Chapter 48- I'm back

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Did you really think I would give up that easily?

You suddenly had a burst of energy and bolted yourself awake. You slowly opened your eyes to see doctors surrounding you. They all looked confused but then you heard quiet sobs. You looked to your left and saw your wife, staring at you with nothing but love.

"I heard it princess." You smile tiredly
"Heard what?"
"All of it. Your speech you just made, everyone talking to me, Olivia's breakdown, Wednesday's breakdown."
"So you heard everything?" She gasps
"Yes but I don't appreciate you calling me an idiot!" You let out a breathy, quite chuckle. The doctors were running tests and all sorts as you sat there talking with your wife.

Not long after you woke up, Olivia and Leah appeared. Olivia ran up to you hugging you tight. You hugged her too, having missed her touch.

"Mum, I'm so glad your back. I honestly thought about giving up on life when we agreed to pull the plug."

"Olivia, never think about stuff like that. I love you so much but I would've wanted you to be there for your mother, she couldn't have dealt with losing us both."

Olivia steps back and let's you hug Leah. She was crying. She hugged you tighter than she ever had before.
"Y/n can we agree to not do anymore dangerous stuff?" She lightly chuckles, wiping her tears.
"Well I've been attacked by a hyde twice, been stabbed with a sword, shot a teacher after she tried to SA me, watched my wife shoot my ex, I think I will try and stay out of trouble!" You laugh, managing to sit up.

Soon Wednesday and Enid arrived and so did Marilyn. Wednesday's face lit up when she saw you, sat up in bed, smiling. She rushed up and hugged you.

"I heard it Wednesday. I'm glad to have another sister." She smiles again and you have a tight embrace. Enid started to cry, overcome with emotions. And when she stepped back, Marilyn almost jumped ontop of you with joy, your sister had to very much hold her back.

To your surprise, Noble Walker and Donovan Galpin came aswell.

"How are you y/n? The Mayor smiles
"Better than I was. 2nd time I've died though, doesn't get any better!" You laugh and everyone but Larissa and Olivia stare at you.

"Oh I never told you all! My heart stopped a little while after the hyde attacks. It was stopped for 18 minutes."
Everyone gasps and is confused why you are so chill about it.

"You really are a danger magnet aren't you y/n!" Donovan chuckles
"Wouldn't have it any other way."

Everyone starts talking and laughing about funny stories of you being in trouble or danger.

You look over to your wife who was staring at you. You scooted across your bed, making room for her. She hesitantly got up, wrapping her arms around you.

You cuddled into her chest, you'd missed this. You and her sat ignoring everyone else. Just the fact you were together made you both incredibly happy. The moment in your coma when you could hear your wife saying goodbye in her massive monologue about how much of an idiot you were, you gathered all your strength. You had gathered all your willpower to stay alive for her. And this morning when Olivia spoke about ending it because you were going to die broke your heart. You loved that girl so much and couldn't wait to see what she did with life.

Soon the doctors kicked them all but Olivia, Larissa and your sister out. Olivia and Leah sat om the end of your bed and you chatted and laughed, having a good time. Soon Leah left and so it was just your little family. You managed to make room next to you to cuddle with Olivia aswell.

"I'm sorry for scaring my lovely girls, I love you both!" You smile
"Mum, what happened to Debbie?"
"Donovan thinks she's going to get 10 years as she did technically kill you, even for like 5 minutes and umm did that stuff to me."
You kiss your wife's cheek and all lay I'm bed, falling asleep in eachothers arms.

~2 weeks later ~

The doctors were finally sending you home after many threats from Leah and Wednesday. They gave you the medication you'd been on after the hyde attack and somehow you'd managed to convince Larissa to let you go back to work.

It was a Monday morning when you got up and showered, putting on a navy blue suit, ready for the day. Larissa joined you downstairs soon after.

"Oh my love, you look ravishing." She smiles, pulling you close.
"If you saw the ugly stab wound under here you would think differently!"
"Shut up you are gorgeous and you know it." She lifts you up on the counter, crashing her lips on yours. You pull her closer using the collar of her dress. Then someone clears their throat.
"You guys really need to think about where you do this stuff." Olivia says rolling her eyes
"Sorry sweetheart, your mother just looked too gorgeous." Larissa winks at you.

You laugh before hugging Olivia. You all then make your way to Nevermore and are met with a warm welcome. As you climb out the car, you almost fall over the amount of hugs you are being given, especially in heels.

And in that moment, you started to cry. All these people loved you. You were loved. At this point, the whole school were hugging you and you couldn't move anywhere. You looked around to see Marilyn and Larissa both in tears, and it was the cutest thing ever. After everyone pulled away, you made your way to the quad. Everyone gathers around as you start your speech.

"Students and teachers of Nevermore, I am so happy to be back. I know I worried you all but I am almost healed now. I an so thankful to have so many people to care for me. Those who came to see me in the hospital, I heard you all in my coma. I was fighting for not only you, not only my life but for my wife. I am so thankful to have a partner like her by my side. And a best friend in Ms Thornhill. And if you've heard of Wednesday Addams, a friend like her and Enid. She cried. And yes I know Wednesday cried. For me. And I was told many of you did too. I am so thankful for all of you. And you will be happy to know that Debbie Fox is behind-"

And who did you see straight ahead of you. Debbie. She's supposed to be in jail waiting for her court date. Why was she here?

"Get this bitch away from my wife!" You scream as she walked towards Larissa. You grabbed Larissa's wrist and pulled her behind your back.

Then there was a gunshot and she collapsed. And the person who shot her was revealed.

"I'm back bitch!"

1187 words

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