Chapter 24- I'm sorry

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You look at the name. Do you answer, do you not? Before you could, Olivia snatched the phone.

O: What do you want!
L:Where are you two? You aren't home?
O: Somewhere
L: Olivia, pass me to your mother
O: NO!
L: Olivia....
O:Neither of us want to speak to you, so please, we'll see you soon!

And she hung up. You fell backwards on the bed and Olivia hugged you.
"Thanks for that sweetheart!" You say
"I know it wasn't entirely her fault and you did hurt her but she hurt me and you too!" She replies
"Yeah, I shouldn't have done anything to her, I do really love her!" You start to cry
"Yeah but mum, you went through something traumatic, of course you are gonna be upset!" She hugs you tighter.
"I know, but I just feel so ugly and useless now. I mean I'm still covered in scars although I'm healed. I'm carried everywhere, I can't get through a class without collapsing!"
"Mum, you are gorgeous and mum knows that, she tells me all the time how much she loves you and how gorgeous you are. And you aren't useless. You are a wife, a teacher, a mother, a daughter and most importantly, yourself!"

You cuddle into Olivia and fall asleep. You didn't dream of the hydes, you dreamt of Larissa being by your side. Her honey-chocolate scent, her fluffy white-blonde hair, her soft pink lips. You missed her immensely.

The next morning you wake up at 10am, Olivia still asleep. You get up shower and dress. You open your phone as Olivia goes to shower to find Larissa had messaged you.

Wifey🫶: My office 8am, bring Olivia
Where are you?
Are you asleep?
Y/N Come here right now!
Are you leaving me?
Please don't leave me after 1 fight!
What about Olivia, is she ok?

You: Go home, we'll meet you at 12.

Tears were falling down your face. She thought you were leaving her? You could never! You pull the photo out your bag and hold it tightly. The love of your life, you were never going to let her go!

You call a taxi and it drives you and Olivia to the Weathervane. You pay the driver and walk inside. You order 2 hot chocolates and 2 croissants. You pay and hand Olivia her food. You walk back to the house in silence. You ate and drank on the way, you needed the energy. You walk down your driveway and see Larissa's car racing down the road.
You rush inside and sit next to Olivia on the sofa. Larissa opens the door. She's very flustered, smudged her lipstick and messy hair.

"Soo?" You ask
"What?" She replies
"You wanted to meet!"
"Well I wanted to apologise, I hurt you both."
"Well we accept your apology and I also want to apologise! I'm so sorry Larissa, I never meant to hurt you. I was so tired and fed up, I couldn't take it anymore!"

Olivia pulls you into a hug as tears run down your face. Larissa tries to join but she shakes her head and Larissa backs off.

"I'm so sorry Olivia, I never meant to hurt you, I was upset and never thought about how you might be trying to help!" Larissa says, starting to cry.

"Thanks mum, but do you want to ask why mum felt upset yesterday? Maybe that would help!" She says sternly.

"Honey, what did upset you?" She sighs.
"Don't worry, you clearly don't care!" You snap back, snuggling closer into Olivia.
"But I do!" She cries
"Do you though, cause maybe when I tried to apologise to you, you blew me off and hit my daughter!" You sob
"Our Daughter!"
"If you keep acting like this, she'll be mine!"

Larissa sighs and sits next to you, stroking your leg. You missed her gentle touch.
"Now, honey, tell me what's wrong!"
"Well I feel so ugly after the attack, I have so many ugly scars from the hyde and surgery, I don't feel pretty enough for you anymore! And also I feel useless, you don't let me walk anywhere pretty much, I can't even teach through a lesson anymore! And also I'm so tired all the time! I can't sleep most nights, I always dream about it and I can't face it again!" You sob into Olivia, not making eye contact with Larissa.

"What?" You whimper
"Come here!" And she scoops you up in her arms and rests you on her chest. You immediately melt into her hold, you loved her so much.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice honey, I was too busy!" She cries, stroking your hair gently.
"No it's ok Rissa, I love you so much!"
"I love you too!"

Olivia took that as her cue to leave and walked upstairs.

"And I love you here!" Larissa says kissing where your scars would be
"And here!"
"And here!"
"And here!
"And everywhere love!" She giggles, kissing your lips.

"Did you smash anything while I was gone?" You laugh
"Maybe!" She looks away embarrassed.
"Well I find that cute!" You laugh, pulling her face in for a kiss.
"How do you know?"
"Marilyn....." You laugh.

Larissa laughs and you cuddle up together, both blushing.
You look up at Larissa's grinning face and laugh.
She holds you tighter and laughs along.

"I'm sorry honey!"
"No I'm sorry Larissa, I love you so much!"

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