. They miss your lessons, your smile, your laugh. They miss you. We all do. I'm going to miss you so fucking much y/n. You can't comprehend how much I love and adore and admire you. And so does everyone. Wednesday was in floods of tears, she was truly upset and almost attacked your doctor. Everyone was shocked. She was shaking, crying, hugging you. You left behind everything and everyone for me. And for that I will forever honour you. I will always love and admire you. I see so much of you in our daughter. She's literally a replica of you. I love you."


And that was the sound I was dreading. I looked at my watch.

Time of death: 11:34 pm.

I didn't call anyone, she was bring taken off tomorrow anyway. I leant over and kissed her forehead one last time. She was gone. Gone forever.

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

~back to normal~

Did you really think I was giving up that easily?

1233 words

You can all hate me. I was sobbing as I wrote this and I already knew how I was going to finish it 😭😭

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