Chapter 38- I'm not ok

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⚠️g*ns, violence, sexual assault

The video plays and it shows you strangling Jane before she kisses you. And then the fight before she starts to kiss and undress you. You shake before running out the room in tears.

You run to your office locking the door and then run into the bedroom locking that door. You fall onto the bed sobbing hearing banging on the door. Soon you hear 3 voices calling out to you. You ignore it but they manage to make it into the bedroom.

"Y/n, honey, why didn't you tell me she assaulted you?" Larissa cries falling next to you holding you tightly.
"I don't know, I didn't want you to worry!"
"No y/n, that's not ok, you don't deserve that. You are the most lovely person in the world and the fact that she laid a hand on you, makes me want to kill her!" She says as you sob into her chest.
"I was just trying to protect you Rissa!"
"I know darling but I'm here to protect you! Olivia sweet go ring Leah!" Larissa says turning to Olivia.

Taylor sits down next to you, hugging you.

"I'm sorry Lara but me, Wednesday, Enid and Olivia all knew, we should've told you!" Taylor says
"All of you knew? Honey, did you tell them all? And not me?"
"Well Wednesday saw and obviously told Enid. I told Taylor who told Olivia without telling me and Marilyn also knew!"
"You were that worried about me?"
"Yes Rissa, I didn't want you to know that she was trying to kill you so she could have me! I love you and I didn't want you to worry!"

Suddenly Leah and Olivia appear.

"Y/n? This bitch assaulted you? I'm going to kill her! Where are they Larissa?"
She looks confused until she registers what she meant.
"Middle draw, there's 4, give me, you, Olivia and Marilyn one. Olivia go get Marilyn!"
"What are you talking about?" You and Taylor say at the same time.
"Oh you'll see!" Leah smiles

Before they decide to open the draw, Marilyn appears with Olivia.

"So we are killing this bitch?" Marilyn says as your wife nods
"We are putting on a good show!" She laughs

Suddenly, Leah opens the draw to reveal 4 g*ns.

"Larissa, it was weird you had one but 4?"
"Well clearly useful, she needs to die!"
"So your giving our 14 year old a g*n?"
"Ok and?"
"She 14 Larissa!"
"Ok, Taylor is a world-renowned music artist and you aren't in a state to be killing someone!"
"Let's go!" Leah smiles as she chucks each of them a g*n.

They all storm out to the quad as you chase after them. Taylor goes to distract the students. They appear infront of Jane, aiming at her.

"Good luck in hell!" Leah laughs
"You think you can shoot me? The sheriff and Mayor are here!" She chuckles.

Suddenly Donovan and Noble appear out of the shadows aiming their guns at her.
How many people do you need to shoot one person?

"Although I don't agree with g*n violence, no one messes with y/n!" The Mayor says putting his finger on the trigger.
"Y/n, is an amazing person unlike you, I am prepared to kill you and go to jail!" Donovan yells, getting closer.

"God 6 of you and you can't even shoot her!" You chuckle as you walk up to Olivia taking her g*n and shooting her in the head.

"I'm not in the mood to be killing someone? Please Larissa!" You laugh, dropping the gun on the floor and walking back inside. As you walk away, the 6 of them just stare at you. You just killed someone and walked off laughing?

"Y/n you just killed someone, are you ok?" Your wife calls after you.
"Yeah I'm fine, you six were taking too long!"
"But you must not be, she sexually assaulted you!" You stopped in your tracks
"I'm really not ok Rissa, she really scared me and almost losing you was horrible. I couldn't take seeing her any longer!" You start to cry, collapsing into her arms.
"Let's get you home honey!" She carries you to the car, sitting you in the passenger seat, getting in the otherside, driving speedily back to your house.

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