Chapter 46- It's time

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⚠️s£xu@l assault, g*ns, hostage situation⚠️

It was Debbie. Debbie was kissing your wife. You tried to quietly sneak past them, heading to the old bedroom. You now knew where your wife kept the g*ns she had. Why she had so many, you didn't know.

You grabbed one and then checked on your phone to see if your cameras were on and yes they were. You put your phone in your pocket before walking back into the office.

Debbie was now shirtless and attempting to take off Larissa's dress.

"Debbie get your hands off of my wife!"
You yell pointing the g*n at her.
"Haha, you think you will shoot me?"
"Remember how it turned out for Jane?"
"Yeah you killed the love of my life and my husband divorced me!"
"Well then better step away from my wife, I'm not afraid to shoot."

Suddenly she grabs the sword that hung over the fireplace. She started to jab at you as you asked your gun.

"If be careful if I were you y/n. If you leave now, both you and your wife will go unharmed. For now." Debbie laughs

"No, I'm not backing down. I will protect my wife with my life!" You can see your wife sneaking round behind Debbie, texting someone. Most likely Donovan.

Debbie spotted Larissa and ran over to her, grabbing her wrist. You got closer, aiming the gun at her head. As you were about to shoot, a bag was thrown over your head and you were knocked unconscious.

You woke up, tied to a chair, feeling dizzy and disoriented. You called out for someone but no one came. Your hands were tied behind your back and you legs were tied to the chair. Luckily, they hadn't tied the rope properly and you managed to undo your wrists. However, your legs not so easily. The knots were tight and tour circulation was being cut off. Your only thought was finding you wife. You reached into the pockets of the blazer you were still wearing and found your pocket knife.

You used it to cut the rope, bring careful not to cut yourself. You then looked around the room, looking for any way to get out. You found a door but it was locked. Unlike your wife, you didn't use hair pins so you couldn't pick the lock.

You search through your pockets and find the idiots forgot to take your phone. You pull it out and manage to ring Donovan.

Y: I'm being held hostage and I have no clue where I am

D: Where was your last known location to someone else

Y: My office with Larissa and Debbie

D: Debbie Fox?"

Y: Yeah she was kissing Larissa against her will

D: Back to prison for her

Y: Donovan just get here quick

D: I'll be at Nevermore in 10

You sat om your phone texting your wife but she wasn't answering. Neither was Olivia or Marilyn. You tried texting your sister but they didn't go through. You were screwed.

Soon you heard loud banging on the corridor. You could hear the sheriff yelling your name.

"Donovan! I'm in here!"
"Step away from the door!"

And with that he managed to break in the door and you were free. You looked around and you were in the basement of the school.

"Have you found my wife yet?" You ask as you make your way up the stairs.
"No, officers are searching around the school, Tyler's on look out in Jericho aswell as some students who were there. I did check your office and all I found was a g*n."
"Shit she has the sword." You mutter under your breath
"What did you say?"
"Oh before I was captured, we were in a standoff, she had a sword, the oathkeeper (my wife brienne of tarth) and I had the g*n."
"That's great then, let's go look."

You rush upstairs and head straight to the classrooms. You reach the maths classroom and it was a mess. Books and papers everywhere. Tables turned over, chairs on the floor.

You then spot a crack in the wall that you never noticed. You called the sheriff and he went to investigate. It was a gap. With your powers, you managed to pull the walls apart, revealing a path. Donovan walks down it first, gun pointed ahead. You follow hoping this wasn't a trap.

At the end of the corridor there was a door. It was slightly ajar so the sheriff continued through. The sight you saw was horrific.

Your wife  was chained to the wall, fully naked and Debbie touching her. You could see the deep fear in your wife's eyes as Debbie's hands went lower down her body.

"Get your hands off her!" Donovan yells, walking closer.
"Nice of you to join us!" She smiles and her face drops when she sees you. "How did you get out?"
"Well the ties were rubbish, I had a pocket knife and my phone in my pocket anyway because whoever tied me up is an amateur idiot."

Debbie then pulls the oathkeeper up from behind Larissa, walking towards you. You looked around the room, funding a metal pole. You grabbed it and used it to fight of the sword. You used to be a fencer so could easily fight her off. But it wasn't just playful sparring, it was really life or death.

As you fought, Donovan was undoing your wife from the shackles, handing her clothes. As good of a fencer you were, Debbie's sword was too scary. You were backed into the wall next too your wife, the tip, inches away from your skin.

And then you felt it, the stab. The blood. The sword. She'd gotten you. She'd won in her game. Her evil game. You fell into your wife's arms, staring up at her gorgeous face.

"Y/n please don't leave me, I need you! I love you!" She starts to cry.
"Larissa, if it is my time to go, that's what's right. And if I do die, remember, I died for you. Not Olivia, not Nevermore, not Leah, you Larissa. I died for you. I love you Larissa. I will love you forever.

And then the world went dark..

1052 words

Ok you can all hate me now :))

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