Chapter 67- Italian girl

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You get into the car beside your wife as she speeds off.

"She has Emma?" You start to cry.
"Yes, my love. She has her. State police are already on the lookout but they think she might already left the country."
"No! Not my sweet baby girl!" You sob into your hands as Larissa speeds to the police station. She helps you out of the car and you see the sheriff outside.

"Donovan how the hell did this happen!" Larissa yelled.
"She got into the hospital and used her mind control powers to convince the nurses to let her take Emma." He sighs, taking into the station.
"Your mother and her damn powers," Larissa mutters.
"We have searched the area and they are searching the state but we've had no news." Donovan pats you gently on the back.
"I'm going to kill her if it's the last thing I do." You mutter.
"Well we are doing all we can to help, but the risk is, she might be after your other child."
"Donovan, you better find this bitch or I will kill you myself." Larissa stands up, slamming her hand on the desk.
"Larissa, we can't do much more, it's on national news, people from all over the country are looking. We are trying our best." He sighs.

You both leave, distraught and stressed.
You reached your house and rushed inside. Olivia came down with Alex in her arms and you immediately snatched her.

"Mum are you ok?" She looks at both of your tear stained faces.
"Your mums mother has Emma." Larissa sighed, sitting next to you.
"No! She can't! How?" Olivia starts to cry.
"It's ok, she will be ok."Larissa takes Olivia in for a hug.
"But what if she's not Larissa? She was still in the hospital because of me. She was probably kidnapped because my mother hates me. What's she gonna do to my sweet baby?" You start to cry again, holding Alex close.

You all sit in silence, there was no answer to your questions. Alex seemed to feel the tension and started grabbing at your hair.
"Oh my sweet baby." A smile graced your face for just a moment like the world around you had stopped and it was only you and Alex. She laughed the sweetest laugh. But then you were bought back to reality by the ringing of a phone.

Larissa walked off and took the call. Olivia came and sat by you, cuddling you and Alex.
"It's going to be ok." You whispered, not really directed at anyone.
Your wife walked back into the room, a half relieved look on her face.

"They've spotted Emma and your mother." She breathes a sigh of relief.
"Where!" You gasp
"On a plane. To Italy." She sighs
"Well what can we do? What are they doing?" You start to panic.
"To not alert your mother that she has been found, they are continuing the flight path. Italian police are waiting at the airport for her and will be on the next flight back with Emma while your mother will be detained." A smile appears on her face.
"But Larissa, you realise, my grandparents will probably be there. I love my grandma but my grandpa, he's a nasty piece of work. He will be protecting him. You ever heard of Damien Rossi?"
"Oh I know, billionaire businessman but with strong telekinetic powers and can shapeshift!" Olivia says
"He's your great grandfather. And he's evil. Did you learn about any major accidents in Italy from 1956-1987?" You raise an eyebrow and Olivia nods.
"Him. All him. My grandmother hates him for it but didn't divorce him. My mother was also involved in this as a child and my grandmother also despised her for it. Once I was 16, she started sending me money every month to help me to try and escape but no luck, until I came to Nevermore. Over the three years, I accumulated 375,000 so plenty to move out after Nevermore but then you know the rest. Once we were married, I told my grandmother and we agreed to stop sending money, but when your mother disappeared, she started again, in larger amounts. I'm keeping the money, I have plenty enough from my dad's parents, I inherited their whole fortune, again when your mother was gone. The money I put away over the two years, is for you Olivia, it's for whatever you want to do in life." You smile and she hugs you gently as Alex was still in your arms.
"So how come your mothers maiden name isn't Rossi?" Larissa raises an eyebrow as she sits next to you.
"My mother changed it before she came to the US so she wouldn't be caught up in all his business and then took my dad's name and yes, I am also part shapeshifter, that's probably strengthened the shapeshifter gene in Emma." You kiss Larissa on the cheek as she leans against your shoulder.
"So why have I never been told this?"
"Because so I need my wife and at the time boss, knowing that my family are a bunch of criminals?" You let out a small laugh.
"No, it's not something I would tell my boss. But think positive, we know where they are." She sighs.
"Yeah, and Alex and Emma can be together again." Olivia smiles, retrieving Alex from your arms.

Now you were baby free, your wife hauled you into her lap, your head resting against her chest.

"Let's hope they get our baby!"

919 words

I love DRAMA!!

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