Change 73- remember

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⚠️mentioned of sexual assault, gun violence, murder, a kidnapping situation, $lut shaming

5 years later.

"Mummy! When can we go to Nevermore?" Emma asked
"4 more years baby, the youngest you can start is 9." You sigh, you wished they could start earlier.
"But you are in charge!" Alex argues.
"Yes I know my sweet, but you would be the youngest and it isn't fair to the other parents." You smile.
"Fine." They both agree sadly.

You giggle before continuing to make breakfast. Olivia joins them, getting ready for work.

"How's Danielle?" You ask as she sits next to the twins.
"Good, I love her so much, I think I might propose soon!" She smiles.
"Well it has been 5 years. I'm happy for you sweetheart, atleast you found love."
"I found my true love." A voice adds as your wife appears next to you.
"Yeah yeah we know," Olivia laughs, rolling her eyes.

You lean up to kiss Larissa before finishing breakfast and passing them all a plate.

They all finish quickly and you and Olivia leave for Nevermore while Larissa stays home to homeschool the twins.

It was an assembly morning so you made your way there straight away.

Everyone was already seated and whispering when you walk in. They all go silent when you step up on stage and as you adjust your suit, some people start to laugh.

"What's so funny boys?" You ask and they go silent as everyone stares at them.
"Just that you are a massive $lut!" One of them yells.
"Please enlighten me?" You smirk as he quietens down.
"Well you wear revealing outfits and you slept with your Principal!" Ome of them calls hesitantly.
"All I show is my collar bone and she wasn't my Principal when I slept with her, anyway, she's my wife now." You shrug casually.
"Also you are a murderer!" The first boy yells. You freeze.
"Charges have been dropped and it was self defence. Want to know what happened." They look shocked, not expecting you to say that.

The whole school sheepishly nods.

"First one, Melissa, murdered in the quad, kidnapped Ms Olivia Weems, stalked me, and tried to kill a whole group of students and Sexually assaulted me. After I had just been attacked by a hyde in Germany. Well I didn't actually kill her, that was my wife but I was a witness. Next one, Jane, teacher here. Attempted to murder my wife, sexually assaulted me, assaulted Wednesday Addams. The mayor and Sheriff were both in witness for this, and I actually did kill her, shot her in the head. Next two, my mum and Grandfather. I know that sounds horrible but they deserved it. I am a descendant of a rich Italian family. Damien Rossi was my grandfather. My mother kidnapped my new born who was in the hospital. My grandmother helped save her but I had to face both alone. And I shot them both. That was hard but I knew they deserved it. Another one I witnessed was my best friend shooting Debbie Fox, an ex teacher here who stabbed me in the stomach, killing me for the second time. And yes I have dies three times. Well there's some information for you." You finish of the story cheerfully.

The hall is silent for a minute. Every one just stared at you.

"You died 3 times?" One of the boys asked.
"Yes, I was attacked by a hyde while I was teaching in Germany, when I was stabbed in the stomach and during childbirth. I would be dead if it wasn't for the Addams family. Now any other questions?" You spent the whole assembly answering questions about the past 10 years and it was really fun to the reactions of students. Olivia even got asked some questions, she was there for all of it.

After school, you went home to find Larissa collapsed on the floor, looking lifeless. Olivia rushed to find the twins while you tried to wake Larissa.

The twins were gone and Larissa wasn't coming around. As you rang Donovan, Larissa woke up. Donovan rushed round to get a report.

"I was playing with the twins and they wanted a snack and I left them in the lounge to get them some biscuits and then there was a bang, I'm on the floor and the door slams!" She cries, she was hysterical.
"It's ok princess, they will be ok." You promise.
"Anyone a suspect?" He asks.
"We've killed most of them." You roll your eyes.
"I know, but maybe your dad, sister, any family?" He suggests.
"Taylor is on tour, the others are all in Italy, my sister and dad are both in Mexico and my grandma is in the hospital. Who could it be?" You sigh.

The sheriff gets a call.

"Y/n, we've had a sighting of them." He almost smiles.
"What already? Where?" You ask worriedly
"Crossing the Mexican border, with your sister." He sighs.
"No! She can teleport she's not that stupid! It's a shapeshifter!" You scream.
"Well, they are going to look, I will get back to you, goodbye." He says, letting himself out.

It wasn't Leah, was it?

854 words

I just knocked this out in half an hour because I was in the mood. Also if I missed any murders, I'm sorry, I couldn't very asked to go through all the chapters.

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