Chapter 58- Tears

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You and Olivia arrive at Nevermore and Lexi, Taylor, Enid and Wednesday are already there.

"What happened y/n?" Wednesday asked
"Marilyn cheated on Leah and no way in hell am I having that." You fold your arms
"What? They were so good together." Enid sighed.
"Yeah well that bitch has it in for her now." Lexi almost growls  as you walk towards the front door.

You unlock it, sneaking past all the teaches who stay at Nevermore. You reach Marilyn's room and unlock it.

She screamed as the 5 of you walked into her room.

"Hey Mari, how you doing?" You smile fakely
"Y/n what are you doing here? It's like 10pm at night." She sighs, flopping back onto her bed.
"You cheated on her sister you fucking whore!" Taylor almost yelled
"What are you talking about?" Marilyn shook her head
"My sister is crying in Larissa's arms right now because you broke her heart! You hurt her Marilyn!" You start to cry. Your twin sister was your other half. You felt her pain.

Lexi takes you into her arms while Wednesday walks up to Marilyn. She whispers something which makes Marilyn squeak in fear. When Wednesday was done with her, tears were running down her face.

Olivia then walked up to face her.

"Olivia I-"
"No you don't get to talk, you hurt my aunt, and not only her, my mother. My mother trusted you. You've been one of her best friends for years and she trusted you not to hurt her twin sister who both have already been through so much. You broke trust with not only Leah, but my mum, me, Taylor, Wednesday, Enid and my other mum. You betrayed all these people who have come to know you and love you. Just for one stupid thing. You are better than this Marilyn." And at the end of that speech, Olivia slapped her palm across Marilyn's face. You gasp and so does Enid.

Suddenly, Leah and Larissa appear next to Marilyn, on her bed. Leah looks around before realising where she was and jumping up. She hurried towards you and you took her in your arms.

"What's wrong L?" You whisper
"I just wanted to be back in her arms and I guessed my powers made that happen." She cries into your shoulder.
"Oh Leah. It's ok, I'm here, Larissa's here, we are all here." You rub circles ok her back like she was a baby.

You see Marilyn standing and walking towards you but Lexi, Taylor and Enid step infront of you. Wednesday throws her back onto the bed and your wife holds her back.

"Leah, can we talk?" She cries quietly
"No Marilyn, you hurt me. I loved you and you hurt me. You hurt everyone and I can't forgive you." She whispers into your shoulder.
"Leah please! You are the best thing that's ever happened to me!" She sobs.
"Well we are going now Marilyn, we will discuss this another time." Larissa said, walking over to you.

You all leave her and make your way home. Larissa lets you and Leah share your room for the night, she needed it. You held your sister close as she cried. She eventually cried herself into a slumber but you stayed awake.

You must've slept eventually as you were awoken by the sun the next minute.
Your sister was woken too and started to cry. You laid in bed with her, comforting her.

Soon there was a loud knock om the front door but you heard your wife answering it.

Soon there was a lot of yelling and 3 pairs of feet running towards your room.

"MARILYN!" Your wife yells as the door was opened to reveal all three of them. Olivia walks over to Leah, putting her arms around her, holding her almost protectively.

"Marilyn get the fuck out of my house or do I need to call Donovan?" You give her an angry look, raising an eyebrow
"I just want to talk with Leah!" She complains walking closer.

"Actually let's talk Marilyn. I have plenty to say." Leah nudges Olivia and they both stand up and Leah walks over to Marilyn. Your wife sits next to you, wrapping you in her arms.

"So let's talk. You cheated, I saw, you don't like that, I'm hurt, my sister is hurt, my niece is hurt, my sister in law is hurt. You hurt my whole family because they loved and trusted you. You did this Marilyn, you have no grounds to defend yourself. I hate you. And I'm sure y/n, Olivia and Larissa all do too. Goodbye Marilyn, we've talked now." She smiles sarcastically, giving her a little wave as Marilyn storms out in tears.

You, Leah and Olivia sit and talk for a while. It was like group therapy. After a while you get a text from your wife that she was going to check on Marilyn. As much as you didn't want her too, you let her.

After a couple of hours, she still wasn't back so Leah took you to Nevermore before returning home with Olivia. You didn't find your wife at first so walked to your office. You opened the door and no surprise she wasn't in there.

You walked over to your desk and opened the bottom draw, where you kept your cigarettes. You hadn't smoked in years but kept them for if you were ever stressed. And you needed one.

You walked out onto your balcony, lighting the cigarette and admiring the grounds. You could never do that when the students were there, they were too noisy and you were too busy. But now it felt like the world had stopped.

You raised the cigarette to your mouth but before it touched your lips, an arm snaked around your waist and a hand snatched it away.
You turned around to find your wife smiling down at you.
She raised the cigarette to her lips before taking a long drag and then stamping it out.

"Although you look really sexy when smoking, it's not good for you." She smiles softly, planting a kiss on your cheek.
"Sorry princess, I just needed a break and to relax." You lay your head on her chest listening to her heartbeat.
"No it's ok, why don't we dance instead?" She leads you over to the record player she bought you, grabbing some random vinyl and putting it on.

She wraps her arms around your waist as 'Can't help falling in love' by Elvis Presely starts to play.

A smile graces your face as you wrap your arms around her neck. You sway in time, never breaking your loving stare.
She takes your hand and spins you round, making you both laugh. As she takes you back into her embrace, you rest your head on her heart. The soft beating calmed you slowly. She spun you round as the music slowed down, pulling you in for a kiss.

"I love you my darling y/n."

"I want a baby."

1188 words
A/n: heyy I'm slowly getting better so expect more updates :)

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